# Use this hook to configure contact mailer. ContactUs.setup do |config| # ==> Mailer Configuration # Configure the e-mail address which email notifications should be sent from. If emails must be sent from a verified email address you may set it here. # Example: # config.mailer_from = "contact@please-change-me.com" config.mailer_from = nil # Configure the e-mail address which should receive the contact form email notifications. config.mailer_to = "contact@please-change-me.com" # ==> Form Configuration # Configure the form to ask for the users name. config.require_name = false # Configure the form to ask for a subject. config.require_subject = false # Configure the form gem to use. # Example: # config.form_gem = 'formtastic' config.form_gem = nil # Configure the redirect URL after a successful submission config.success_redirect = '/' # Configure the parent action mailer # Example: # config.parent_mailer = "ActionMailer::Base" end