/*! * This file is part of Aloha Editor Project http://aloha-editor.org * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Gentics Software GmbH, aloha@gentics.com * Contributors http://aloha-editor.org/contribution.php * Licensed unter the terms of http://www.aloha-editor.org/license.html *//* * Aloha Editor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.* * * Aloha Editor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define( [ 'aloha/core', 'aloha/jquery', 'aloha/floatingmenu', 'util/class', 'util/range', 'aloha/rangy-core' ], function(Aloha, jQuery, FloatingMenu, Class, Range) { var // $ = jQuery, // Aloha = window.Aloha, // Class = window.Class, GENTICS = window.GENTICS; /** * @namespace Aloha * @class Selection * This singleton class always represents the current user selection * @singleton */ var Selection = Class.extend({ _constructor: function(){ // Pseudo Range Clone being cleaned up for better HTML wrapping support this.rangeObject = {}; this.preventSelectionChangedFlag = false; // will remember if someone urged us to skip the next aloha-selection-changed event // define basics first this.tagHierarchy = { 'textNode' : [], 'abbr' : ['textNode'], 'b' : ['textNode', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'sup', 'sub', 'br', 'span', 'img','a','del','ins','u', 'cite', 'q', 'code', 'abbr', 'strong'], 'pre' : ['textNode', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'sup', 'sub', 'br', 'span', 'img','a','del','ins','u', 'cite','q', 'code', 'abbr', 'code'], 'blockquote' : ['textNode', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'sup', 'sub', 'br', 'span', 'img','a','del','ins','u', 'cite', 'q', 'code', 'abbr', 'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'], 'ins' : ['textNode', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'sup', 'sub', 'br', 'span', 'img','a','u', 'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'], 'ul' : ['li'], 'ol' : ['li'], 'li' : ['textNode', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'sup', 'sub', 'br', 'span', 'img', 'ul', 'ol', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'del', 'ins', 'u', 'a'], 'tr' : ['td','th'], 'table' : ['tr'], 'div' : ['textNode', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'sup', 'sub', 'br', 'span', 'img', 'ul', 'ol', 'table', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'del', 'ins', 'u', 'p', 'div', 'pre', 'blockquote', 'a'], 'h1' : ['textNode', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'sup', 'sub', 'br', 'span', 'img','a', 'del', 'ins', 'u'] }; // now reference the basics for all other equal tags (important: don't forget to include // the basics itself as reference: 'b' : this.tagHierarchy.b this.tagHierarchy = { 'textNode' : this.tagHierarchy.textNode, 'abbr' : this.tagHierarchy.abbr, 'br' : this.tagHierarchy.textNode, 'img' : this.tagHierarchy.textNode, 'b' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'strong' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'code' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'q' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'blockquote' : this.tagHierarchy.blockquote, 'cite' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'i' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'em' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'sup' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'sub' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'span' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'del' : this.tagHierarchy.del, 'ins' : this.tagHierarchy.ins, 'u' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'p' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'pre' : this.tagHierarchy.pre, 'a' : this.tagHierarchy.b, 'ul' : this.tagHierarchy.ul, 'ol' : this.tagHierarchy.ol, 'li' : this.tagHierarchy.li, 'td' : this.tagHierarchy.li, 'div' : this.tagHierarchy.div, 'h1' : this.tagHierarchy.h1, 'h2' : this.tagHierarchy.h1, 'h3' : this.tagHierarchy.h1, 'h4' : this.tagHierarchy.h1, 'h5' : this.tagHierarchy.h1, 'h6' : this.tagHierarchy.h1, 'table' : this.tagHierarchy.table }; // When applying this elements to selection they will replace the assigned elements this.replacingElements = { 'h1' : ['p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6','pre', 'blockquote'] }; this.replacingElements = { 'h1' : this.replacingElements.h1, 'h2' : this.replacingElements.h1, 'h3' : this.replacingElements.h1, 'h4' : this.replacingElements.h1, 'h5' : this.replacingElements.h1, 'h6' : this.replacingElements.h1, 'pre' : this.replacingElements.h1, 'p' : this.replacingElements.h1, 'blockquote' : this.replacingElements.h1 }; this.allowedToStealElements = { 'h1' : ['textNode'] }; this.allowedToStealElements = { 'h1' : this.allowedToStealElements.h1, 'h2' : this.allowedToStealElements.h1, 'h3' : this.allowedToStealElements.h1, 'h4' : this.allowedToStealElements.h1, 'h5' : this.allowedToStealElements.h1, 'h6' : this.allowedToStealElements.h1, 'p' : this.tagHierarchy.b }; }, /** * Class definition of a SelectionTree (relevant for all formatting / markup changes) * TODO: remove this (was moved to range.js) * Structure: * + * |-domobj: (NOT jQuery) * |-selection: defines if this node is marked by user [none|partial|full] * |-children: recursive structure like this * @hide */ SelectionTree: function() { this.domobj = {}; this.selection = undefined; this.children = []; }, /** * INFO: Method is used for integration with Gentics Aloha, has no use otherwise * Updates the rangeObject according to the current user selection * Method is always called on selection change * @param objectClicked Object that triggered the selectionChange event * @return true when rangeObject was modified, false otherwise * @hide */ onChange: function(objectClicked, event) { if (this.updateSelectionTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(this.updateSelectionTimeout); this.updateSelectionTimeout = undefined; } //we have to work around an IE bug that causes the user //selection to be incorrectly set on the body element when //the updateSelectionTimeout triggers. We remember the range //from the time when this onChange is triggered and provide //it instead of the current user selection when the timout //is triggered. The bug is caused by selecting some text and //then clicking once inside the selection (which collapses //the selection). Interesting fact: when the timeout is //increased to 500 milliseconds, the bug will not cause any //problems since the selection will correct itself somehow. var range = new Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange(true); this.updateSelectionTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { Aloha.Selection._updateSelection(event, range); }, 5); }, /** * prevents the next aloha-selection-changed event from being triggered */ preventSelectionChanged: function () { this.preventSelectionChangedFlag = true; }, /** * will return wheter selection change event was prevented or not, and reset the preventSelectionChangedFlag * @return {Boolean} true if aloha-selection-change event was prevented */ isSelectionChangedPrevented: function () { var prevented = this.preventSelectionChangedFlag; this.preventSelectionChangedFlag = false; return prevented; }, /** * Checks if the current rangeObject common ancector container is edtiable * @return {Boolean} true if current common ancestor is editable */ isSelectionEditable: function() { return ( this.rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer && jQuery( this.rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer ) .contentEditable() ); }, /** * This method checks, if the current rangeObject common ancestor container has a 'data-aloha-floatingmenu-visible' Attribute. * Needed in Floating Menu for exceptional display of floatingmenu. */ isFloatingMenuVisible: function() { var visible = jQuery(Aloha.Selection.rangeObject .commonAncestorContainer).attr('data-aloha-floatingmenu-visible'); if(visible !