# frozen_string_literal: true require 'elastic_apm/version' require 'elastic_apm/internal_error' require 'elastic_apm/logging' require 'elastic_apm/deprecations' # Core require 'elastic_apm/agent' require 'elastic_apm/config' require 'elastic_apm/context' require 'elastic_apm/instrumenter' require 'elastic_apm/util' require 'elastic_apm/middleware' require 'elastic_apm/railtie' if defined?(::Rails::Railtie) # ElasticAPM module ElasticAPM # rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength class << self extend ElasticAPM::Deprecations ### Life cycle # Starts the ElasticAPM Agent # # @param config [Config] An instance of Config # @return [Agent] The resulting [Agent] def start(config = {}) Agent.start config end # Stops the ElasticAPM Agent def stop Agent.stop end # @return [Boolean] Whether there's an [Agent] running def running? Agent.running? end # @return [Agent] Currently running [Agent] if any def agent Agent.instance end ### Metrics # Returns the currently active transaction (if any) # # @return [Transaction] or `nil` def current_transaction agent&.current_transaction end # Returns the currently active span (if any) # # @return [Span] or `nil` def current_span agent&.current_span end # Start a new transaction or return the currently running # # @param name [String] A description of the transaction, eg # `ExamplesController#index` # @param type [String] The kind of the transaction, eg `app.request.get` or # `db.mysql2.query` # @param context [Context] An optional [Context] # @yield [Transaction] Optional block encapsulating transaction # @return [Transaction] Unless block given # @deprecated See `with_transaction` or `start_transaction` def transaction(name = nil, type = nil, context: nil, &block) return (block_given? ? yield : nil) unless agent if block_given? with_transaction(name, type, context: context, &block) else start_transaction(name, type, context: context) end end deprecate :transaction, :with_transaction # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # Start a new transaction # # @param name [String] A description of the transaction, eg # `ExamplesController#index` # @param type [String] The kind of the transaction, eg `app.request.get` or # `db.mysql2.query` # @param context [Context] An optional [Context] # @return [Transaction] def start_transaction( name = nil, type = nil, context: nil, trace_context: nil, traceparent: nil ) if traceparent trace_context ||= traceparent warn "[ElasticAPM] [DEPRECATED] `start_transaction' with" \ "`traceparent:' has been renamed. Use `trace_context:' instead." end agent&.start_transaction( name, type, context: context, trace_context: trace_context ) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # Ends the current transaction with `result` # # @param result [String] The result of the transaction # @return [Transaction] def end_transaction(result = nil) agent&.end_transaction(result) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # Wrap a block in a Transaction, ending it after the block # # @param name [String] A description of the transaction, eg # `ExamplesController#index` # @param type [String] The kind of the transaction, eg `app.request.get` or # `db.mysql2.query` # @param context [Context] An optional [Context] # @yield [Transaction] # @return result of block def with_transaction( name = nil, type = nil, context: nil, trace_context: nil, traceparent: nil ) unless block_given? raise ArgumentError, 'expected a block. Do you want `start_transaction\' instead?' end if traceparent trace_context ||= traceparent warn "[ElasticAPM] [DEPRECATED] `with_transaction' with " \ "`traceparent:' has been renamed. Use `trace_context:' instead." end return yield(nil) unless agent begin transaction = start_transaction( name, type, context: context, trace_context: trace_context ) yield transaction ensure end_transaction end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # Start a new span # # @param name [String] A description of the span, eq `SELECT FROM "users"` # @param type [String] The kind of span, eq `db.mysql2.query` # @param context [Span::Context] Context information about the span # @yield [Span] Optional block encapsulating span # @return [Span] Unless block given # @deprecated See `with_span` or `start_span` def span( name, type = nil, context: nil, include_stacktrace: true, &block ) return (block_given? ? yield : nil) unless agent if block_given? with_span( name, type, context: context, include_stacktrace: include_stacktrace, &block ) else start_span( name, type, context: context, include_stacktrace: include_stacktrace ) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength deprecate :span, :with_span # Start a new span # # @param name [String] A description of the span, eq `SELECT FROM "users"` # @param type [String] The kind of span, eq `db.mysql2.query` # @param context [Span::Context] Context information about the span # @param include_stacktrace [Boolean] Whether or not to capture a stacktrace # @return [Span] def start_span( name, type = nil, context: nil, include_stacktrace: true, trace_context: nil ) agent&.start_span( name, type, context: context, trace_context: trace_context ).tap do |span| break unless span && include_stacktrace break unless agent.config.span_frames_min_duration? span.original_backtrace ||= caller end end # Ends the current span # # @return [Span] def end_span agent&.end_span end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # Wrap a block in a Span, ending it after the block # # @param name [String] A description of the span, eq `SELECT FROM "users"` # @param type [String] The kind of span, eq `db.mysql2.query` # @param context [Span::Context] Context information about the span # @param include_stacktrace [Boolean] Whether or not to capture a stacktrace # @yield [Span] # @return Result of block def with_span( name, type = nil, context: nil, include_stacktrace: true, trace_context: nil ) unless block_given? raise ArgumentError, 'expected a block. Do you want `start_span\' instead?' end return yield nil unless agent begin span = start_span( name, type, context: context, include_stacktrace: include_stacktrace, trace_context: trace_context ) yield span ensure end_span end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # Build a [Context] from a Rack `env`. The context may include information # about the request, response, current user and more # # @param rack_env [Rack::Env] A Rack env # @return [Context] The built context def build_context(rack_env) agent&.build_context(rack_env) end ### Errors # Report and exception to APM # # @param exception [Exception] The exception # @param handled [Boolean] Whether the exception was rescued # @return [Error] The generated [Error] def report(exception, handled: true) agent&.report(exception, handled: handled) end # Report a custom string error message to APM # # @param message [String] The message # @return [Error] The generated [Error] def report_message(message, **attrs) agent&.report_message(message, backtrace: caller, **attrs) end ### Context # Set a _tag_ value for the current transaction # # @param key [String,Symbol] A key # @param value [Object] A value (will be converted to string) # @return [Object] The given value def set_tag(key, value) agent&.set_tag(key, value) end # Provide further context for the current transaction # # @param custom [Hash] A hash with custom information. Can be nested. # @return [Hash] The current custom context def set_custom_context(custom) agent&.set_custom_context(custom) end # Provide a user to the current transaction # # @param user [Object] An object representing a user # @return [Object] Given user def set_user(user) agent&.set_user(user) end # Provide a filter to transform payloads before sending them off # # @param key [Symbol] Unique filter key # @param callback [Object, Proc] A filter that responds to #call(payload) # @yield [Hash] A filter. Used if provided. Otherwise using `callback` # @return [Bool] true def add_filter(key, callback = nil, &block) if callback.nil? && !block_given? raise ArgumentError, '#add_filter needs either `callback\' or a block' end agent&.add_filter(key, block || callback) end end end