- title "RSVP" = simple_form_for @questionnaire, url: url_for(controller: "rsvps", action: "update"), html: { "data-validate" => "form" } do |f| .form-container #disclaimer %h1.section-title RSVP %span.emphasized Preferences - if @questionnaire.acc_status == "rsvp_confirmed" || @questionnaire.checked_in? %strong ALL SET TO ATTEND! - if Rails.configuration.hackathon['thanks_for_rsvp'] %br = markdown(Rails.configuration.hackathon['thanks_for_rsvp']) - else %br %br - else %strong= current_user.questionnaire.verbal_status.upcase - if @questionnaire.acc_status == "rsvp_denied" %p Sorry to hear you won't be with us this year. - else %p You've been accepted to #{Rails.configuration.hackathon['name']}! %p Will you be attending? .form-inputs = f.input :acc_status, as: :radio_buttons, collection: { " Attending!" => "rsvp_confirmed", " Not Attending." => "rsvp_denied" }, label: "Attendance:", required: true .hide-if-not-attending{ style: @questionnaire.acc_status == "rsvp_denied" ? "display: none;" : "" } = f.input :phone, input_html: { "data-validate" => "presence" }, label: "Please verify your phone number:" = f.button :submit, value: "Update" - if BusList.any? .form-container.hide-if-not-attending{ style: @questionnaire.acc_status == "rsvp_denied" ? "display: none;" : "" } #disclaimer %h1.section-title Bus %span.emphasized Sign-up - if @questionnaire.acc_status == "rsvp_confirmed" || @questionnaire.checked_in? %strong - if @questionnaire.bus_list_id ALL SET TO RIDE THE BUS! - else NOT RIDING BUS %br %br %p We are providing free, sponsored busses. Will you be riding? %br %em %strong You must sign up here if you want to ride. .form-inputs - bus_list_options = ([OpenStruct.new({ name_maybe_full: 'Not riding a sponsored bus', id: '' })] + BusList.all.to_a) = f.association :bus_list, as: :radio_buttons, collection: bus_list_options, label_method: :name_maybe_full, value_method: :id, label: false, wrapper_html: { class: 'radio_buttons_vertical' } - if BusList.where(needs_bus_captain: true).any? = f.input :bus_captain_interest, as: :radio_buttons, collection: { " Yes!" => true, " No thank you." => false }, label: "Would you be interested in being a bus captain?" %p %small Busses will pick up the morning of, arriving in time for opening ceremony. They will depart shortly after closing ceremony, dropping off to the same pick-up locations. %p %small If you sign up for a bus not stopping at your school, you are responsible for transportation to & from a pick-up location. = f.button :submit, value: "Update" %br - if @questionnaire.bus_list_id && @questionnaire.is_bus_captain? %p= link_to "Bus Captain Dashboard »".html_safe, bus_list_path - if @questionnaire.bus_list_id = render partial: 'bus_list_info', locals: { bus_list: @questionnaire.bus_list } - else = f.input :bus_list_id, as: :hidden, value: ''