== 'undefined'){ if (visible === 'true'){ return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }, /** * INFO: Method is used for integration with Gentics Aloha, has no use otherwise * Updates the rangeObject according to the current user selection * Method is always called on selection change * @param event jQuery browser event object * @return true when rangeObject was modified, false otherwise * @hide */ updateSelection: function(event) { return this._updateSelection(event, null); }, /** * Internal version of updateSelection that adds the range parameter to be * able to work around an IE bug that caused the current user selection * sometimes to be on the body element. * @param {Object} event * @param {Object} range a substitute for the current user selection. if not provided, * the current user selection will be used. * @hide */ _updateSelection: function( event, range ) { if ( event && event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.stopSelectionUpdate === true ) { return false; } if ( typeof range === 'undefined' ) { return false; } this.rangeObject = range || new Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange( true ); // Only execute the workaround when a valid rangeObject was provided if ( typeof this.rangeObject !== "undefined" && typeof this.rangeObject.startContainer !== "undefined" && this.rangeObject.endContainer !== "undefined") { // workaround for a nasty IE bug that allows the user to select text nodes inside areas with contenteditable "false" if ( (this.rangeObject.startContainer.nodeType === 3 && !jQuery(this.rangeObject.startContainer.parentNode).contentEditable()) || (this.rangeObject.endContainer.nodeType === 3 && !jQuery(this.rangeObject.endContainer.parentNode).contentEditable())) { Aloha.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); return true; } } // find the CAC (Common Ancestor Container) and update the selection Tree this.rangeObject.update(); // check if aloha-selection-changed event has been prevented if (this.isSelectionChangedPrevented()) { return true; } // Only set the specific scope if an event was provided, which means // that somehow an editable was selected // TODO Bind code to aloha-selection-changed event to remove coupling to floatingmenu if (event !== undefined) { // Initiallly set the scope to 'continuoustext' FloatingMenu.setScope('Aloha.continuoustext'); } // throw the event that the selection has changed. Plugins now have the // chance to react on the chancurrentElements[childCount].children.lengthged selection Aloha.trigger('aloha-selection-changed', [ this.rangeObject, event ]); return true; }, /** * creates an object with x items containing all relevant dom objects. * Structure: * + * |-domobj: (NOT jQuery) * |-selection: defines if this node is marked by user [none|partial|full] * |-children: recursive structure like this ("x.." because it's then shown last in DOM Browsers...) * TODO: remove this (was moved to range.js) * * @param rangeObject "Aloha clean" range object including a commonAncestorContainer * @return obj selection * @hide */ getSelectionTree: function(rangeObject) { if (!rangeObject) { // if called without any parameters, the method acts as getter for this.selectionTree return this.rangeObject.getSelectionTree(); } if (!rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer) { Aloha.Log.error(this, 'the rangeObject is missing the commonAncestorContainer'); return false; } this.inselection = false; // before getting the selection tree, we do a cleanup if (GENTICS.Utils.Dom.doCleanup({'merge' : true}, rangeObject)) { this.rangeObject.update(); this.rangeObject.select(); } return this.recursiveGetSelectionTree(rangeObject, rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer); }, /** * Recursive inner function for generating the selection tree. * TODO: remove this (was moved to range.js) * @param rangeObject range object * @param currentObject current DOM object for which the selection tree shall be generated * @return array of SelectionTree objects for the children of the current DOM object * @hide */ recursiveGetSelectionTree: function (rangeObject, currentObject) { // get all direct children of the given object var jQueryCurrentObject = jQuery(currentObject), childCount = 0, that = this, currentElements = []; jQueryCurrentObject.contents().each(function(index) { var selectionType = 'none', startOffset = false, endOffset = false, collapsedFound = false, i, elementsLength, noneFound = false, partialFound = false, fullFound = false; // check for collapsed selections between nodes if (rangeObject.isCollapsed() && currentObject === rangeObject.startContainer && rangeObject.startOffset == index) { // insert an extra selectiontree object for the collapsed selection here currentElements[childCount] = new Aloha.Selection.SelectionTree(); currentElements[childCount].selection = 'collapsed'; currentElements[childCount].domobj = undefined; that.inselection = false; collapsedFound = true; childCount++; } if (!that.inselection && !collapsedFound) { // the start of the selection was not yet found, so look for it now // check whether the start of the selection is found here // Try to read the nodeType property and return if we do not have permission // ie.: frame document to an external URL var nodeType; try { nodeType = this.nodeType; } catch (e) { return; } // check is dependent on the node type switch(nodeType) { case 3: // text node if (this === rangeObject.startContainer) { // the selection starts here that.inselection = true; // when the startoffset is > 0, the selection type is only partial selectionType = rangeObject.startOffset > 0 ? 'partial' : 'full'; startOffset = rangeObject.startOffset; endOffset = this.length; } break; case 1: // element node if (this === rangeObject.startContainer && rangeObject.startOffset === 0) { // the selection starts here that.inselection = true; selectionType = 'full'; } if (currentObject === rangeObject.startContainer && rangeObject.startOffset === index) { // the selection starts here that.inselection = true; selectionType = 'full'; } break; } } if (that.inselection && !collapsedFound) { if (selectionType == 'none') { selectionType = 'full'; } // we already found the start of the selection, so look for the end of the selection now // check whether the end of the selection is found here switch(this.nodeType) { case 3: // text node if (this === rangeObject.endContainer) { // the selection ends here that.inselection = false; // check for partial selection here if (rangeObject.endOffset < this.length) { selectionType = 'partial'; } if (startOffset === false) { startOffset = 0; } endOffset = rangeObject.endOffset; } break; case 1: // element node if (this === rangeObject.endContainer && rangeObject.endOffset === 0) { that.inselection = false; } break; } if (currentObject === rangeObject.endContainer && rangeObject.endOffset <= index) { that.inselection = false; selectionType = 'none'; } } // create the current selection tree entry currentElements[childCount] = new Aloha.Selection.SelectionTree(); currentElements[childCount].domobj = this; currentElements[childCount].selection = selectionType; if (selectionType == 'partial') { currentElements[childCount].startOffset = startOffset; currentElements[childCount].endOffset = endOffset; } // now do the recursion step into the current object currentElements[childCount].children = that.recursiveGetSelectionTree(rangeObject, this); elementsLength = currentElements[childCount].children.length; // check whether a selection was found within the children if (elementsLength > 0) { for ( i = 0; i < elementsLength; ++i) { switch(currentElements[childCount].children[i].selection) { case 'none': noneFound = true; break; case 'full': fullFound = true; break; case 'partial': partialFound = true; break; } } if (partialFound || (fullFound && noneFound)) { // found at least one 'partial' selection in the children, or both 'full' and 'none', so this element is also 'partial' selected currentElements[childCount].selection = 'partial'; } else if (fullFound && !partialFound && !noneFound) { // only found 'full' selected children, so this element is also 'full' selected currentElements[childCount].selection = 'full'; } } childCount++; }); // extra check for collapsed