The most important options are:
bake -b Debug
It is possible to omit "-b":
bake Debug
It Debug is the default configuration, it's just:
If you are not in the directory of the main project you want to build:
bake Debug -m w:/root/mainProj
Building just mainProj project:
bake Debug -m w:/root1/myProj -p myProj
Assuming mainProj has several configs really included in the build (which is uncommon), you can choose one of the configs like this:
bake Debug -m w:/root1/myProj -p myProj,abc
Code has been checked out into two roots, the console supports ansi colors, you want to stop on first error and build only the project bspAbc:
bake Debug -m w:/root1/myProj -w w:/root1 -w w:/root2 -r -a black -p bspAbc
To clean the project(s), just add "-c":
bake Debug -m w:/root1/myProj -w w:/root1 -w w:/root2 -r -a black -p bspAbc -c
To build single file(s), use "-f". All files matching this pattern will be compiled (no wildcards allowed):
bake Debug -p bspAbc -f main.cpp
bake Debug -f .asm
C:/another/root # comments written like this
If -w and roots.bake are not specified, the default workspace root is the parent directory of the main project.