require 'thor' require 'guard/version' module Guard # Facade for the Guard command line interface managed by [Thor]( # This is the main interface to Guard that is called by the Guard binary `bin/guard`. # Do not put any logic in here, create a class and delegate instead. # class CLI < Thor default_task :start desc 'start', 'Starts Guard' method_option :clear, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-c', :banner => 'Auto clear shell before each change/run_all/reload' method_option :notify, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :aliases => '-n', :banner => 'Notifications feature (growl/libnotify)' method_option :verbose, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-v', :banner => 'Show verbose messages' method_option :group, :type => :array, :default => [], :aliases => '-g', :banner => 'Run only the passed groups' method_option :watchdir, :type => :string, :aliases => '-w', :banner => 'Specify the directory to watch' method_option :guardfile, :type => :string, :aliases => '-G', :banner => 'Specify a Guardfile' method_option :no_vendor, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-I', :banner => 'Ignore vendored dependencies' method_option :watch_all_modifications, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-A', :banner => 'Watch for all file modifications including moves and deletions' method_option :no_interactions, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-i', :banner => 'Turn off completely any guard terminal interactions' method_option :no_bundler_warning, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-B', :banner => 'Turn off warning when Bundler is not present' # Start Guard by initialize the defined Guards and watch the file system. # This is the default task, so calling `guard` is the same as calling `guard start`. # # @see Guard.start # def start verify_bundler_presence unless options[:no_bundler_warning] ::Guard.start(options) rescue Interrupt ::Guard.stop abort end desc 'list', 'Lists guards that can be used with init' # List the Guards that are available for use in your system and marks # those that are currently used in your `Guardfile`. # # @see Guard::DslDescriber.list # def list verify_bundler_presence ::Guard::DslDescriber.list(options) end desc 'version', 'Show the Guard version' map %w(-v --version) => :version # Shows the current version of Guard. # # @see Guard::VERSION # def version verify_bundler_presence "Guard version #{ ::Guard::VERSION }" end desc 'init [GUARD]', 'Generates a Guardfile at the current directory (if it is not already there) and adds all installed guards or the given GUARD into it' method_option :bare, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :aliases => '-b', :banner => 'Generate a bare Guardfile without adding any installed guard into it' # Initializes the templates of all installed Guards and adds them # to the `Guardfile` when no Guard name is passed. When passed # a guard name is does the same but only for that Guard. # # @see Guard::Guard.initialize_template # @see Guard::Guard.initialize_all_templates # # @param [String] guard_name the name of the Guard to initialize # def init(guard_name = nil) verify_bundler_presence ::Guard.create_guardfile(:abort_on_existence => options[:bare]) return if options[:bare] if guard_name.nil? ::Guard::initialize_all_templates else ::Guard.initialize_template(guard_name) end end desc 'show', 'Show all defined Guards and their options' map %w(-T) => :show # Shows all Guards and their options that are defined in # the `Guardfile` # # @see # def show verify_bundler_presence end private # Verifies if Guard is run with `bundle exec` and # shows a hint to do so if not. # def verify_bundler_presence if File.exists?('Gemfile') && !ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] <