selections at the end of the current element if (rangeObject.isCollapsed() && currentObject === rangeObject.startContainer && rangeObject.startOffset == currentObject.childNodes.length) { currentElements[childCount] = new Aloha.Selection.SelectionTree(); currentElements[childCount].selection = 'collapsed'; currentElements[childCount].domobj = undefined; } return currentElements; }, /** * Get the currently selected range * @return {Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange} currently selected range * @method */ getRangeObject: function() { return this.rangeObject; }, /** * method finds out, if a node is within a certain markup or not * @param rangeObj Aloha rangeObject * @param startOrEnd boolean; defines, if start or endContainer should be used: false for start, true for end * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to look for * @param tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @param limitObject dom object which limits the search are within the dom. normally this will be the active Editable * @return true, if the markup is effective on the range objects start or end node * @hide */ isRangeObjectWithinMarkup: function(rangeObject, startOrEnd, markupObject, tagComparator, limitObject) { var domObj = !startOrEnd?rangeObject.startContainer:rangeObject.endContainer, that = this, parents = jQuery(domObj).parents(), returnVal = false, i = -1; // check if a comparison method was passed as parameter ... if (typeof tagComparator !== 'undefined' && typeof tagComparator !== 'function') { Aloha.Log.error(this,'parameter tagComparator is not a function'); } // ... if not use this as standard tag comparison method if (typeof tagComparator === 'undefined') { tagComparator = function(domobj, markupObject) { return that.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator(domobj, markupObject); // TODO should actually be this.getStandardTagComparator(markupObject) }; } if (parents.length > 0) { parents.each(function() { // the limit object was reached (normally the Editable Element) if (this === limitObject) { Aloha.Log.debug(that,'reached limit dom obj'); return false; // break() of jQuery .each(); THIS IS NOT THE FUNCTION RETURN VALUE } if (tagComparator(this, markupObject)) { if (returnVal === false) { returnVal = []; } Aloha.Log.debug(that,'reached object equal to markup'); i++; returnVal[i] = this; return true; // continue() of jQuery .each(); THIS IS NOT THE FUNCTION RETURN VALUE } }); } return returnVal; }, /** * standard method, to compare a domobj and a jquery object for sections and grouping content (e.g. p, h1, h2, ul, ....). * is always used when no other tag comparator is passed as parameter * @param domobj domobject to compare with markup * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to compare with domobj * @return true if objects are equal and false if not * @hide */ standardSectionsAndGroupingContentComparator: function(domobj, markupObject) { if (domobj.nodeType === 1) { if (markupObject[0].tagName && Aloha.Selection.replacingElements[ domobj.tagName.toLowerCase() ] && Aloha.Selection.replacingElements[ domobj.tagName.toLowerCase() ].indexOf(markupObject[0].tagName.toLowerCase()) != -1) { return true; } } else { Aloha.Log.debug(this,'only element nodes (nodeType == 1) can be compared'); } return false; }, /** * standard method, to compare a domobj and a jquery object for their tagName (aka span elements, e.g. b, i, sup, span, ...). * is always used when no other tag comparator is passed as parameter * @param domobj domobject to compare with markup * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to compare with domobj * @return true if objects are equal and false if not * @hide */ standardTagNameComparator : function(domobj, markupObject) { if (domobj.nodeType === 1) { if (domobj.tagName.toLowerCase() != markupObject[0].tagName.toLowerCase()) { // Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'tag comparison for <' + domobj.tagName.toLowerCase() + '> and <' + markupObject[0].tagName.toLowerCase() + '> failed because tags are different'); return false; } return true;//domobj.attributes.length } else { Aloha.Log.debug(this,'only element nodes (nodeType == 1) can be compared'); } return false; }, /** * standard method, to compare a domobj and a jquery object for text level semantics (aka span elements, e.g. b, i, sup, span, ...). * is always used when no other tag comparator is passed as parameter * @param domobj domobject to compare with markup * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to compare with domobj * @return true if objects are equal and false if not * @hide */ standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator: function(domobj, markupObject) { // only element nodes can be compared if (domobj.nodeType === 1) { if (domobj.tagName.toLowerCase() != markupObject[0].tagName.toLowerCase()) { // Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'tag comparison for <' + domobj.tagName.toLowerCase() + '> and <' + markupObject[0].tagName.toLowerCase() + '> failed because tags are different'); return false; } if (!this.standardAttributesComparator(domobj, markupObject)) { return false; } return true;//domobj.attributes.length } else { Aloha.Log.debug(this,'only element nodes (nodeType == 1) can be compared'); } return false; }, /** * standard method, to compare attributes of one dom obj and one markup obj (jQuery) * @param domobj domobject to compare with markup * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to compare with domobj * @return true if objects are equal and false if not * @hide */ standardAttributesComparator: function(domobj, markupObject) { var i, attr, classString, classes, classes2, classLength, attrLength, domAttrLength; // Cloning the domobj works around an IE7 bug that crashes // the browser. The exact place where IE7 crashes is when // the domobj.attribute[i] is read below. // The bug can be reproduced with an editable that contains // some text and and image, by clicking inside and outside the // editable a few times. domobj = domobj.cloneNode(false); if (domobj.attributes && domobj.attributes.length && domobj.attributes.length > 0) { for (i = 0, domAttrLength = domobj.attributes.length; i < domAttrLength; i++) { // Dereferencing attributes[i] here would crash IE7 if domobj were not cloned above attr = domobj.attributes[i]; if (attr.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'class' && attr.nodeValue.length > 0) { classString = attr.nodeValue; classes = classString.split(' '); } } } if (markupObject[0].attributes && markupObject[0].attributes.length && markupObject[0].attributes.length > 0) { for (i = 0, attrLength = markupObject[0].attributes.length; i < attrLength; i++) { attr = markupObject[0].attributes[i]; if (attr.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'class' && attr.nodeValue.length > 0) { classString = attr.nodeValue; classes2 = classString.split(' '); } } } if (classes && !classes2 || classes2 && !classes) { Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'tag comparison for <' + domobj.tagName.toLowerCase() + '> failed because one element has classes and the other has not'); return false; } if (classes && classes2 && classes.length != classes2.length) { Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'tag comparison for <' + domobj.tagName.toLowerCase() + '> failed because of a different amount of classes'); return false; } if (classes && classes2 && classes.length === classes2.length && classes.length !