require 'pork/auto' describe 'A' do include{ def m object_id end } def f object_id end would 'f' do f.should.eq m f.should.kind_of? Fixnum lambda{ f.should.eq '' }.should.raise Pork::Failure end copy do def t true end would do t.should.eq true end end paste describe 'B' do would 'have the same context' do f.should.eq m m.should.not.kind_of? String lambda{ throw :halt }.should.throw :halt lambda{ lambda{ throw :halt }.should.not.throw :halt }. should.raise Pork::Failure end paste would do t.should.eq true end describe 'C' do paste end end would 'skip' do skip should.flunk end end would 'also work on top-level' do true.should.eq true end describe 'Pork.inspect_failure' do would 'hash' do Pork.inspect_failure_auto( {:b => 1, :a => 0}, :==, [{:a => 1, :b => 0}], false). should.eq '{:a=>0, :b=>1}.==({:a=>1, :b=>0}) to return true' end would 'newline' do obj, arg = 'a'*80, 'b'*80 Pork.inspect_failure_auto(obj, :==, [arg], true). should.eq "\n#{obj.inspect}.==(\n#{arg.inspect}) to return false" end would 'diff' do s = n = s.count("\n") Pork.inspect_failure_auto(s, :==, ["#{s}b\n"], true). should.eq "String#==(\n#{n}a#{n+1}\n> b\n) to return false" end end describe 'should(message)' do would 'show message' do should.raise(Pork::Failure){ should('nnf').satisfy('qoo'){ false } }. message.should.eq "Expect qoo\nnnf" end would 'show lazy message' do should.raise(Pork::Failure) do should(nil, lambda{'nnf'}).satisfy(nil, lambda{'qoo'}){ false } end.message.should.eq "Expect qoo\nnnf" end end