.error %h1 Ehm, you seem a bit lost, sir. Maybe going to the %a{ :href => "/", :rel => "home" } list of projects will help? %dl %dt Ouch. This is a 404 error-thingie, right? %dd Yeah, you browsed to a page that doesn't exist in this server. %dt What can I do? %dd As a very good book says on its cover: = succeed "." do %strong DON'T PANIC / if you didn't get the reference you aren't as nerd as you should be You should probably just go back to %a{ :href => "/", :rel => "home" } the projects list or, alternatively, go = succeed "." do %a{ :href => request.referer } back from whence you came %dt What the hell is = succeed "?" do %strong Integrity %dd Integrity is your friendly %a{ :href => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration" } Continuous Integration server. If you want to know more about us, check our website at = succeed "." do %a{ :href => "http://integrityapp.com" } integrityapp.com