== 0) { for (i = 0, classLength = classes.length; i < classLength; i++) { if (!markupObject.hasClass(classes[ i ])) { Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'tag comparison for <' + domobj.tagName.toLowerCase() + '> failed because of different classes'); return false; } } } return true; }, /** * method finds out, if a node is within a certain markup or not * @param rangeObj Aloha rangeObject * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to be applied (e.g. created with obj = jQuery(''); ) * @param tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @return void; TODO: should return true if the markup applied successfully and false if not * @hide */ changeMarkup: function(rangeObject, markupObject, tagComparator) { var tagName = markupObject[0].tagName.toLowerCase(), newCAC, limitObject, backupRangeObject, relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart = this.isRangeObjectWithinMarkup(rangeObject, false, markupObject, tagComparator, limitObject), relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd = this.isRangeObjectWithinMarkup(rangeObject, true, markupObject, tagComparator, limitObject), nextSibling, relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection, prevSibling, relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection, extendedRangeObject; // if the element is a replacing element (like p/h1/h2/h3/h4/h5/h6...), which must not wrap each other // use a clone of rangeObject if (this.replacingElements[ tagName ]) { // backup rangeObject for later selection; backupRangeObject = rangeObject; // create a new range object to not modify the orginal rangeObject = new this.SelectionRange(rangeObject); // either select the active Editable as new commonAncestorContainer (CAC) or use the body if (Aloha.activeEditable) { newCAC= Aloha.activeEditable.obj.get(0); } else { newCAC = jQuery('body'); } // update rangeObject by setting the newCAC and automatically recalculating the selectionTree rangeObject.update(newCAC); // store the information, that the markupObject can be replaced (not must be!!) inside the jQuery markup object markupObject.isReplacingElement = true; } // if the element is NOT a replacing element, then something needs to be selected, otherwise it can not be wrapped // therefor the method can return false, if nothing is selected ( = rangeObject is collapsed) else { if (rangeObject.isCollapsed()) { Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'early returning from applying markup because nothing is currently selected'); return false; } } // is Start/End DOM Obj inside the markup to change if (Aloha.activeEditable) { limitObject = Aloha.activeEditable.obj[0]; } else { limitObject = jQuery('body'); } if (!markupObject.isReplacingElement && rangeObject.startOffset === 0) { // don't care about replacers, because they never extend if (prevSibling = this.getTextNodeSibling(false, rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode, rangeObject.startContainer)) { relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection = this.isRangeObjectWithinMarkup({startContainer : prevSibling, startOffset : 0}, false, markupObject, tagComparator, limitObject); } } if (!markupObject.isReplacingElement && (rangeObject.endOffset === rangeObject.endContainer.length)) { // don't care about replacers, because they never extend if (nextSibling = this.getTextNodeSibling(true, rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode, rangeObject.endContainer)) { relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection = this.isRangeObjectWithinMarkup({startContainer: nextSibling, startOffset: 0}, false, markupObject, tagComparator, limitObject); } } // decide what to do (expand or reduce markup) // Alternative A: from markup to no-markup: markup will be removed in selection; // reapplied from original markup start to selection start if (!markupObject.isReplacingElement && (relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart && !relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd)) { Aloha.Log.info(this, 'markup 2 non-markup'); this.prepareForRemoval(rangeObject.getSelectionTree(), markupObject, tagComparator); jQuery(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart).addClass('preparedForRemoval'); this.insertCroppedMarkups(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart, rangeObject, false, tagComparator); } // Alternative B: from markup to markup: // remove selected markup (=split existing markup if single, shrink if two different) else if (!markupObject.isReplacingElement && relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart && relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd) { Aloha.Log.info(this, 'markup 2 markup'); this.prepareForRemoval(rangeObject.getSelectionTree(), markupObject, tagComparator); this.splitRelevantMarkupObject(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart, relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd, rangeObject, tagComparator); } // Alternative C: from no-markup to markup OR with next2markup: // new markup is wrapped from selection start to end of originalmarkup, original is remove afterwards else if (!markupObject.isReplacingElement && ((!relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart && relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd) || relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection || relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection )) { // Aloha.Log.info(this, 'non-markup 2 markup OR with next2markup'); // move end of rangeObject to end of relevant markups if (relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection && relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection) { extendedRangeObject = new Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange(rangeObject); extendedRangeObject.startContainer = jQuery(relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection[ relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection.length-1 ]).textNodes()[0]; extendedRangeObject.startOffset = 0; extendedRangeObject.endContainer = jQuery(relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection[ relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection.length-1 ]).textNodes().last()[0]; extendedRangeObject.endOffset = extendedRangeObject.endContainer.length; extendedRangeObject.update(); this.applyMarkup(extendedRangeObject.getSelectionTree(), rangeObject, markupObject, tagComparator); Aloha.Log.info(this, 'double extending previous markup(previous and after selection), actually wrapping it ...'); } else if (relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection && !relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection && !relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd) { this.extendExistingMarkupWithSelection(relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection, rangeObject, false, tagComparator); Aloha.Log.info(this, 'extending previous markup'); } else if (relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection && !relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection && relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd) { extendedRangeObject = new Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange(rangeObject); extendedRangeObject.startContainer = jQuery(relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection[ relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection.length-1 ]).textNodes()[0]; extendedRangeObject.startOffset = 0; extendedRangeObject.endContainer = jQuery(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd[ relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd.length-1 ]).textNodes().last()[0]; extendedRangeObject.endOffset = extendedRangeObject.endContainer.length; extendedRangeObject.update(); this.applyMarkup(extendedRangeObject.getSelectionTree(), rangeObject, markupObject, tagComparator); Aloha.Log.info(this, 'double extending previous markup(previous and relevant at the end), actually wrapping it ...'); } else if (!relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection && relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection) { this.extendExistingMarkupWithSelection(relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection, rangeObject, true, tagComparator); Aloha.Log.info(this, 'extending following markup backwards'); } else { this.extendExistingMarkupWithSelection(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd, rangeObject, true, tagComparator); } } // Alternative D: no-markup to no-markup: easy else if (markupObject.isReplacingElement || (!relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart && !relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd && !relevantMarkupObjectBeforeSelection && !relevantMarkupObjectAfterSelection)) { Aloha.Log.info(this, 'non-markup 2 non-markup'); this.applyMarkup(rangeObject.getSelectionTree(), rangeObject, markupObject, tagComparator, {setRangeObject2NewMarkup: true}); } // remove all marked items jQuery('.preparedForRemoval').zap(); // recalculate cac and selectionTree rangeObject.update(); // update selection if (markupObject.isReplacingElement) { // this.setSelection(backupRangeObject, true); backupRangeObject.select(); } else { // this.setSelection(rangeObject); rangeObject.select(); } }, /** * method compares a JS array of domobjects with a range object and decides, if the rangeObject spans the whole markup objects. method is used to decide if a markup2markup selection can be completely remove or if it must be splitted into 2 separate markups * @param relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart JS Array of dom objects, which are parents to the rangeObject.startContainer * @param relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd JS Array of dom objects, which are parents to the rangeObject.endContainer * @param rangeObj Aloha rangeObject * @return true, if rangeObjects and markup objects are identical, false otherwise * @hide */ areMarkupObjectsAsLongAsRangeObject: function(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart, relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd, rangeObject) { var i, el, textNode, relMarkupEnd, relMarkupStart; if (rangeObject.startOffset !== 0) { return false; } for (i = 0, relMarkupStart = relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart.length; i < relMarkupStart; i++) { el = jQuery(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart[i]); if (el.textNodes().first()[0] !== rangeObject.startContainer) { return false; } } for (i = 0, relMarkupEnd = relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd.length; i < relMarkupEnd; i++) { el = jQuery(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd[i]); textNode = el.textNodes().last()[0]; if (textNode !== rangeObject.endContainer || textNode.length != rangeObject.endOffset) { return false; } } return true; }, /** * method used to remove/split markup from a "markup2markup" selection * @param relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart JS Array of dom objects, which are parents to the rangeObject.startContainer * @param relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd JS Array of dom objects, which are parents to the rangeObject.endContainer * @param rangeObj Aloha rangeObject * @param tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @return true (always, since no "false" case is currently known...but might be added) * @hide */ splitRelevantMarkupObject: function(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart, relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd, rangeObject, tagComparator) { // mark them to be deleted jQuery(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart).addClass('preparedForRemoval'); jQuery(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd).addClass('preparedForRemoval'); // check if the rangeObject is identical with the relevantMarkupObjects (in this case the markup can simply be removed) if (this.areMarkupObjectsAsLongAsRangeObject(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart, relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd, rangeObject)) { return true; } // find intersection (this can always only be one dom element (namely the highest) because all others will be removed var relevantMarkupObjectAtSelectionStartAndEnd = this.intersectRelevantMarkupObjects(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart, relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd); if (relevantMarkupObjectAtSelectionStartAndEnd) { this.insertCroppedMarkups([relevantMarkupObjectAtSelectionStartAndEnd], rangeObject, false, tagComparator); this.insertCroppedMarkups([relevantMarkupObjectAtSelectionStartAndEnd], rangeObject, true, tagComparator); } else { this.insertCroppedMarkups(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart, rangeObject, false, tagComparator); this.insertCroppedMarkups(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd, rangeObject, true, tagComparator); } return true; }, /** * method takes two arrays of bottom up dom objects, compares them and returns either the object closest to the root or false * @param relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart JS Array of dom objects * @param relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd JS Array of dom objects * @return dom object closest to the root or false * @hide */ intersectRelevantMarkupObjects: function(relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart, relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd) { var intersection = false, i, elStart, j, elEnd, relMarkupStart, relMarkupEnd; if (!relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart || !relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd) { return intersection; // we can only intersect, if we have to arrays! } relMarkupStart = relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart.length; relMarkupEnd = relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd.length; for (i = 0; i < relMarkupStart; i++) { elStart = relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionStart[i]; for (j = 0; j < relMarkupEnd; j++) { elEnd = relevantMarkupObjectsAtSelectionEnd[j]; if (elStart === elEnd) { intersection = elStart; } } } return intersection; }, /** * method used to add markup to a nonmarkup2markup selection * @param relevantMarkupObjects JS Array of dom objects effecting either the start or endContainer of a selection (which should be extended) * @param rangeObject Aloha rangeObject the markups should be extended to * @param startOrEnd boolean; defines, if the existing markups should be extended forwards or backwards (is propably redundant and could be found out by comparing start or end container with the markup array dom objects) * @param tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @return true * @hide */ extendExistingMarkupWithSelection: function(relevantMarkupObjects, rangeObject, startOrEnd, tagComparator) { var extendMarkupsAtStart, extendMarkupsAtEnd, objects, i, relMarkupLength, el, textnodes, nodeNr; if (!startOrEnd) { // = Start // start part of rangeObject should be used, therefor existing markups are cropped at the end extendMarkupsAtStart = true; } if (startOrEnd) { // = End // end part of rangeObject should be used, therefor existing markups are cropped at start (beginning) extendMarkupsAtEnd = true; } objects = []; for( i = 0, relMarkupLength = relevantMarkupObjects.length; i < relMarkupLength; i++){ objects[i] = new this.SelectionRange(); el = relevantMarkupObjects[i]; if (extendMarkupsAtEnd && !extendMarkupsAtStart) { objects[i].startContainer = rangeObject.startContainer; // jQuery(el).contents()[0]; objects[i].startOffset = rangeObject.startOffset; textnodes = jQuery(el).textNodes(true); nodeNr = textnodes.length - 1; objects[i].endContainer = textnodes[ nodeNr ]; objects[i].endOffset = textnodes[ nodeNr ].length; objects[i].update(); this.applyMarkup(objects[i].getSelectionTree(), rangeObject, this.getClonedMarkup4Wrapping(el), tagComparator, {setRangeObject2NewMarkup: true}); } if (!extendMarkupsAtEnd && extendMarkupsAtStart) { textnodes = jQuery(el).textNodes(true); objects[i].startContainer = textnodes[0]; // jQuery(el).contents()[0]; objects[i].startOffset = 0; objects[i].endContainer = rangeObject.endContainer; objects[i].endOffset = rangeObject.endOffset; objects[i].update(); this.applyMarkup(objects[i].getSelectionTree(), rangeObject, this.getClonedMarkup4Wrapping(el), tagComparator, {setRangeObject2NewMarkup: true}); } } return true; }, /** * method creates an empty markup jQuery object from a dom object passed as paramter * @param domobj domobject to be cloned, cleaned and emptied * @param tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @return jQuery wrapper object to be