module Fastlane class CrashlyticsBeta def initialize(beta_info, ui) @beta_info = beta_info @ui = ui end def run setup = @ui.message 'This command will generate a fastlane configuration for distributing your app with Beta by Crashlytics' @ui.message 'so that you can get your testers new builds with a single command!' @ui.message '' if setup.is_android? UI.user_error!('Sorry, Beta by Crashlytics configuration is currently only available for iOS projects!') elsif !setup.is_ios? UI.user_error!('Please run Beta by Crashlytics configuration from your iOS project folder.') end @ui.message "\nAttempting to detect your project settings in this directory...".cyan info_collector =,, @ui) info_collector.collect_info_into(@beta_info) if FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.setup? @ui.message "" @ui.header('Copy and paste the following lane into your Fastfile to use Crashlytics Beta!') @ui.message "" puts lane_template.cyan @ui.message "" else fastfile = fastfile_template FileUtils.mkdir_p('fastlane') File.write('fastlane/Fastfile', fastfile) @ui.success('A Fastfile has been generated for you at ./fastlane/Fastfile 🚀') end @ui.header('Next Steps') @ui.success('Run the following command to build and upload to Beta by Crashlytics. 🎯') @ui.message("\n fastlane beta") @ui.message "" end def lane_template discovered_crashlytics_path = Fastlane::Helper::CrashlyticsHelper.discover_default_crashlytics_path unless expanded_paths_equal?(@beta_info.crashlytics_path, discovered_crashlytics_path) crashlytics_path_arg = "\n crashlytics_path: '#{@beta_info.crashlytics_path}'," end beta_info_groups = @beta_info.groups_valid? ? "['#{@beta_info.groups.join("', '")}']" : "nil" beta_info_emails = @beta_info.emails_valid? ? "['#{@beta_info.emails.join("', '")}']" : "nil" # rubocop:disable Layout/IndentationConsistency %{ # # Learn more here: # and: # lane :beta do |values| # Fabric generated this lane for deployment to Crashlytics Beta # set 'export_method' to 'ad-hoc' if your Crashlytics Beta distribution uses ad-hoc provisioning build_app(scheme: '#{@beta_info.schemes.first}', export_method: '#{@beta_info.export_method}') emails = values[:test_email] ? values[:test_email] : #{beta_info_emails} # You can list more emails here groups = values[:test_email] ? nil : #{beta_info_groups} # You can define groups on the web and reference them here crashlytics(api_token: '#{@beta_info.api_key}', build_secret: '#{@beta_info.build_secret}',#{crashlytics_path_arg} emails: emails, groups: groups, notes: 'Distributed with fastlane', # Check out the changelog_from_git_commits action notifications: true) # Should this distribution notify your testers via email? # for all available options run `fastlane action crashlytics` # You can notify your team in chat that a beta build has been uploaded # slack( # slack_url: "" # channel: "beta-releases", # message: "Successfully uploaded a beta release - see it at" # ) end} # rubocop:enable Layout/IndentationConsistency end def expanded_paths_equal?(path1, path2) return nil if path1.nil? || path2.nil? File.expand_path(path1) == File.expand_path(path2) end def fastfile_template <<-eos fastlane_version "#{Fastlane::VERSION}" default_platform :ios platform :ios do #{lane_template} end eos end end end