en: riak: argument_error: bucket_type: "invalid argument %{bucket_type} is not a Riak::BucketType or a String" backwards_clock: "System clock moved backwards, ID generation will fail for %{delay} more milliseconds." bucket_link_conversion: "Can't convert a bucket link to a walk spec" bucket_type: "invalid argument %{bucket} is not a Riak::Bucket" client_type: "invalid argument %{client} is not a Riak::Client" conflict_resolver_invalid: "The given resolver (%{resolver}) did not respond to :call" content_type_undefined: "content_type is not defined!" counter: bucket_needs_allow_mult: "Counters require allow_mult to be enabled on their bucket." increment_by_integer: "Counters can only be incremented or decremented by integers." crdt: precondition_error: "Riak server returned precondition error: %{message}" not_a_crdt: "Expected to find a CRDT, but failed." set_removal_without_context: "CRDT Sets do not support removal without context. Store and reload the set before removing members." unknown_field: "Unknown field type %{symbol}, expected one of :counter, :map, or :set." unknown_inner_field: "Unknown field type %{symbol}, expected one of :counter, :flag, :map, :register, or :set." unexpected_type: "Tried to initialize %{expected}, found unexpected %{given}." unrecognized_type: "Couldn't determine CRDT class for datatype %{type}" serialize_no_ops: "Can't serialize an empty list of CRDT operations." flag: not_boolean: "Flags can only be true or false." deprecated: port: "DEPRECATION: Riak::Client#port has been deprecated, use #http_port or #pb_port for the appropriate protocol.\n%{backtrace}" search: "DEPRECATION: Riak Search features are included in the main client, you no longer need to require 'riak/search'.\n%{backtrace}" empty_map_reduce_query: "Specify one or more query phases to your MapReduce." failed_request: "Client request failed." filter_needs_block: "Filter %{filter} expects a block." filter_arity_mismatch: "Filter %{filter} expects %{expected} arguments but %{received} were given." full_bucket_mapred: "Full-bucket MapReduce, including key filters, invokes list-keys which is an expensive operation that should not be used in production.\n %{backtrace}" hash_type: "invalid argument %{hash} is not a Hash" http_configuration: "The %{backend} HTTP backend cannot be used. Please check its requirements." http_failed_request: "Expected %{expected} from Riak but received %{code}. %{body}" hostname_invalid: "host must be a valid hostname" protocol_invalid: "'%{invalid}' is not a valid protocol, valid values are %{valid}" index: no_next_page: "The returned search did not have a continuation available." pagination_not_available: "The Riak server does not support secondary index pagination." return_terms_not_available: "The Riak server does not support return_terms." streaming_not_available: "The Riak server does not support streaming." include_terms_is_wrong: "include_terms isn't a valid option; return_terms is." wrong_backend: "Secondary indexes aren't supported on the %{backend} backend." invalid_basic_auth: "basic auth must be set using 'user:pass'" invalid_client_id: "Invalid client ID, must be a string or between 0 and %{max_id}" invalid_io_object: "Invalid IO-like object assigned to RObject#data. It should be assigned to raw_data instead." invalid_function_value: "invalid value for function: %{value}" invalid_multiget_thread_count: "Invalid multiget thread count, must be nil or a positive integer." invalid_options: "Invalid configuration options given." invalid_phase_type: "type must be :map, :reduce, or :link" invalid_ssl_verify_mode: "%{invalid} is not a valid :verify_mode option for SSL. Valid options are 'peer' and 'none'." invalid_index_query: "%{value} is not a valid index query term, only Strings, Integers, and Ranges of those are allowed." indexes_unsupported: "Riak server does not support secondary indexes." loading_bucket: "while loading bucket '%{name}'" list_buckets: "Riak::Client#buckets is an expensive operation that should not be used in production.\n %{backtrace}" list_keys: "Riak::Bucket#keys is an expensive operation that should not be used in production.\n %{backtrace}" missing_block: "A block must be given." missing_host_and_port: "You must specify a host and port, or use the defaults of" module_function_pair_required: "function must have two elements when an array" not_found: "The requested object was not found." no_pipes: "Could not find or open pipes for Riak console in %{path}." object_in_conflict: "The object is in conflict (has siblings) and cannot be treated singly or saved: %{robject}" pbc: failed_header: "Failed to receive a header from Riak." unexpected_eof: "Unexpected EOF on PBC socket" unexpected_response: "Expected PBC %{expected}, got %{actual}." user_not_username: "Authentication hash expects :user, not :username." wanted_index_resp: "Expected IndexResp during secondary index query" wanted_dt_fetch_resp: "Expected PBC DtFetchResp during CRDT fetch" wanted_dt_update_resp: "Expected PBC DtUpdateResp during CRDT update" port_invalid: "port must be an integer between 0 and 65535" protobuffs_failed_request: "Expected success from Riak but received %{code}. %{body}" protobuffs_configuration: "The %{backend} Protobuffs backend cannot be used. Please check its requirements." request_body_type: "Request body must be a String or respond to :read." search: index_exists: "The index %{name} already exists." index_non_exist: "The index %{index} doesn't exist." index_argument_error: "invalid argument %{index} is not a Riak::Search::Index or a String" schema_exists: "The schema %{name} already exists." unexpected_result: "Expected %{expected} but got %{actual} from search result." search_unsupported: "Riak server does not support search." search_docs_require_id: "Search index documents must include the 'id' field." search_remove_requires_id_or_query: "Search index documents to be removed must have 'id' or 'query' keys." serializer_not_implemented: "No serializer has been registered for content type %{content_type}" source_and_root_required: "Riak::Node configuration must include :source and :root keys." ssl: cert_host_mismatch: "The presented SSL/TLS certificate did not match the hostname." cert_not_in_valid_range: "The presented SSL/TLS certificate is either expired or premature." cert_revoked: "The presented SSL/TLS certificate has been revoked." eof_during_init: "Unexpected EOF during SSL/TLS initialization." read_data_error: "Tried to read cert or key from %{candidate}, caught error %{actual}." unexpected_during_init: "Expected %{expected}, got %{actual} with body %{body} during SSL/TLS initialization." unknown_key_type: "Can't figure out what the client key is. Expected it to be some kind of OpenSSL::PKey::PKey subclass, a filename string, or string data representing the key itself." version_configuration_error: "Couldn't find a supported default ssl_version. Configure one that works with your version of Ruby." stale_write_prevented: "Stale write prevented by client." stored_function_invalid: "function must have :bucket and :key when a hash" streaming_bucket_list_without_block: "Streaming bucket list was requested but no block was given." string_type: "invalid_argument %{string} is not a String" time_series: list_keys: "Riak::TimeSeries::List is an expensive operation that should not be used in production.\n %{backtrace}" serialize_big_integer: "%{bignum} is out of range for sint64 field" serialize_complex_number: "Cannot serialize Complex numbers" serialize_rational_number: "Cannot serialize Rational numbers without losing precision" tombstone_object: "The object is a tombstone (has vclock but no values) and cannot be treated singly or saved: %{robject}" too_few_arguments: "too few arguments: %{params}" walk_spec_invalid_unless_link: "WalkSpec is only valid for a function when the type is :link" wrong_argument_count_walk_spec: "wrong number of arguments (one Hash or bucket,tag,keep required)" zero_length_bucket: "bucket name cannot be a String of zero length" zero_length_key: "key cannot be a String of zero length" zero_length_index: "index name cannot be a String of zero length" zero_length_schema: "schema name cannot be a String of zero length" zero_length_content: "content cannot be a String of zero length"