passed to e.g. this.applyMarkup(...) * @hide */ getClonedMarkup4Wrapping: function(domobj) { var wrapper = jQuery(domobj).clone().removeClass('preparedForRemoval').empty(); if (wrapper.attr('class').length === 0) { wrapper.removeAttr('class'); } return wrapper; }, /** * method used to subtract the range object from existing markup. in other words: certain markup is removed from the selections defined by the rangeObject * @param relevantMarkupObjects JS Array of dom objects effecting either the start or endContainer of a selection (which should be extended) * @param rangeObject Aloha rangeObject the markups should be removed from * @param startOrEnd boolean; defines, if the existing markups should be reduced at the beginning of the tag or at the end (is propably redundant and could be found out by comparing start or end container with the markup array dom objects) * @param tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @return true * @hide */ insertCroppedMarkups: function(relevantMarkupObjects, rangeObject, startOrEnd, tagComparator) { var cropMarkupsAtEnd,cropMarkupsAtStart,textnodes,objects,i,el,textNodes; if (!startOrEnd) { // = Start // start part of rangeObject should be used, therefor existing markups are cropped at the end cropMarkupsAtEnd = true; } else { // = End // end part of rangeObject should be used, therefor existing markups are cropped at start (beginning) cropMarkupsAtStart = true; } objects = []; for( i = 0; i'); ) * @return void * @hide */ changeMarkupOnSelection: function(markupObject) { // change the markup this.changeMarkup(this.getRangeObject(), markupObject, this.getStandardTagComparator(markupObject)); // merge text nodes GENTICS.Utils.Dom.doCleanup({'merge' : true}, this.rangeObject); // update the range and select it this.rangeObject.update(); this.rangeObject.select(); }, /** * apply a certain markup to the selection Tree * @param selectionTree SelectionTree Object markup should be applied to * @param rangeObject Aloha rangeObject which will be modified to reflect the dom changes, after the markup was applied (only if activated via options) * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to be applied (e.g. created with obj = jQuery(''); ) * @param tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @param options JS object, with the following boolean properties: setRangeObject2NewMarkup, setRangeObject2NextSibling, setRangeObject2PreviousSibling * @return void * @hide */ applyMarkup: function(selectionTree, rangeObject, markupObject, tagComparator, options) { var optimizedSelectionTree, i, el, breakpoint; options = options ? options : {}; // first same tags from within fully selected nodes for removal this.prepareForRemoval(selectionTree, markupObject, tagComparator); // first let's optimize the selection Tree in useful groups which can be wrapped together optimizedSelectionTree = this.optimizeSelectionTree4Markup(selectionTree, markupObject, tagComparator); breakpoint = true; // now iterate over grouped elements and either recursively dive into object or wrap it as a whole for ( i = 0; i < optimizedSelectionTree.length; i++) { el = optimizedSelectionTree[i]; if (el.wrappable) { this.wrapMarkupAroundSelectionTree(el.elements, rangeObject, markupObject, tagComparator, options); } else { Aloha.Log.debug(this,'dive further into non-wrappable object'); this.applyMarkup(el.element.children, rangeObject, markupObject, tagComparator, options); } } }, /** * returns the type of the given markup (trying to match HTML5) * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to be applied (e.g. created with obj = jQuery(''); ) * @return string name of the markup type * @hide */ getMarkupType: function(markupObject) { var nn = jQuery(markupObject)[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (markupObject.outerHtml) { Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'Node name detected: ' + nn + ' for: ' + markupObject.outerHtml()); } if (nn == '#text') {return 'textNode';} if (this.replacingElements[ nn ]) {return 'sectionOrGroupingContent';} if (this.tagHierarchy [ nn ]) {return 'textLevelSemantics';} Aloha.Log.warn(this, 'unknown markup passed to this.getMarkupType(...): ' + markupObject.outerHtml()); }, /** * returns the standard tag comparator for the given markup object * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to be applied (e.g. created with obj = jQuery(''); ) * @return function tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @hide */ getStandardTagComparator: function(markupObject) { var that = this, result; switch(this.getMarkupType(markupObject)) { case 'textNode': result = function(p1, p2) { return false; }; break; case 'sectionOrGroupingContent': result = function(domobj, markupObject) { return that.standardSectionsAndGroupingContentComparator(domobj, markupObject); }; break; case 'textLevelSemantics': /* falls through */ default: result = function(domobj, markupObject) { return that.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator(domobj, markupObject); }; break; } return result; }, /** * searches for fully selected equal markup tags * @param selectionTree SelectionTree Object markup should be applied to * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to be applied (e.g. created with obj = jQuery(''); ) * @param tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @return void * @hide */ prepareForRemoval: function(selectionTree, markupObject, tagComparator) { var that = this, i, el; // check if a comparison method was passed as parameter ... if (typeof tagComparator !== 'undefined' && typeof tagComparator !== 'function') { Aloha.Log.error(this,'parameter tagComparator is not a function'); } // ... if not use this as standard tag comparison method if (typeof tagComparator === 'undefined') { tagComparator = this.getStandardTagComparator(markupObject); } for ( i = 0; i 0) { this.prepareForRemoval(el.children, markupObject, tagComparator); } } }, /** * searches for fully selected equal markup tags * @param selectionTree SelectionTree Object markup should be applied to * @param rangeObject Aloha rangeObject the markup will be applied to * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to be applied (e.g. created with obj = jQuery(''); ) * @param tagComparator method, which is used to compare the dom object and the jQuery markup object. the method must accept 2 parameters, the first is the domobj, the second is the jquery object. if no method is specified, the method this.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator is used * @param options JS object, with the following boolean properties: setRangeObject2NewMarkup, setRangeObject2NextSibling, setRangeObject2PreviousSibling * @return void * @hide */ wrapMarkupAroundSelectionTree: function(selectionTree, rangeObject, markupObject, tagComparator, options) { // first let's find out if theoretically the whole selection can be wrapped with one tag and save it for later use var objects2wrap = [], // // this will be used later to collect objects j = -1, // internal counter, breakpoint = true, preText = '', postText = '', prevOrNext, textNode2Start, textnodes, newMarkup, i, el, middleText; Aloha.Log.debug(this,'The formatting <' + markupObject[0].tagName + '> will be wrapped around the selection'); // now lets iterate over the elements for (i = 0; i < selectionTree.length; i++) { el = selectionTree[i]; // check if markup is allowed inside the elements parent if (el.domobj && !this.canTag1WrapTag2(el.domobj.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase(), markupObject[0].tagName.toLowerCase())) { Aloha.Log.info(this,'Skipping the wrapping of <' + markupObject[0].tagName.toLowerCase() + '> because this tag is not allowed inside <' + el.domobj.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() + '>'); continue; } // skip empty text nodes if (el.domobj && el.domobj.nodeType === 3 && jQuery.trim(el.domobj.nodeValue).length === 0) { continue; } // partial element, can either be a textnode and therefore be wrapped (at least partially) // or can be a nodeType == 1 (tag) which must be dived into if (el.domobj && el.selection == 'partial' && !markupObject.isReplacingElement) { if (el.startOffset !