require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper.rb') describe "Sequel::Model basic support" do before do @db = DB @db.create_table!(:items, :engine=>:InnoDB) do primary_key :id String :name end class ::Item < Sequel::Model(@db) end end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) Object.send(:remove_const, :Item) end it ".find should return first matching item" do Item.all.must_equal [] Item.find(:name=>'J').must_be_nil Item.create(:name=>'J') Item.find(:name=>'J').must_equal Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J') end it ".finder should create method that returns first matching item" do def Item.by_name(name) where(:name=>name) end Item.finder :by_name Item.first_by_name('J').must_be_nil Item.create(:name=>'J') Item.first_by_name('J').must_equal Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J') Item.first_by_name(['J', 'K']).must_equal Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J') end it ".prepared_finder should create method that returns first matching item" do def Item.by_name(name) where(:name=>name) end Item.prepared_finder :by_name Item.first_by_name('J').must_be_nil Item.create(:name=>'J') Item.first_by_name('J').must_equal Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J') end it ".find_or_create should return first matching item, or create it if it doesn't exist" do Item.all.must_equal [] Item.find_or_create(:name=>'J').must_equal Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J') Item.all.must_equal [Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J')] Item.find_or_create(:name=>'J').must_equal Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J') Item.all.must_equal [Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J')] end it "should not raise an error if the implied database table doesn't exist " do class ::Item::Thing < Sequel::Model(@db) set_dataset :items end Item.create(:name=>'J') Item::Thing.first.must_equal Item::Thing.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J') end it "should create accessors for all table columns even if all dataset columns aren't selected" do c =[:items].select(:id))) o = = 'A' c.load(:id=>1) c.select_map(:name).must_equal ['A'] end it "should work correctly when a dataset restricts the colums it selects" do class ::Item::Thing < Sequel::Model(@db[:items].select(:name)) end Item.create(:name=>'J') Item::Thing.first.must_equal Item::Thing.load(:name=>'J') end it "#delete should delete items correctly" do i = Item.create(:name=>'J') Item.count.must_equal 1 i.delete Item.count.must_equal 0 end it "#save should return nil if raise_on_save_failure is false and save isn't successful" do i =>'J') i.use_transactions = true def i.after_save raise Sequel::Rollback end end it "#should respect after_commit, after_rollback, after_destroy_commit, and after_destroy_rollback hooks" do i = Item.create(:name=>'J') i.use_transactions = true def i.hooks @hooks end def i.rb=(x) @hooks = [] @rb = x end def i.after_save @hooks << :as raise Sequel::Rollback if @rb end def i.after_destroy @hooks << :ad raise Sequel::Rollback if @rb end def i.after_commit @hooks << :ac end def i.after_rollback @hooks << :ar end def i.after_destroy_commit @hooks << :adc end def i.after_destroy_rollback @hooks << :adr end = 'K' i.rb = true 'J' i.hooks.must_equal [:as, :ar] i.rb = true i.destroy.must_be_nil i.exists?.must_equal true i.hooks.must_equal [:ad, :adr] = 'K' i.rb = false nil 'K' i.hooks.must_equal [:as, :ac] i.rb = false i.destroy.wont_equal nil i.exists?.must_equal false i.hooks.must_equal [:ad, :adc] end it "#exists? should return whether the item is still in the database" do i = Item.create(:name=>'J') i.exists?.must_equal true Item.dataset.delete i.exists?.must_equal false end it "#save should only update specified columns when saving" do @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id String :name Integer :num end Item.dataset = Item.dataset i = Item.create(:name=>'J', :num=>1) Item.all.must_equal [Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J', :num=>1)] i.set(:name=>'K', :num=>2)>:name) Item.all.must_equal [Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'K', :num=>1)] i.set(:name=>'L')>:num) Item.all.must_equal [Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'K', :num=>2)] end it "#save should check that the only a single row is modified, unless require_modification is false" do i = Item.create(:name=>'a') i.require_modification = true i.delete proc{}.must_raise(Sequel::NoExistingObject) proc{i.delete}.must_raise(Sequel::NoExistingObject) i.require_modification = false i.delete end it ".to_hash should return a hash keyed on primary key if no argument provided" do Item.create(:name=>'J') Item.to_hash.must_equal(1=>Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J')) end it ".to_hash should return a hash keyed on argument if one argument provided" do Item.create(:name=>'J') Item.to_hash(:name).must_equal('J'=>Item.load(:id=>1, :name=>'J')) end it "should be marshallable before and after saving if marshallable! is called" do i =>'J') s = nil i2 = nil i.marshallable! s = Marshal.dump(i) i2 = Marshal.load(s) i2.must_equal i i.marshallable! s = Marshal.dump(i) i2 = Marshal.load(s) i2.must_equal i i.marshallable! s = Marshal.dump(i) i2 = Marshal.load(s) i2.must_equal i end it "#lock! should lock records" do Item.db.transaction do i = Item.create(:name=>'J') i.lock! i.update(:name=>'K') end end end describe "Sequel::Model with no existing table" do it "should not raise an error when setting the dataset" do db = DB db.drop_table?(:items) class ::Item < Sequel::Model(db); end; Object.send(:remove_const, :Item) c =; c.set_dataset(db[:items]) db.transaction do c =[:items])) db.get(Sequel.cast(1, Integer)).must_equal 1 end end end