module ActiveData class ActiveDataError < StandardError end class NotFound < ActiveDataError end # Backported from active_model 5 class ValidationError < ActiveDataError attr_reader :model def initialize(model) @model = model errors = @model.errors.full_messages.join(", ") super(I18n.t(:"#{@model.class.i18n_scope}.errors.messages.model_invalid", errors: errors, default: :'errors.messages.model_invalid')) end end class UnsavableObject < ActiveDataError end class UndestroyableObject < ActiveDataError end class ObjectNotSaved < ActiveDataError end class ObjectNotDestroyed < ActiveDataError end class AssociationChangesNotApplied < ActiveDataError end class AssociationTypeMismatch < ActiveDataError def initialize expected, got super "Expected `#{expected}` (##{expected.object_id}), but got `#{got}` (##{got.object_id})" end end class ObjectNotFound < ActiveDataError def initialize object, association_name, record_id message = "Couldn't find #{object.class.reflect_on_association(association_name)}" \ "with #{object.respond_to?(:_primary_name) ? object._primary_name : 'id'} = #{record_id} for #{object.inspect}" super message end end class TooManyObjects < ActiveDataError def initialize limit, actual_size super "Maximum #{limit} objects are allowed. Got #{actual_size} objects instead." end end class UndefinedPrimaryAttribute < ActiveDataError def initialize klass, association_name super <<-EOS Undefined primary attribute for `#{association_name}` in #{klass}. It is required for embeds_many nested attributes proper operation. You can define this association as: embeds_many :#{association_name} do primary :attribute_name end EOS end end class NormalizerMissing < NoMethodError def initialize name super <<-EOS Could not find normalizer `:#{name}` You can define it with: ActiveData.normalizer(:#{name}) do |value, options| # do some staff with value and options end EOS end end class TypecasterMissing < NoMethodError def initialize *classes super <<-EOS Could not find typecaster for #{classes} You can define it with: ActiveData.typecaster('#{classes.first}') do |value| # do some staff with value and options end EOS end end end