== undefined && el.endOffset === undefined) { j++; preText += el.domobj.data.substr(0,el.startOffset); el.domobj.data = el.domobj.data.substr(el.startOffset, el.domobj.data.length-el.startOffset); objects2wrap[j] = el.domobj; } else if (el.endOffset !== undefined && el.startOffset === undefined) { j++; postText += el.domobj.data.substr(el.endOffset, el.domobj.data.length-el.endOffset); el.domobj.data = el.domobj.data.substr(0, el.endOffset); objects2wrap[j] = el.domobj; } else if (el.endOffset !== undefined && el.startOffset !== undefined) { if (el.startOffset == el.endOffset) { // do not wrap empty selections Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'skipping empty selection'); continue; } j++; preText += el.domobj.data.substr(0,el.startOffset); middleText = el.domobj.data.substr(el.startOffset,el.endOffset-el.startOffset); postText += el.domobj.data.substr(el.endOffset, el.domobj.data.length-el.endOffset); el.domobj.data = middleText; objects2wrap[j] = el.domobj; } else { // a partially selected item without selectionStart/EndOffset is a nodeType 1 Element on the way to the textnode Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'diving into object'); this.applyMarkup(el.children, rangeObject, markupObject, tagComparator, options); } } // fully selected dom elements can be wrapped as whole element if (el.domobj && (el.selection == 'full' || (el.selection == 'partial' && markupObject.isReplacingElement))) { j++; objects2wrap[j] = el.domobj; } } if (objects2wrap.length > 0) { // wrap collected DOM object with markupObject objects2wrap = jQuery(objects2wrap); // make a fix for text nodes in
  • 's in ie jQuery.each(objects2wrap, function(index, element) { if (jQuery.browser.msie && element.nodeType == 3 && !element.nextSibling && !element.previousSibling && element.parentNode && element.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'li') { element.data = jQuery.trim(element.data); } }); newMarkup = objects2wrap.wrapAll(markupObject).parent(); newMarkup.before(preText).after(postText); if (options.setRangeObject2NewMarkup) { // this is used, when markup is added to normal/normal Text textnodes = objects2wrap.textNodes(); if (textnodes.index(rangeObject.startContainer) != -1) { rangeObject.startOffset = 0; } if (textnodes.index(rangeObject.endContainer) != -1) { rangeObject.endOffset = rangeObject.endContainer.length; } breakpoint=true; } if (options.setRangeObject2NextSibling){ prevOrNext = true; textNode2Start = newMarkup.textNodes(true).last()[0]; if (objects2wrap.index(rangeObject.startContainer) != -1) { rangeObject.startContainer = this.getTextNodeSibling(prevOrNext, newMarkup.parent(), textNode2Start); rangeObject.startOffset = 0; } if (objects2wrap.index(rangeObject.endContainer) != -1) { rangeObject.endContainer = this.getTextNodeSibling(prevOrNext, newMarkup.parent(), textNode2Start); rangeObject.endOffset = rangeObject.endOffset - textNode2Start.length; } } if (options.setRangeObject2PreviousSibling){ prevOrNext = false; textNode2Start = newMarkup.textNodes(true).first()[0]; if (objects2wrap.index(rangeObject.startContainer) != -1) { rangeObject.startContainer = this.getTextNodeSibling(prevOrNext, newMarkup.parent(), textNode2Start); rangeObject.startOffset = 0; } if (objects2wrap.index(rangeObject.endContainer) != -1) { rangeObject.endContainer = this.getTextNodeSibling(prevOrNext, newMarkup.parent(), textNode2Start); rangeObject.endOffset = rangeObject.endContainer.length; } } } }, /** * takes a text node and return either the next recursive text node sibling or the previous * @param previousOrNext boolean, false for previous, true for next sibling * @param commonAncestorContainer dom object to be used as root for the sibling search * @param currentTextNode dom object of the originating text node * @return dom object of the sibling text node * @hide */ getTextNodeSibling: function(previousOrNext, commonAncestorContainer, currentTextNode) { var textNodes = jQuery(commonAncestorContainer).textNodes(true), newIndex, index; index = textNodes.index(currentTextNode); if (index == -1) { // currentTextNode was not found return false; } newIndex = index + (!previousOrNext ? -1 : 1); return textNodes[newIndex] ? textNodes[newIndex] : false; }, /** * takes a selection tree and groups it into markup wrappable selection trees * @param selectionTree rangeObject selection tree * @param markupObject jQuery object of the markup to be applied (e.g. created with obj = jQuery(''); ) * @return JS array of wrappable selection trees * @hide */ optimizeSelectionTree4Markup: function(selectionTree, markupObject, tagComparator) { var groupMap = [], outerGroupIndex = 0, innerGroupIndex = 0, that = this, i,j, endPosition, startPosition; if (typeof tagComparator === 'undefined') { tagComparator = function(domobj, markupObject) { return that.standardTextLevelSemanticsComparator(markupObject); }; } for( i = 0; i ?? * .... many possibilities, here I realize the two described cases */ // first find start element starting from the current element going backwards until sibling 0 startPosition = i; for (j = i-1; j >= 0; j--) { if (this.canMarkupBeApplied2ElementAsWhole([ selectionTree[ j ] ], markupObject) && this.isMarkupAllowedToStealSelectionTreeElement(selectionTree[ j ], markupObject)) { startPosition = j; } else { break; } } // now find the end element starting from the current element going forward until the last sibling endPosition = i; for (j = i+1; j < selectionTree.length; j++) { if (this.canMarkupBeApplied2ElementAsWhole([ selectionTree[ j ] ], markupObject) && this.isMarkupAllowedToStealSelectionTreeElement(selectionTree[ j ], markupObject)) { endPosition = j; } else { break; } } // now add the elements to the groupMap innerGroupIndex = 0; for (j = startPosition; j <= endPosition; j++) { groupMap[outerGroupIndex].elements[innerGroupIndex] = selectionTree[j]; groupMap[outerGroupIndex].elements[innerGroupIndex].selection = 'full'; innerGroupIndex++; } innerGroupIndex = 0; } else { // normal text level semantics object, no siblings need to be selected groupMap[outerGroupIndex].elements[innerGroupIndex] = selectionTree[i]; innerGroupIndex++; } } else { // if no, isolate it in its own group if (groupMap[outerGroupIndex] !== undefined) { outerGroupIndex++; } groupMap[outerGroupIndex] = {}; groupMap[outerGroupIndex].wrappable = false; groupMap[outerGroupIndex].element = selectionTree[i]; innerGroupIndex = 0; outerGroupIndex++; } } } return groupMap; }, /** * very tricky method, which decides, if a certain markup (normally a replacing markup element like p, h1, blockquote) * is allowed to extend the user selection to other dom objects (represented as selectionTreeElement) * to understand the purpose: if the user selection is collapsed inside e.g. some text, which is currently not * wrapped by the markup to be applied, and therefor the markup does not have an equal markup to replace, then the DOM * manipulator has to decide which objects to wrap. real example: *


    * some text blabla bla
    * more text HERE THE | CURSOR BLINKING and even more bold text *
    * when the user now wants to apply e.g. a

    tag, what will be wrapped? it could be useful if the manipulator would actually * wrap everything inside the div except the

    . but for this purpose someone has to decide, if the markup is * allowed to wrap certain dom elements in this case the question would be, if the

    is allowed to wrap * textNodes,
    and and

    . therefore this tricky method should answer the question for those 3 elements * with true, but for for the

