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It relies on a keyring of keys, always using the newest one for encryption, and supporting decryption with any available key. It tracks which data was encrypted with which key, making it easy to age out keys when needed (e.g., on an employee departure). ### Keyring Keys are managed through a keyring--a short JSON document describing your encryption keys. The keyring must be a JSON object mapping numeric ids of the keys to the key values. A keyring must have at least one key. For example: ```json { "1": "PV8+EHgJlHfsVVVstJHgEo+3OCSn4iJDzqJs55U650Q=", "2": "0HyJ15am4haRsCyiFCxDdlKwl3G5yPNKTUbadpaIfPI=" } ``` The `id` is used to track which key encrypted which piece of data; a key with a larger id is assumed to be newer. The `value` is the actual bytes of the encryption key, used for encryption and verification: see below. ### Encryption and verification The encryption mechanism in AttrVault is borrowed from another encryption library, [Fernet](https://github.com/fernet). The encrypted payload format is slightly different: AttrVault drops the TTL (almost never useful for data at rest) and the Base64 encoding (since most modern databases can deal with binary data natively). The key should be 32 bytes of random data, base64-encoded. A simple way to generate that is: ```console $ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null | openssl base64 ``` Include the result of this in the `value` section of the key description in the keyring. Half this key is used for encryption, and half for the HMAC. ### Usage N.B.: AttrVault depends on the `Sequel::Model#before_save` hook. If you use this in your model, be sure to call `super`! First generate a key as above. #### General schema changes AttrVault needs some small changes to your database schema. It requires a key identifier column for each model that uses encrypted fields, and a binary data column for each field. Here is a sample Sequel migration for adding encrypted fields to Postgres, where binary data is stored in `bytea` columns: ```ruby Sequel.migration do change do alter_table(:diary_entries) do add_column :key_id, :integer add_column :secret_stuff, :bytea end end end ``` #### Encrypted fields AttrVault needs some configuration in models as well. A `vault_keyring` attribute specifies a keyring in JSON (see the expected format above). Then, for each field to be encrypted, include a `vault_attr` attribute with its desired attribute name. You can optionally specify the name of the encrypted column as well (by default, it will be the field name suffixed with `_encrypted`): ```ruby class DiaryEntry < Sequel::Model vault_keyring ENV['ATTR_VAULT_KEYRING'] vault_attr :body, encrypted_field: :secret_stuff end ``` AttrVault will generate getters and setters for any `vault_attr`s specified. #### Lookups One tricky aspect of encryption is looking up records by known secret. E.g., ```ruby DiaryEntry.where(body: '@SwiftOnSecurity is dreamy') ``` is trivial with plaintext fields, but impossible with the model defined as above. AttrVault includes a way to mitigate this. Another small schema change: ```ruby Sequel.migration do change do alter_table(:diary_entries) do add_column :secret_digest, :bytea end end end ``` Another small model definition change: ```ruby class DiaryEntry < Sequel::Model vault_keyring ENV['ATTR_VAULT_KEYRING'] vault_attr :body, encrypted_field: :secret_stuff, digest_field: :secret_digest end ``` To be continued... (storing digests is implemented, easy lookup by digest is not) #### Migrating unencrypted data If you have plaintext data that you'd like to start encrypting, doing so in one shot can require a maintenance window if your data volume is large enough. To avoid this, AttrVault supports online migration via an "encrypt-on-write" mechanism: models will be read as normal, but their fields will be encrypted whenever the models are saved. To enable this behavior, just specify where the unencrypted data is coming from: ```ruby class DiaryEntry < Sequel::Model vault_keyring ENV['ATTR_VAULT_KEYRING'] vault_attr :body, encrypted_field: :secret_stuff, migrate_from_field: :please_no_snooping end ``` It's safe to use the same name as the name of the encrypted attribute. #### Key rotation Because AttrVault uses a keyring, with access to multiple keys at once, key rotation is fairly straightforward: if you add a key to the keyring with a higher id than any other key, that key will automatically be used for encryption. Any keys that are no longer in use can be removed from the keyring. To check if an existing key with id 123 is still in use, run: ```ruby DiaryEntry.where(key_id: 123).empty? ``` If this is true, the key with that id can be safely removed. For a large dataset, you may want to index the `key_id` column. ### Contributing Patches are warmly welcome. To run tests locally, you'll need a `DATABASE_URL` environment variable pointing to a database AttrVault may use for testing. E.g., ```console $ createdb attr_vault_test $ DATABASE_URL=postgres:///attr_vault_test bundle exec rspec ``` Please follow the project's general coding style and open issues for any significant behavior or API changes. A pull request is understood to mean you are offering your code to the project under the MIT License. ### License Copyright (c) 2014-2017 AttrVault Contributors MIT License. See LICENSE for full text.