# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../../puppet/ffi/windows' module Puppet::Util::Windows::File extend Puppet::Util::Windows::String include Puppet::FFI::Windows::Constants extend Puppet::FFI::Windows::Structs include Puppet::FFI::Windows::Structs include Puppet::FFI::Windows::Functions extend Puppet::FFI::Windows::Functions def replace_file(target, source) target_encoded = wide_string(target.to_s) source_encoded = wide_string(source.to_s) flags = REPLACEFILE_IGNORE_MERGE_ERRORS backup_file = nil result = ReplaceFileW( target_encoded, source_encoded, backup_file, flags, FFI::Pointer::NULL, FFI::Pointer::NULL ) return true if result != FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("ReplaceFile(#{target}, #{source})") end module_function :replace_file def move_file_ex(source, target, flags = 0) result = MoveFileExW(wide_string(source.to_s), wide_string(target.to_s), flags) return true if result != FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error .new("MoveFileEx(#{source}, #{target}, #{flags.to_s(8)})") end module_function :move_file_ex def symlink(target, symlink) flags = File.directory?(target) ? 0x1 : 0x0 result = CreateSymbolicLinkW(wide_string(symlink.to_s), wide_string(target.to_s), flags) return true if result != FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new( "CreateSymbolicLink(#{symlink}, #{target}, #{flags.to_s(8)})" ) end module_function :symlink def exist?(path) path = path.to_str if path.respond_to?(:to_str) # support WatchedFile path = path.to_s # support String and Pathname seen_paths = [] # follow up to 64 symlinks before giving up 0.upto(64) do |_depth| # return false if this path has been seen before. This is protection against circular symlinks return false if seen_paths.include?(path.downcase) result = get_attributes(path, false) # return false for path not found return false if result == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES # return true if path exists and it's not a symlink # Other file attributes are ignored. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/gg258117(v=vs.85).aspx reparse_point = (result & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT if reparse_point && symlink_reparse_point?(path) # walk the symlink and try again... seen_paths << path.downcase path = readlink(path) else # file was found and its not a symlink return true end end false end module_function :exist? def get_attributes(file_name, raise_on_invalid = true) result = GetFileAttributesW(wide_string(file_name.to_s)) if raise_on_invalid && result == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("GetFileAttributes(#{file_name})") end result end module_function :get_attributes def add_attributes(path, flags) oldattrs = get_attributes(path) if (oldattrs | flags) != oldattrs set_attributes(path, oldattrs | flags) end end module_function :add_attributes def remove_attributes(path, flags) oldattrs = get_attributes(path) if (oldattrs & ~flags) != oldattrs set_attributes(path, oldattrs & ~flags) end end module_function :remove_attributes def set_attributes(path, flags) success = SetFileAttributesW(wide_string(path), flags) != FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new(_("Failed to set file attributes")) if !success success end module_function :set_attributes # define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ((HANDLE)(LONG_PTR)-1) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = FFI::Pointer.new(-1).address def self.create_file(file_name, desired_access, share_mode, security_attributes, creation_disposition, flags_and_attributes, template_file_handle) result = CreateFileW(wide_string(file_name.to_s), desired_access, share_mode, security_attributes, creation_disposition, flags_and_attributes, template_file_handle) return result unless result == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new( "CreateFile(#{file_name}, #{desired_access.to_s(8)}, #{share_mode.to_s(8)}, " \ "#{security_attributes}, #{creation_disposition.to_s(8)}, " \ "#{flags_and_attributes.to_s(8)}, #{template_file_handle})" ) end def self.get_reparse_point_data(handle, &block) # must be multiple of 1024, min 10240 FFI::MemoryPointer.new(MAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE) do |reparse_data_buffer_ptr| device_io_control(handle, FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT, nil, reparse_data_buffer_ptr) reparse_tag = reparse_data_buffer_ptr.read_win32_ulong buffer_type = case reparse_tag when IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK SYMLINK_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER when IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT MOUNT_POINT_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER when IO_REPARSE_TAG_NFS raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Retrieving NFS reparse point data is unsupported") else raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("DeviceIoControl(#{handle}, " \ "FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT) returned unknown tag 0x#{reparse_tag.to_s(16).upcase}") end yield buffer_type.new(reparse_data_buffer_ptr) end # underlying struct MemoryPointer