Format --> lines starting with # are skipped 1 token -2 -1 0 -> The first 1 is the length of the template, in this case unigram -> Then 'n' labels that will be used (must match with the labels generated by the feature extractor) --> Then the positions, in case of 2grams 3grams each position must be --> n/m/p The example would generate these templates: ('token',-2) ('token',-1) ('token',0) Example with bigrams 2 token token -2/-1 -1/0 0/1 1/2 would generate: (('token',-2),('token',-1)) (('token',-1),('token',0)) (('token',1),('token',1)) Example with tigrams (the example makes no sense) 3 token lemma pos -2/0/4 9/8/3 (('token',-2),('lemma',0),('pos',4)) (('token',9),('lemma',8),('pos',3))