require 'spec_helper' describe ::Libsql::Statement do before(:each) do @db = SpecInfo.test_db ) end after(:each) do @db.close end it "a statement has a copy of the sql it was prepared with" do stmt = @db.prepare( "SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'now')") stmt.sql.should eql("SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'now')") stmt.close end it "steps through results" do now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") @db.prepare( "SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', 'now') as now") do |stmt| stmt.should_not eql(nil) stmt.each do |row| row['now'].should eql(now) end end end it "can prepare a statement without a block" do stmt = @iso_db.prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE two_letter = :two") rs = stmt.execute( ":two" => "JP" ) rs.size.should eql(1) stmt.close end it "knows how many parameters are in the statement" do @iso_db.prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE two_letter = :two") do |stmt| stmt.check_parameter_count!( 1 ).should eql(1) end end it "raises an error if there are not enough parameters are passed in a statement" do @iso_db.prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE two_letter = :two") do |stmt| lambda{ stmt.execute }.should raise_error( ::Libsql::Error ) end end it "can run a query with a named parameter" do @iso_db.prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE two_letter = :two") do |stmt| all_rows = stmt.execute( ":two" => "JP" ) all_rows.size.should eql(1) all_rows.first['name'].should eql("Japan") end end it "it can execute a query with a named parameter and yield the rows" do @iso_db.prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE id = @id ORDER BY name") do |stmt| rows = [] stmt.execute( "@id" => 891 ) do |row| rows << row end rows.size.should eql(2) rows.last['name'].should eql("Yugoslavia") rows.first['two_letter'].should eql("CS") end end it "can execute the same prepared statement multiple times" do @db.execute(" CREATE TABLE t(x,y); ") values = {} @db.prepare("INSERT INTO t( x, y ) VALUES( $x, $y )" ) do |stmt| 20.times do |x| y = rand( x ) stmt.execute( { "$x" => x, "$y" => y } ) values[x] = y end end c = 0 @db.execute("SELECT * from t") do |row| c += 1 values[ row['x'] ].should eql(row['y']) end c.should eql(20) end it "expands an array when binding parameters" do @db.execute(" CREATE TABLE t(x,y); ") values = {} @db.prepare( "INSERT INTO t( x, y ) VALUES( ?, ? )") do |stmt| 20.times do |x| y = rand( x ) a = [ x, y ] stmt.execute( a ) values[x] = y end end c = 0 @db.execute("SELECT * from t") do |row| c += 1 values[ row['x'] ].should eql(row['y']) end c.should eql(20) end it "binds a integer variable correctly" do @iso_db.prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE id = ? ORDER BY name ") do |stmt| all_rows = stmt.execute( 891 ) all_rows.size.should eql(2) all_rows.last['name'].should eql("Yugoslavia") all_rows.first['two_letter'].should eql("CS") end end it "raises and error if an invaliding binding is attempted" do @iso_db.prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE id = :somevar ORDER BY name ") do |stmt| lambda{ stmt.execute( "blah" => 42 ) }.should raise_error(::Libsql::Error) end end it "can reset the statement to the state it was before executing" do stmt = @iso_db.prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE id = :somevar ORDER BY name ") stmt.reset_and_clear_bindings! stmt.close end it "can execute a single sql command and say if there is remaining sql to execute" do stmt = @db.prepare( @schema ) stmt.execute stmt.remaining_sql.size.should be > 0 stmt.close end it "can select the rowid from the table" do db = ":memory:" ) db.execute( "create table t1(c1,c2,c3)" ) db.execute("insert into t1(c1,c2,c3) values (1,2,'abc')") rows = db.execute( "select rowid,* from t1") rows.size.should eql(1) rows.first['rowid'].should eql(1) rows.first['c1'].should eql(1 ) rows.first['c3'].should eql('abc') end it "shows that the rowid column is rowid column" do db = ":memory:" ) db.execute( "create table t1(c1,c2,c3)" ) db.execute("insert into t1(c1,c2,c3) values (1,2,'abc')") db.prepare( "select oid,* from t1" ) do |stmt| stmt.execute stmt.should be_using_rowid_column end db.prepare( "select * from t1" ) do |stmt| stmt.execute stmt.should_not be_using_rowid_column end end it "has index based access to the result set" do @iso_db.prepare("SELECT * FROM country WHERE id = ? ORDER BY name ") do |stmt| all_rows = stmt.execute( 891 ) all_rows.size.should eql(2) all_rows.last.first.should eql("Yugoslavia") all_rows.first[1].should eql("CS") end end end