Given /^I dump the contents of the search index$/ do rest.get_rest("/search/").each do |index_name, index_url| puts "INDEX NAME: `#{index_name}'" pp rest.get_rest(index_url.sub("", '')) end end When /^I '([^']*)' (?:to )?the path '([^']*)'$/ do |http_method, request_uri| begin self.api_response = rest.send("#{http_method}_rest".downcase.to_sym, request_uri) self.inflated_response = self.api_response rescue Chef::Log.debug("Caught exception in request: #{$!.message}") self.exception = $! end end When /^I '(.+)' the path '(.+)' using a wrong private key$/ do |http_method, request_uri| key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(2048), 'false_key.pem'), "w") { |f| f.print key } @rest =[:chef_server_url], 'snakebite' , File.join(tmpdir, 'false_key.pem')) When "I '#{http_method}' the path '#{request_uri}'" end When /^I (.+) the client$/ do |action| raise ArgumentError, "You can only create or save clients" unless action =~ /^(create|save)$/ client = stash['client'] request_body = {:name =>, :admin => client.admin} begin self.inflated_response = @rest.post_rest("clients", request_body) if action == 'create' self.inflated_response = @rest.put_rest("clients/#{}", request_body) if action == 'save' rescue self.exception = $! end end When /^I '(.+)' the '(.+)' to the path '(.+)'$/ do |http_method, stash_key, request_uri| begin self.api_response = rest.send("#{http_method.to_s.downcase}_rest".downcase.to_sym, request_uri, stash[stash_key]) self.inflated_response = self.api_response rescue self.exception = $! end end When /^I '(.+)' the '(.+)' to the path '(.+)' using a wrong private key$/ do |http_method, stash_key, request_uri| key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(2048), 'false_key.pem'), "w") { |f| f.print key } @rest =[:chef_server_url], 'snakebite' , File.join(tmpdir, 'false_key.pem')) When "I '#{http_method}' the '#{stash_key}' to the path '#{request_uri}'" end When /^I delete local private key/ do Chef::FileCache.delete("private_key.pem") end When /^I register '(.+)'$/ do |user| begin rest =[:registration_url]) rest.register("bobo") rescue self.exception = $! end end When /^I authenticate as '(.+)'$/ do |reg| begin rest.authenticate(reg, 'tclown') rescue self.exception = $! end end When "I edit the '$not_admin' client" do |client| stash['client'] = @rest.get_rest("/clients/not_admin") end When "I set '$property' to true" do |property| stash['client'].send(property.to_sym, true) end def call_as_admin(&block) orig_rest = @rest orig_node_name = Chef::Config[:node_name] orig_client_key = Chef::Config[:client_key] begin @rest = admin_rest Chef::Config[:node_name] = @rest.auth_credentials.client_name Chef::Config[:client_key] = @rest.auth_credentials.key_file yield ensure @rest = orig_rest Chef::Config[:node_name] = orig_node_name Chef::Config[:client_key] = orig_client_key end end