// Global Foundation Settings @import "compass"; @import "settings"; // Comment out this import if you don't want to use normalize @import "normalize"; // Comment out this import if you are customizing you imports below //@import "foundation"; // Import specific parts of Foundation by commenting the import "foundation" // and uncommenting what you want below. You must uncomment the following if customizing @import "foundation/components/global"; // *always required @import "foundation/components/grid"; // // Use this grid if you want to start using the new Foundation 5 grid early. // It will change breakpoints to min-width: 640px and 1024px. // // @import "foundation/components/grid-5"; // // @import "foundation/components/visibility"; @import "foundation/components/block-grid"; @import "foundation/components/type"; // @import "foundation/components/buttons"; // @import "foundation/components/forms"; // *requires components/buttons // @import "foundation/components/custom-forms"; // *requires components/buttons, components/forms // @import "foundation/components/button-groups"; // *requires components/buttons // @import "foundation/components/dropdown-buttons"; // *requires components/buttons // @import "foundation/components/split-buttons"; // *requires components/buttons // @import "foundation/components/flex-video"; @import "foundation/components/section"; // @import "foundation/components/top-bar"; // *requires components/grid // @import "foundation/components/orbit"; // @import "foundation/components/reveal"; // @import "foundation/components/joyride"; // @import "foundation/components/clearing"; // @import "foundation/components/alert-boxes"; // @import "foundation/components/breadcrumbs"; // @import "foundation/components/keystrokes"; // @import "foundation/components/labels"; // @import "foundation/components/inline-lists"; // @import "foundation/components/pagination"; // @import "foundation/components/panels"; // @import "foundation/components/pricing-tables"; // @import "foundation/components/progress-bars"; // @import "foundation/components/side-nav"; // @import "foundation/components/sub-nav"; @import "foundation/components/switch"; // @import "foundation/components/magellan"; // @import "foundation/components/tables"; // @import "foundation/components/thumbs"; // @import "foundation/components/tooltips"; // @import "foundation/components/dropdown"; $light-green: #c9f76f; $darker-green: #83ae2c; $darkest-green: #659700; $light-red: #fc9b71; $light-yellow: #fcdf71; /* Ruby code, style similar to vibrant ink */ .ruby { font-size: 12px; font-family: monospace; color: white; background-color: #333; padding: 0.2em 0 0.3em 0; } code { color: #eee; } .ruby .keyword { color: #FF6600; } .ruby .constant { color: #339999; } .ruby .attribute { color: white; } .ruby .global { color: white; } .ruby .module { color: white; } .ruby .class { color: white; } .ruby .string { color: $light-green; } .ruby .ident { color: white; } .ruby .method { color: #FFCC00; } .ruby .number { color: white; } .ruby .char { color: white; } .ruby .comment { color: #9933CC; } .ruby .symbol { color: white; } .ruby .regex { color: #44B4CC; } .ruby .punct { color: white; } .ruby .escape { color: white; } .ruby .interp { color: white; } .ruby .expr { color: white; } .ruby .offending { background-color: #666; } .ruby .linenum { width: 75px; padding: 0.2em 1em 0.2em 1em; color: #ccc; background-color: #222; } .passing { border: 2px solid $success-color; h1, h2, h3 { color: $success-color; } background-color: $light-green; } .passing-color { color: $success-color; } .failing { border: 2px solid $alert-color; h1, h2, h3 { color: $alert-color; } background-color: $light-red; } .failing-color { color: $alert-color; } .pending { border: 2px solid $secondary-color; h1, h2, h3 { color: $secondary-color; } background-color: $light-yellow; } .pending-color { color: $secondary-color; } .reaction-color { color: $primary-color; } .summary { .row { margin-bottom: 1em; } .status { border-width: 10px; @include border-radius(10px); h1 { font-size: 5em; margin-bottom: 0.25em; padding-left: .2em; } } .details { border: 2px solid #DDD; @include border-radius(10px); li { text-align: center; padding-top: 1.5em; i { font-size: 3em; } p { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0em; } } } } .example-group { @include border-radius(10px); margin-bottom: 1em; } .row { .example{ @include border-radius(4px); margin-bottom: .5em; } } .examples { padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em; } .example-heading { p { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 0em; } font-size: 1.2em; } .example-body{ padding-top: 1em; .row{ margin-bottom: 1em; } } .highlight { background:#2B2B2B; color:#E6E1DC; border-radius:4px; padding:1px 10px; padding: 15px; margin-bottom: 1em; } .highlight .hll { background-color:#ffc; } .highlight .c { color:#BC9458; font-style:italic; } .highlight .err { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .g { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .k { color:#CC7833; } .highlight .l { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .n { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .o { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .x { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .p { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .cm { color:#BC9458; font-style:italic; } .highlight .cp { color:#CC7833; } .highlight .c1 { color:#BC9458; font-style:italic; } .highlight .cs { color:#BC9458; font-style:italic; } .highlight .gd { color:#E6E1DC; background-color:#600; } .highlight .ge { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .gr { color:#FFF; background-color:#900; } .highlight .gh { color:#FFF; } .highlight .gi { color:#E6E1DC; background-color:#144212; } .highlight .go { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .gp { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .gs { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .gu { color:#FFF; } .highlight .gt { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .kc { color:#CC7833; } .highlight .kd { color:#CC7833; } .highlight .kn { color:#CC7833; } .highlight .kp { color:#CC7833; } .highlight .kr { color:#CC7833; } .highlight .kt { color:#DA4939; } .highlight .ld { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .m { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .s { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .na { color:#FFC66D; } .highlight .nb { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .nc { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .no { color:#6D9CBE; } .highlight .nd { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .ni { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .ne { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .nf { color:#FFC66D; } .highlight .nl { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .nn { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .nx { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .py { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .nt { color:#CC7833; } .highlight .nv { color:#D0D0FF; } .highlight .ow { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .w { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .mf { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .mh { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .mi { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .mo { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .sb { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .sc { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .sd { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .s2 { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .se { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .sh { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .si { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .sx { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .sr { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .s1 { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .ss { color:#A5C261; } .highlight .bp { color:#E6E1DC; } .highlight .vc { color:#D0D0FF; } .highlight .vg { color:#D0D0FF; } .highlight .vi { color:#D0D0FF; } .highlight .il { color:#A5C261; } $transition-speed: $switch-paddle-transition-speed; $transition-ease: $switch-paddle-transition-ease; $height: $switch-height-tny; $font-size: $switch-font-size-tny; $line-height: 2.3em; $paddle-bg: $switch-paddle-bg; $positive-color: $switch-positive-color; $negative-color: $switch-negative-color; $radius: true; $base-style: true; .switch-row { margin-bottom: 0em; } .top-row{ padding-top: 1.5em; } .passing-switch { @include switch($transition-speed, $transition-ease, $height, $font-size, $line-height, $paddle-bg, $success-color, $light-green, $radius, $base-style); margin-bottom: 0em; } .failing-switch { @include switch($transition-speed, $transition-ease, $height, $font-size, $line-height, $paddle-bg, $alert-color, $light-red, $radius, $base-style); margin-bottom: 0em; } .pending-switch { @include switch($transition-speed, $transition-ease, $height, $font-size, $line-height, $paddle-bg, $secondary-color, $light-yellow, $radius, $base-style); margin-bottom: 0em; } .switch-label { text-align: right; font-weight: bold; font-size: .8em; padding-top: 5px; }