require 'spec_helper' describe Enceladus::Movie do before do stub_request(:get, /\/3\/configuration/).to_return(status: 200, body: build(:configuration_response).to_json) Enceladus.connect("token") # start configuration with default values end describe "#find" do subject(:movie) { Enceladus::Movie.find( } let(:movie_response) { build(:movie_response) } before do stub_request(:get, /\/3\/movie\/#{}/). to_return(status: 200, body: movie_response.to_json) end it "should set the attribute adult" do expect( eq( end it "should set the attribute adult" do expect( eq( end it "should set the attribute backdrop_path" do expect(movie.backdrop_path).to eq(movie_response.backdrop_path) end it "should set the attribute belongs_to_collection" do expect(movie.belongs_to_collection).to eq(movie_response.belongs_to_collection) end it "should set the attribute budget" do expect(movie.budget).to eq(movie_response.budget) end it "should set the attribute homepage" do expect(movie.homepage).to eq(movie_response.homepage) end it "should set the attribute id" do expect( eq( end it "should set the attribute imdb_id" do expect(movie.imdb_id).to eq(movie_response.imdb_id) end it "should set the attribute original_title" do expect(movie.original_title).to eq(movie_response.original_title) end it "should set the attribute overview" do expect(movie.overview).to eq(movie_response.overview) end it "should set the attribute popularity" do expect(movie.popularity).to eq(movie_response.popularity) end it "should set the attribute poster_path" do expect(movie.poster_path).to eq(movie_response.poster_path) end it "should set the attribute release_date" do expect(movie.release_date).to eq(movie_response.release_date) end it "should set the attribute revenue" do expect(movie.revenue).to eq(movie_response.revenue) end it "should set the attribute runtime" do expect(movie.runtime).to eq(movie_response.runtime) end it "should set the attribute status" do expect(movie.status).to eq(movie_response.status) end it "should set the attribute tagline" do expect(movie.tagline).to eq(movie_response.tagline) end it "should set the attribute title" do expect(movie.title).to eq(movie_response.title) end it "should set the attribute vote_average" do expect(movie.vote_average).to eq(movie_response.vote_average) end it "should set the attribute vote_count" do expect(movie.vote_count).to eq(movie_response.vote_count) end describe "#genres" do subject { movie.genres } let(:genre) { movie.genres.first } let(:genre_from_response) { movie_response.genres.first } it { be_kind_of Array } it "should set the attribute id" do expect( eq(genre_from_response[:id]) end it "should set the attribute name" do expect( eq(genre_from_response[:name]) end end describe "#production_companies" do subject { movie.production_companies } let(:production_company) { movie.production_companies.first } let(:production_company_from_response) { movie_response.production_companies.first } it { be_kind_of Array } it "should set the attribute id" do expect( eq(production_company_from_response[:id]) end it "should set the attribute name" do expect( eq(production_company_from_response[:name]) end end describe "#production_countries" do subject { movie.production_countries } let(:production_country) { movie.production_countries.first } let(:production_country_from_response) { movie_response.production_countries.first } it { be_kind_of Array } it "should set the attribute iso_3166_1" do expect(production_country.iso_3166_1).to eq(production_country_from_response[:iso_3166_1]) end it "should set the attribute name" do expect( eq(production_country_from_response[:name]) end end describe "#spoken_languages" do subject { movie.spoken_languages } let(:spoken_language) { movie.spoken_languages.first } let(:spoken_language_from_response) { movie_response.spoken_languages.first } it { be_kind_of Array } it "should set the attribute iso_639_1" do expect(spoken_language.iso_639_1).to eq(spoken_language_from_response[:iso_639_1]) end it "should set the attribute name" do expect( eq(spoken_language_from_response[:name]) end end describe "#releases" do subject { movie.releases } let(:release) { movie.releases.first } let(:release_from_response) { movie_response.releases[:countries].first } it { be_kind_of Array } it "should set the attribute iso_3166_1" do expect(release.iso_3166_1).to eq(release_from_response[:iso_3166_1]) end it "should set the attribute certification" do expect(release.certification).to eq(release_from_response[:certification]) end it "should set the attribute release_date" do expect(release.release_date).to eq(release_from_response[:release_date]) end end describe "#youtube_trailers" do subject { movie.youtube_trailers } let(:youtube_trailer) { movie.youtube_trailers.first } let(:youtube_trailer_from_response) { movie_response.trailers[:youtube].first } it { be_kind_of Array } it "should set the attribute name" do expect( eq(youtube_trailer_from_response[:name]) end it "should set the attribute size" do expect(youtube_trailer.size).to eq(youtube_trailer_from_response[:size]) end it "should set the attribute source" do expect(youtube_trailer.source).to eq(youtube_trailer_from_response[:source]) end it "should set the attribute type" do expect(youtube_trailer.type).to eq(youtube_trailer_from_response[:type]) end end end [:upcoming, :now_playing, :popular, :top_rated].each do |endpoint| describe ".#{endpoint}" do subject(:movies) { Enceladus::Movie.send(endpoint) } let(:response) { build(:movie_collection_response) } before do stub_request(:get, /\/3\/movie\/#{endpoint}/).to_return(status: 200, body: response.to_json) end it "should return a Enceladus::MovieCollection" do be_kind_of(Enceladus::MovieCollection) end it "should fetch #{endpoint} movies" do movie = response.results.first expect( include end end end describe "#similar" do subject(:movies) { movie.similar } let(:response) { build(:movie_collection_response) } let(:movie) { } before do = 123 stub_request(:get, /\/3\/movie\/#{}\/similar/).to_return(status: 200, body: response.to_json) end it "should return a Enceladus::MovieCollection" do be_kind_of(Enceladus::MovieCollection) end it "should fetch similar movies" do movie = response.results.first expect( include end end describe ".find_by_title" do subject(:movies) { Enceladus::Movie.find_by_title(title) } let(:response) { build(:movie_collection_response) } let(:title) { "Banana" } before do stub_request(:get, ",trailers&include_adult=false&include_image_language=en&language=en&page=1&query=#{title}") .to_return(status: 200, body: response.to_json) end it "should return a Enceladus::MovieCollection" do be_kind_of(Enceladus::MovieCollection) end it "should fetch movies by title" do movie = response.results.first expect( include end end describe "#reload" do subject(:reload) { movie.reload } let(:movie) { } let(:movie_id) { 1234 } let(:response) { build(:movie_response, id: movie_id) } before do = movie_id stub_request(:get, /\/3\/movie\/#{movie_id}/) .to_return(status: 200, body: response.to_json) end it "should return a Enceladus::Movie" do be_kind_of(Enceladus::Movie) end [:adult, :backdrop_path, :belongs_to_collection, :budget, :homepage, :id, :imdb_id, :original_title, :overview, :popularity, :poster_path, :release_date, :revenue, :runtime, :status, :tagline, :title, :vote_average, :vote_count].each do |attr| it "should fetch the movie##{attr}" do reload expect(movie.send(attr)).to eq(response.send(attr)) end end it "should fetch movie genres" do reload genre = movie.genres.first genre_from_response = response.genres.first expect( eq(genre_from_response[:id]) expect( eq(genre_from_response[:name]) end it "should fetch movie production companies" do reload production_company = movie.production_companies.first production_company_from_response = response.production_companies.first expect( eq(production_company_from_response[:id]) expect( eq(production_company_from_response[:name]) end it "should fetch movie production countries" do reload production_country = movie.production_countries.first production_country_from_response = response.production_countries.first expect(production_country.iso_3166_1).to eq(production_country_from_response[:iso_3166_1]) expect( eq(production_country_from_response[:name]) end it "should fetch movie spoken languages" do reload spoken_language = movie.spoken_languages.first spoken_language_from_response = response.spoken_languages.first expect(spoken_language.iso_639_1).to eq(spoken_language_from_response[:iso_639_1]) expect( eq(spoken_language_from_response[:name]) end it "should fetch movie releases" do reload release = movie.releases.first release_from_response = response.releases[:countries].first expect(release.iso_3166_1).to eq(release_from_response[:iso_3166_1]) expect(release.certification).to eq(release_from_response[:certification]) expect(release.release_date).to eq(release_from_response[:release_date]) end it "should fetch movie trailers" do reload trailer = movie.youtube_trailers.first trailer_from_response = response.trailers[:youtube].first expect( eq(trailer_from_response[:name]) expect(trailer.size).to eq(trailer_from_response[:size]) expect(trailer.source).to eq(trailer_from_response[:source]) expect(trailer.type).to eq(trailer_from_response[:type]) end end describe "#rate!" do subject(:make_request) { movie.rate!(account, rating) } let(:movie) { } let(:rating) { 7.3 } before { = 111 } context "when rating with permanent account" do let(:account) {, password) } let(:request_token_response) { build(:request_token_response) } let(:authentication_response) { build(:authentication_response) } let(:session_response) { build(:session_response) } let(:account_response) { build(:account_response) } let(:username) { "ashlynn_brooke" } let(:password) { "corinthians" } before do stub_request(:get, ""). to_return(status: 200, body: request_token_response.to_json) stub_request(:get, "{password}&request_token=#{request_token_response.request_token}&username=#{username}"). to_return(status: 200, body: authentication_response.to_json) stub_request(:get, "{request_token_response.request_token}"). to_return(status: 200, body: session_response.to_json) stub_request(:get, "{session_response.session_id}"). to_return(status: 200, body: account_response.to_json) end it "should post a request to favorite movie" do request = stub_request(:post, "{}/rating?api_key=token&session_id=#{session_response.session_id}"). with(body: "{\"value\":7.5}"). to_return(status: 200, body: "{ \"success\": 1 }") make_request expect(request).to have_been_requested end end context "when rating with guest account" do let(:account) { } let(:guest_account_response) { build(:guest_account_response) } before do stub_request(:get, ""). to_return(status: 200, body: guest_account_response.to_json) end it "should post a request to favorite movie" do request = stub_request(:post, "{}/rating?api_key=token&guest_session_id=#{guest_account_response.guest_session_id}"). with(body: "{\"value\":7.5}"). to_return(status: 200, body: "{ \"success\": 1 }") make_request expect(request).to have_been_requested end end context "when provided account is not an Enceladus::Account or Enceladus::GuestAccount" do let(:account) { nil } it { expect{ subject }.to raise_error(Enceladus::Exception::ArgumentError) } end end describe "#cast" do subject(:cast) { movie.cast } let(:movie) { } let(:movie_id) { 123 } let(:response) { build(:credits_collection_response) } let(:cast_response) { response.cast.first } before do = movie_id stub_request(:get, "{movie_id}/credits?api_key=token"). to_return(status: 200, body: response.to_json) end it "should return an array of Enceladus::Cast" do expect( eq([Enceladus::Cast]) end describe "single cast resource" do subject { cast.first } [:cast_id, :character, :credit_id, :id, :name, :order, :profile_path].each do |attr| it "should set cast #{attr}" do expect(subject.send(attr)).to eq(cast_response.send(attr)) end end end end describe "#backdrop_urls" do subject { movie.backdrop_urls } let(:movie) { } before do movie.backdrop_path = "/pamela_butt.jpeg" end it "should return profile url" do eq(["{movie.backdrop_path}", "{movie.backdrop_path}", "{movie.backdrop_path}", "{movie.backdrop_path}"]) end end describe "#poster_urls" do subject { movie.poster_urls } let(:movie) { } before do movie.poster_path = "/vivi_fernandes.jpeg" end it "should return profile url" do eq(["{movie.poster_path}", "{movie.poster_path}", "{movie.poster_path}", "{movie.poster_path}", "{movie.poster_path}", "{movie.poster_path}", "{movie.poster_path}"]) end end end