Stages ------ A gem for creating data pipelines out of tiny, reusable objects Initial code stolen shamelessly from Announcement blog post is at Usage ----- You knit your stages together with '|'. The leftmost pipeline stage will contain a generator, which usually is an infinite loop. Example ------- Image you wanted to output every even number divisible by 3. First you would need a class that would output even numbers. Then you would want to select the ones that are divisible by 3. A simple implementation using stages would like this ```ruby pipeline = |{ |x| x % 3 == 0} loop { puts } ``` We have included some general purpose stages, map and select, which can accomplish many pipeline operations: ```ruby pipeline = |{ |x| x * 3} |{ |x| x % 7 == 0} 3.times{ } #[0, 42, 84]} ``` As of 0.2.7, we have a fancy new alternative syntax for this, which feels more like ruby: ```ruby pipeline = evens | map{|x| x*3} | select{|x| x % 7 == 0} ``` Just include Stages::Sugar to get all the helpers. Writing New Stages ------------------ If you are writing a stage that needs to process an element, you probably want to subclass Stage and implement handle_value. If you are writing a generator, you probably want to subclass Stage and implement process Stern Warnings -------------- There are BREAKING CHANGES in 0.4.0. Nil and false no longer kill pipelines, there is a special value that does that. If you are overriding process and have a construct like this: ```ruby while v = input do_things v end ``` You will need to replace it with something like this: ```ruby while !source_empty? do_things input end ``` But, your pipelines now treat nil and false as perfectly valid values. It's breaking, but it's probably an improvement.