################################################################################ # # Author: Stephen Nelson-Smith # Author: Zachary Patten # Copyright: Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Atalanta Systems Ltd # License: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ module Cucumber module Chef class ContainersError < Error; end class Containers ################################################################################ def initialize(ui=ZTK::UI.new, test_lab=nil) @ui, @test_lab = ui, test_lab end ################################################################################ def count @containers.count end def to_a @containers end ################################################################################ def load @ui.logger.debug { "Reading '#{Cucumber::Chef.containers_bin}'." } @containers = ((Marshal.load(IO.read(Cucumber::Chef.containers_bin)) rescue Hash.new) || Hash.new) @ui.logger.info { "-" * 8 } @containers.each do |key, value| @ui.logger.info { "LOAD CONTAINER: #{key.inspect} => #{value.inspect}" } end end ################################################################################ def save @ui.logger.debug { "Writing '#{Cucumber::Chef.containers_bin}'." } @ui.logger.info { "-" * 8 } @containers.each do |key, value| @ui.logger.info { "SAVE CONTAINER: #{key.inspect} => #{value.inspect}" } end File.open(Cucumber::Chef.containers_bin, 'w') do |f| f.puts(Marshal.dump(@containers)) end end ################################################################################ def init(name) @containers[name] ||= Hash.new @containers[name][:chef_client] = nil end ################################################################################ def create(name) init(name) # if this is a new or non-persistent container destroy it destroy(name) if !@containers[name][:persist] attributes = @containers[name] @containers[name] = { :ip => generate_ip, :mac => generate_mac, :persist => true, :distro => "ubuntu", :release => "lucid", }.merge(attributes).merge(:arch => detect_arch(attributes[:distro] || "ubuntu")) if running?(name) @ui.logger.info { "Container '#{name}' is already running." } else @ui.logger.info { "Please wait, creating container {#{name.inspect} => #{tag(name)}}." } bm = ::Benchmark.realtime do test_lab_config_dhcpd config_network(name) _create(name, @containers[name][:distro], @containers[name][:release], @containers[name][:arch]) end @ui.logger.info { "Container '#{name}' creation took %0.4f seconds." % bm } # bm = ::Benchmark.realtime do # ZTK::TCPSocketCheck.new(:host => @containers[name][:ip], :port => 22).wait # end # @ui.logger.info { "Container '#{name}' SSHD responded after %0.4f seconds." % bm } end save end ################################################################################ def destroy(name) if exists?(name) @test_lab.knife_cli("node delete #{name} --yes", :ignore_exit_status => true) @test_lab.knife_cli("client delete #{name} --yes", :ignore_exit_status => true) stop(name) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo lxc-destroy -n #{name}", :silence => true) @ui.logger.info { "Destroyed container '#{name}'." } test_lab_config_dhcpd @containers.delete(name) save end end ################################################################################ def set_attributes(name, attributes={}) @containers[name].merge!(attributes) end ################################################################################ def chef_set_client_config(config={}) @chef_client_config = (@chef_client_config || { :log_level => :info, :log_location => "/var/log/chef/client.log", :chef_server_url => "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/#{config[:orgname]}", :validation_client_name => "#{config[:orgname]}-validator", :ssl_verify_mode => :verify_none, :environment => nil # use default; i.e. set no value }).merge(config) @ui.logger.info { "Setting chef client config '#{@chef_client_config.inspect}'." } true end ################################################################################ def chef_set_client_attributes(name, attributes={}) @containers[name] ||= Hash.new @containers[name][:chef_client] = (@containers[name][:chef_client] || {}).merge(attributes) { |k,o,n| (k = (o + n).uniq) } @ui.logger.info { "Setting chef client attributes to '#{@containers[name][:chef_client].inspect}' for container '#{name}'." } true end ################################################################################ def chef_run_client(name, *args) chef_config_client(name) @ui.logger.info { "Removing artifacts #{Cucumber::Chef::Config[:artifacts].values.collect{|z| "'#{z}'" }.join(' ')}." } (@test_lab.proxy_ssh(name).exec("/bin/rm -fv #{Cucumber::Chef::Config[:artifacts].values.join(' ')}", :silence => true) rescue nil) @ui.logger.info { "Running chef client on container '#{name}'." } arguments = { "--node-name" => name, "--json-attributes" => File.join("/etc", "chef", "attributes.json").to_s, "--log_level" => @chef_client_config[:log_level], "--logfile" => @chef_client_config[:log_location], "--server" => @chef_client_config[:chef_server_url], "--environment" => @chef_client_config[:environment] }.reject{ |k,v| v.nil? }.sort output = nil bm = ::Benchmark.realtime do output = @test_lab.proxy_ssh(name).exec(["/usr/bin/chef-client", arguments, args, "--once"].flatten.join(" "), :silence => true) end @ui.logger.info { "Chef client run on container '#{name}' took %0.4f seconds." % bm } chef_client_artifacts(name) output end ################################################################################ def enable_minitest(name) @chef_client_attributes[:run_list].unshift("recipe[minitest-handler]") end def run_minitests(name) chef_run = chef_run_client(name, "-l info") test_result = chef_run.drop_while {|e| e !~ /^# Running tests/}.take_while {|e| e !~ /^[.*] INFO/} puts test_result test_result end ################################################################################ private ################################################################################ def _create(name, distro, release, arch) unless exists?(name) cache_rootfs = cache_root(name, distro, release, arch) if !File.exists?(cache_rootfs) @ui.logger.warn { "'#{name}' has triggered building the lxc file cache for '#{distro}'." } @ui.logger.warn { "This one time process per distro can take up to 10 minutes or longer depending on the test lab." } end @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(create_command(name, distro, release, arch), :silence => true) commands = Array.new # install omnibus into the distro/release file cache if it's not already there omnibus_chef_client = File.join("/", "opt", "chef", "bin", "chef-client") omnibus_cache = File.join(cache_rootfs, omnibus_chef_client) @ui.logger.info { "looking for omnibus cache in #{omnibus_cache}" } if @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo /bin/bash -c '[[ -f #{omnibus_cache} ]] ; echo $? ; true'}, :silence => true).output.chomp =~ /1/ case distro.downcase when "ubuntu" then @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo chroot #{cache_rootfs} /bin/bash -c 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --force-yes install wget'}, :silence => true) when "fedora" then @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo yum --nogpgcheck --installroot=#{cache_rootfs} -y install wget openssh-server}, :silence => true) end @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo chroot #{cache_rootfs} /bin/bash -c 'locale-gen'}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo chroot #{cache_rootfs} /bin/bash -c 'locale-gen en_US'}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo chroot #{cache_rootfs} /bin/bash -c 'wget http://www.opscode.com/chef/install.sh'}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo chroot #{cache_rootfs} /bin/bash -c 'bash install.sh -v #{Cucumber::Chef::Config.chef[:version]}'}, :silence => true) if distro.downcase == "fedora" @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo chroot #{cache_rootfs} /bin/bash -c 'rpm -Uvh --nodeps /tmp/*rpm'}, :silence => true) end @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo lxc-destroy -n #{name}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo #{create_command(name, distro, release, arch)}}, :silence => true) end lab_ssh_path = File.join(Cucumber::Chef.lab_user_home_dir, ".ssh") ssh_path = File.join(root(name), Cucumber::Chef.lxc_user_home_dir, ".ssh") motd_path = File.join(root(name), "etc", "motd") @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo mkdir -vp #{ssh_path}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo chmod 0700 #{ssh_path}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo cat #{File.join(lab_ssh_path, "id_rsa.pub")} | sudo tee -a #{File.join(ssh_path, "authorized_keys")}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo rm -vf #{motd_path}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo cp -v /etc/motd #{motd_path}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{echo " You are now logged in to the "#{name}" container!\n" | sudo tee -a #{motd_path}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{echo " #{name}.