require 'helper' describe MtGox::Client do before do @client = MtGox.configure {|c|"my_name"; c.pass="my_password"} end describe '#ticker' do before do stub_get('/code/data/ticker.php'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => fixture('ticker.json')) end it "should fetch the ticker" do ticker = @client.ticker a_get('/code/data/ticker.php').should have_been_made ticker.last.should == 26.5 end end describe 'depth methods' do before :each do stub_get('/code/data/getDepth.php'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => fixture('depth.json')) end describe '#asks' do it "should fetch open asks" do asks = @client.asks a_get('/code/data/getDepth.php').should have_been_made asks.last.should == [45, 593.28] end it "should be sorted in price-ascending order" do asks = @client.asks asks.sort_by {|x| x[0]}.should == asks end end describe "#bids" do it "should fetch open bids" do bids = @client.bids a_get('/code/data/getDepth.php').should have_been_made bids.last.should == [19.1, 1] end it "should be sorted in price-descending order" do bids = @client.bids bids.sort_by {|x| x[0]}.reverse.should == bids end end describe "#offers" do it "should fetch both bids and asks, making only 1 network request" do offers = @client.offers a_get('/code/data/getDepth.php').should have_been_made.once offers.asks.last.should == [45, 593.28] offers.bids.last.should == [19.1, 1] end end end describe '#trades' do before do stub_get('/code/data/getTrades.php'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => fixture('trades.json')) end it "should fetch trades" do trades = @client.trades a_get('/code/data/getTrades.php').should have_been_made == Time.utc(2011, 6, 8, 9, 51, 57) trades.last.price.should == 26.6099 trades.last.amount.should == 1.37 trades.last.tid.should == "129606" end it "should be sorted in chronological order" do trades = @client.trades trades.sort_by(&:date).should == trades end end describe '#balance' do before do stub_post('/code/getFunds.php'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => fixture('funds.json')) end it "should fetch balance" do balance = @client.balance a_post("/code/getFunds.php").should have_been_made balance.usds.should == 3.7 balance.btcs.should == 22.0 end end describe "order methods" do before :each do stub_post('/code/getOrders.php'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => fixture('orders.json')) end describe "#buys" do it "should fetch orders" do buys = @client.buys a_post("/code/getOrders.php").should have_been_made buys.last.price.should == 14 end end describe "#sells" do it "should fetch sells" do sells = @client.sells a_post("/code/getOrders.php").should have_been_made sells.last.price.should == 29.3 end end end describe "#buy!" do before do stub_post('/code/buyBTC.php'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => fixture('buy.json')) end it "should place a bid" do!(0.88, 0.89) a_post("/code/buyBTC.php"). with(:body => {"name" => "my_name", "pass" => "my_password", "amount" => "0.88", "price" => "0.89"}). should have_been_made end end describe "#sell!" do before do stub_post('/code/sellBTC.php'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => fixture('sell.json')) end it "should place an ask" do @client.sell!(0.88, 89.0) a_post("/code/sellBTC.php"). with(:body => {"name" => "my_name", "pass" => "my_password", "amount" => "0.88", "price" => "89.0"}). should have_been_made end end describe "#cancel" do before do stub_post('/code/getOrders.php'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => fixture('orders.json')) stub_post('/code/cancelOrder.php'). to_return(:status => 200, :body => fixture('cancel.json')) end context "with a valid oid passed" do it "should cancel an order" do @client.cancel(929284) a_post("/code/getOrders.php").should have_been_made.once a_post('/code/cancelOrder.php'). with(:body => {"name" => "my_name", "pass" => "my_password", "oid" => "929284", "type" => "2"}). should have_been_made end end context "with an invalid oid passed" do it "should raise an error" do lambda do @client.cancel(1234567890) end.should raise_error(Faraday::Error::ResourceNotFound) end end context "with an order passed" do it "should cancel an order" do @client.cancel({'oid' => "929284", 'type' => 2}) a_post('/code/cancelOrder.php'). with(:body => {"name" => "my_name", "pass" => "my_password", "oid" => "929284", "type" => "2"}). should have_been_made end end end end