has been cleaned up by this point, nothing to return nil end def self.get_reparse_point_tag(handle) reparse_tag = nil # must be multiple of 1024, min 10240 FFI::MemoryPointer.new(MAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE) do |reparse_data_buffer_ptr| device_io_control(handle, FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT, nil, reparse_data_buffer_ptr) # DWORD ReparseTag is the first member of the struct reparse_tag = reparse_data_buffer_ptr.read_win32_ulong end reparse_tag end def self.device_io_control(handle, io_control_code, in_buffer = nil, out_buffer = nil) if out_buffer.nil? raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new(_("out_buffer is required")) end FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:dword, 1) do |bytes_returned_ptr| result = DeviceIoControl( handle, io_control_code, in_buffer, in_buffer.nil? ? 0 : in_buffer.size, out_buffer, out_buffer.size, bytes_returned_ptr, nil ) if result == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new( "DeviceIoControl(#{handle}, #{io_control_code}, " \ "#{in_buffer}, #{in_buffer ? in_buffer.size : ''}, " \ "#{out_buffer}, #{out_buffer ? out_buffer.size : ''}" ) end end out_buffer end def reparse_point?(file_name) attributes = get_attributes(file_name, false) return false if (attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT end module_function :reparse_point? def symlink?(file_name) # Puppet currently only handles mount point and symlink reparse points, ignores others reparse_point?(file_name) && symlink_reparse_point?(file_name) end module_function :symlink? def self.open_symlink(link_name) begin yield handle = create_file( link_name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, # security_attributes OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT | FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0 ) # template_file ensure FFI::WIN32.CloseHandle(handle) if handle end # handle has had CloseHandle called against it, so nothing to return nil end def readlink(link_name) link = nil open_symlink(link_name) do |handle| link = resolve_symlink(handle) end link end module_function :readlink def get_long_pathname(path) converted = ''.dup FFI::Pointer.from_string_to_wide_string(path) do |path_ptr| # includes terminating NULL buffer_size = GetLongPathNameW(path_ptr, FFI::Pointer::NULL, 0) FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:wchar, buffer_size) do |converted_ptr| if GetLongPathNameW(path_ptr, converted_ptr, buffer_size) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new(_("Failed to call GetLongPathName")) end converted = converted_ptr.read_wide_string(buffer_size - 1) end end converted end module_function :get_long_pathname def get_short_pathname(path) converted = ''.dup FFI::Pointer.from_string_to_wide_string(path) do |path_ptr| # includes terminating NULL buffer_size = GetShortPathNameW(path_ptr, FFI::Pointer::NULL, 0) FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:wchar, buffer_size) do |converted_ptr| if GetShortPathNameW(path_ptr, converted_ptr, buffer_size) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise Puppet::Util::Windows::Error.new("Failed to call GetShortPathName") end converted = converted_ptr.read_wide_string(buffer_size - 1) end end converted end module_function :get_short_pathname def stat(file_name) file_name = file_name.to_s # accommodate PathName or String stat = File.stat(file_name) singleton_class = class << stat; self; end target_path = file_name if symlink?(file_name) target_path = readlink(file_name) link_ftype = File.stat(target_path).ftype # sigh, monkey patch instance method for instance, and close over link_ftype singleton_class.send(:define_method, :ftype) do link_ftype end end singleton_class.send(:define_method, :mode) do Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_mode(target_path) end stat end module_function :stat def lstat(file_name) file_name = file_name.to_s # accommodate PathName or String # monkey'ing around! stat = File.lstat(file_name) singleton_class = class << stat; self; end singleton_class.send(:define_method, :mode) do Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_mode(file_name) end if symlink?(file_name) def stat.ftype "link" end end stat end module_function :lstat def self.resolve_symlink(handle) path = nil get_reparse_point_data(handle) do |reparse_data| offset = reparse_data[:PrintNameOffset] length = reparse_data[:PrintNameLength] ptr = reparse_data.pointer + reparse_data.offset_of(:PathBuffer) + offset path = ptr.read_wide_string(length / 2) # length is bytes, need UTF-16 wchars end path end private_class_method :resolve_symlink # these reparse point types are the only ones Puppet currently understands # so rather than raising an exception in readlink, prefer to not consider # the path a symlink when stat'ing later def self.symlink_reparse_point?(path) symlink = false open_symlink(path) do |handle| symlink = [ IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK, IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT ].include?(get_reparse_point_tag(handle)) end symlink end private_class_method :symlink_reparse_point? end