#{Cucumber::Chef::Config.test_lab[:tld]} #{name}" | sudo tee -a #{File.join(root(name), "etc", "hosts")}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{echo "#{name}.test-lab" | sudo tee #{File.join(root(name), "etc", "hostname")}}, :silence => true) end start(name) end ################################################################################ def start(name) status = @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo lxc-info -n #{name}", :silence => true).output if status.include?("STOPPED") @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo lxc-start -d -n #{name}", :silence => true) end end def stop(name) status = @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo lxc-info -n #{name}", :silence => true).output if status.include?("RUNNING") @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo lxc-stop -n #{name}", :silence => true) end end ################################################################################ def chef_config_client(name) tempfile = Tempfile.new(name) client_rb = File.join("/", root(name), "etc/chef/client.rb") @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo mkdir -pv #{File.dirname(client_rb)}}, :silence => true) if Cucumber::Chef::Config.chef[:render_client_rb] max_key_size = @chef_client_config.keys.collect{ |z| z.to_s.size }.max File.open(tempfile, 'w') do |f| f.puts(Cucumber::Chef.generate_do_not_edit_warning("Chef Client Configuration")) f.puts @chef_client_config.merge(:node_name => name).each do |(key,value)| next if value.nil? f.puts("%-#{max_key_size}s %s" % [key, value.inspect]) end f.puts f.puts("Mixlib::Log::Formatter.show_time = true") end @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.upload(tempfile.path, File.basename(tempfile.path)) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo mv -v #{File.basename(tempfile.path)} #{client_rb}}, :silence => true) else @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo /bin/bash -c '[[ -f #{client_rb} ]] && rm -fv #{client_rb}'}, :silence => true, :ignore_exit_status => true) end tempfile = Tempfile.new(name) attributes_json = File.join("/", root(name), "etc", "chef", "attributes.json") @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo mkdir -pv #{File.dirname(attributes_json)}}, :silence => true) File.open(tempfile, 'w') do |f| f.puts((@containers[name][:chef_client] || {}).to_json) end @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.upload(tempfile.path, File.basename(tempfile.path)) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo mv -v #{File.basename(tempfile.path)} #{attributes_json}}, :silence => true) # make sure our log location is there log_location = File.join("/", root(name), @chef_client_config[:log_location]) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo mkdir -pv #{File.dirname(log_location)}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo cp /etc/chef/validation.pem #{root(name)}/etc/chef/}, :silence => true) true end ################################################################################ def chef_client_artifacts(name) # this is messy and needs to be refactored into a more configurable # solution; but for now this should do the trick ssh = @test_lab.proxy_ssh(name) feature_file = $scenario.file_colon_line.split(":").first feature_line = $scenario.file_colon_line.split(":").last scenario_tag = $scenario.name.gsub(" ", "_") feature_name = File.basename(feature_file, ".feature") feature_dir = feature_file.split("/")[-2] Cucumber::Chef::Config[:artifacts].each do |label, remote_path| result = ssh.exec("sudo /bin/bash -c '[[ -f #{remote_path} ]] ; echo $? ; true'", :silence => true) if (result.output =~ /0/) @ui.logger.info { "Retrieving artifact '#{remote_path}' from container '#{name}'." } local_path = File.join(Cucumber::Chef.artifacts_dir, feature_dir, "#{feature_name}.txt") tmp_path = File.join("/tmp", label) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(local_path)) ssh.download(remote_path, tmp_path) data = IO.read(tmp_path).chomp message = "#{$scenario.name} (#{File.basename(feature_file)}:#{feature_line}:#{label})" header = ("-" * message.length) f = File.open(local_path, "a") f.write("#{header}\n") f.write("#{message}\n") f.write("#{header}\n") f.write("#{data}\n") File.chmod(0644, local_path) end end true end ################################################################################ def config_network(name) tempfile = Tempfile.new(name) lxc_network_config = File.join("/etc/lxc", name) File.open(tempfile, 'w') do |f| f.puts(Cucumber::Chef.generate_do_not_edit_warning("LXC Container Configuration")) f.puts("") f.puts("lxc.network.type = veth") f.puts("lxc.network.flags = up") f.puts("lxc.network.link = br0") f.puts("lxc.network.name = eth0") f.puts("lxc.network.hwaddr = #{@containers[name][:mac]}") f.puts("lxc.network.ipv4 =") end @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.upload(tempfile.path, File.basename(tempfile.path)) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo mv -v #{File.basename(tempfile.path)} #{lxc_network_config}}, :silence => true) end ################################################################################ def test_lab_config_dhcpd tempfile = Tempfile.new("dhcpd") dhcpd_config = File.join("/etc/dhcp/test-lab.conf") File.open(tempfile, 'w') do |f| f.puts(Cucumber::Chef.generate_do_not_edit_warning("DHCPD Configuration")) @containers.each do |key, value| next if [:mac, :ip].any?{ |z| value[z].nil? } f.puts f.puts("host #{key} {") f.puts(" hardware ethernet #{value[:mac]};") f.puts(" fixed-address #{value[:ip]};") f.puts(" ddns-hostname \"#{key}\";") f.puts("}") end f.flush f.close end @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.upload(tempfile.path, File.basename(tempfile.path)) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec(%Q{sudo mv -v #{File.basename(tempfile.path)} #{dhcpd_config}}, :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart", :silence => true) @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo service bind9 restart", :silence => true) end ################################################################################ def tag(name) @containers[name].inspect.to_s end def detect_arch(distro) @arch ||= @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("uname -m", :silence => true).output.chomp case distro.downcase when "ubuntu" then ((@arch =~ /x86_64/) ? "amd64" : "i386") when "fedora" then ((@arch =~ /x86_64/) ? "amd64" : "i686") end end ################################################################################ def containers @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo lxc-ls 2>&1", :silence => true).output.split("\n").uniq end ################################################################################ def running?(name) status = @test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo lxc-info -n #{name}", :silence => true).output.chomp status.include?("RUNNING") end ################################################################################ def exists?(name) (@test_lab.bootstrap_ssh.exec("sudo /bin/bash -c '[[ -d #{root(name)} ]] ; echo $? ; true'", :silence => true).output.chomp =~ /0/) end ################################################################################ def root(name) File.join("/", "var", "lib", "lxc", name, "rootfs") end ################################################################################ def cache_root(name, distro, release, arch) case distro.downcase when "ubuntu" then cache_root = File.join("/", "var", "cache", "lxc", release, "rootfs-#{arch}") when "fedora" then cache_root = File.join("/", "var", "cache", "lxc", distro, arch, release, "rootfs") end end ################################################################################ def create_command(name, distro, release, arch) case distro.downcase when "ubuntu" then "sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive lxc-create -n #{name} -f /etc/lxc/#{name} -t #{distro} -- --release #{release} --arch #{arch}" when "fedora" then "sudo lxc-create -n #{name} -f /etc/lxc/#{name} -t #{distro} -- --release #{release}" end end ################################################################################ def generate_ip octets = [ 192..192, 168..168, 0..254, 1..254 ] ip = Array.new for x in 1..4 do ip << octets[x-1].to_a[rand(octets[x-1].count)].to_s end ip.join(".") end ################################################################################ def generate_mac digits = [ %w(0), %w(0), %w(0), %w(0), %w(5), %w(e), %w(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f), %w(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f), %w(5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f), %w(3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f), %w(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f), %w(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f) ] mac = "" for x in 1..12 do mac += digits[x-1][rand(digits[x-1].count)] mac += ":" if (x.modulo(2) == 0) && (x != 12) end mac end ################################################################################ end end end ################################################################################