    it should return false. and since the method does not know this, there is a configuration * for this * * @param selectionTree rangeObject selection tree element (only one, not an array of) * @param markupObject lowercase string of the tag to be verified (e.g. "b") * @return true if the markup is allowed to wrap the selection tree element, false otherwise * @hide */ isMarkupAllowedToStealSelectionTreeElement: function(selectionTreeElement, markupObject) { if (!selectionTreeElement.domobj) { return false; } var nodeName = selectionTreeElement.domobj.nodeName.toLowerCase(), markupName; nodeName = (nodeName == '#text') ? 'textNode' : nodeName; markupName = markupObject[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(); // if nothing is defined for the markup, it's now allowed if (!this.allowedToStealElements[ markupName ]) { return false; } // if something is defined, but the specifig tag is not in the list if (this.allowedToStealElements[ markupName ].indexOf(nodeName) == -1) { return false; } return true; }, /** * checks if a selection can be completey wrapped by a certain html tags (helper method for this.optimizeSelectionTree4Markup * @param selectionTree rangeObject selection tree * @param markupObject lowercase string of the tag to be verified (e.g. "b") * @return true if selection can be applied as whole, false otherwise * @hide */ canMarkupBeApplied2ElementAsWhole: function(selectionTree, markupObject) { var htmlTag, i, el, returnVal; if (markupObject.jquery) { htmlTag = markupObject[0].tagName; } if (markupObject.tagName) { htmlTag = markupObject.tagName; } returnVal = true; for ( i = 0; i < selectionTree.length; i++) { el = selectionTree[i]; if (el.domobj && (el.selection != "none" || markupObject.isReplacingElement)) { // Aloha.Log.debug(this, 'Checking, if <' + htmlTag + '> can be applied to ' + el.domobj.nodeName); if (!this.canTag1WrapTag2(htmlTag, el.domobj.nodeName)) { return false; } if (el.children.length > 0 && !this.canMarkupBeApplied2ElementAsWhole(el.children, markupObject)) { return false; } } } return returnVal; }, /** * checks if a tag 1 (first parameter) can wrap tag 2 (second parameter). * IMPORTANT: the method does not verify, if there have to be other tags in between * Example: this.canTag1WrapTag2("table", "td") will return true, because the method does not take into account, that there has to be a "tr" in between * @param t1 string: tagname of outer tag to verify, e.g. "b" * @param t2 string: tagname of inner tag to verify, e.g. "b" * @return true if tag 1 can wrap tag 2, false otherwise * @hide */ canTag1WrapTag2: function(t1, t2) { t1 = (t1 == '#text')?'textNode':t1.toLowerCase(); t2 = (t2 == '#text')?'textNode':t2.toLowerCase(); if (!this.tagHierarchy[ t1 ]) { // Aloha.Log.warn(this, t1 + ' is an unknown tag to the method canTag1WrapTag2 (paramter 1). Sadfully allowing the wrapping...'); return true; } if (!this.tagHierarchy[ t2 ]) { // Aloha.Log.warn(this, t2 + ' is an unknown tag to the method canTag1WrapTag2 (paramter 2). Sadfully allowing the wrapping...'); return true; } var t1Array = this.tagHierarchy[ t1 ], returnVal = (t1Array.indexOf( t2 ) != -1) ? true : false; return returnVal; }, /** * Check whether it is allowed to insert the given tag at the start of the * current selection. This method will check whether the markup effective for * the start and outside of the editable part (starting with the editable tag * itself) may wrap the given tag. * @param tagName {String} name of the tag which shall be inserted * @return true when it is allowed to insert that tag, false if not * @hide */ mayInsertTag: function (tagName) { if (typeof this.rangeObject.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart == 'object') { // iterate over all DOM elements outside of the editable part for (var i = 0; i < this.rangeObject.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart.length; ++i) { // check whether an element may not wrap the given if (!this.canTag1WrapTag2(this.rangeObject.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart[i].nodeName, tagName)) { // found a DOM element which forbids to insert the given tag, we are done return false; } } // all of the found DOM elements allow inserting the given tag return true; } else { Aloha.Log.warn(this, 'Unable to determine whether tag ' + tagName + ' may be inserted'); return true; } }, /** * String representation * @return "Aloha.Selection" * @hide */ toString: function() { return 'Aloha.Selection'; }, /** * @namespace Aloha.Selection * @class SelectionRange * @extends GENTICS.Utils.RangeObject * Constructor for a range object. * Optionally you can pass in a range object that's properties will be assigned to the new range object. * @param rangeObject A range object thats properties will be assigned to the new range object. * @constructor */ SelectionRange: GENTICS.Utils.RangeObject.extend({ _constructor: function(rangeObject){ this._super(rangeObject); // If a range object was passed in we apply the values to the new range object if (rangeObject) { if (rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer) { this.commonAncestorContainer = rangeObject.commonAncestorContainer; } if (rangeObject.selectionTree) { this.selectionTree = rangeObject.selectionTree; } if (rangeObject.limitObject) { this.limitObject = rangeObject.limitObject; } if (rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart) { this.markupEffectiveAtStart = rangeObject.markupEffectiveAtStart; } if (rangeObject.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart) { this.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart = rangeObject.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart; } if (rangeObject.splitObject) { this.splitObject = rangeObject.splitObject; } } }, /** * DOM object of the common ancestor from startContainer and endContainer * @hide */ commonAncestorContainer: undefined, /** * The selection tree * @hide */ selectionTree: undefined, /** * Array of DOM objects effective for the start container and inside the * editable part (inside the limit object). relevant for the button status * @hide */ markupEffectiveAtStart: [], /** * Array of DOM objects effective for the start container, which lies * outside of the editable portion (starting with the limit object) * @hide */ unmodifiableMarkupAtStart: [], /** * DOM object being the limit for all markup relevant activities * @hide */ limitObject: undefined, /** * DOM object being split when enter key gets hit * @hide */ splitObject: undefined, /** * Sets the visible selection in the Browser based on the range object. * If the selection is collapsed, this will result in a blinking cursor, * otherwise in a text selection. * @method */ select: function() { // Call Utils' select() this._super(); // update the selection Aloha.Selection.updateSelection(); }, /** * Method to update a range object internally * @param commonAncestorContainer (DOM Object); optional Parameter; if set, the parameter * will be used instead of the automatically calculated CAC * @return void * @hide */ update: function(commonAncestorContainer) { this.updatelimitObject(); this.updateMarkupEffectiveAtStart(); this.updateCommonAncestorContainer(commonAncestorContainer); // reset the selectiontree (must be recalculated) this.selectionTree = undefined; }, /** * Get the selection tree for this range * TODO: remove this (was moved to range.js) * @return selection tree * @hide */ getSelectionTree: function () { // if not yet calculated, do this now if (!this.selectionTree) { this.selectionTree = Aloha.Selection.getSelectionTree(this); } return this.selectionTree; }, /** * TODO: move this to range.js * Get an array of domobj (in dom tree order) of siblings of the given domobj, which are contained in the selection * @param domobj dom object to start with * @return array of siblings of the given domobj, which are also selected * @hide */ getSelectedSiblings: function (domobj) { var selectionTree = this.getSelectionTree(); return this.recursionGetSelectedSiblings(domobj, selectionTree); }, /** * TODO: move this to range.js * Recursive method to find the selected siblings of the given domobj (which should be selected as well) * @param domobj dom object for which the selected siblings shall be found * @param selectionTree current level of the selection tree * @return array of selected siblings of dom objects or false if none found * @hide */ recursionGetSelectedSiblings: function (domobj, selectionTree) { var selectedSiblings = false, foundObj = false, i; for ( i = 0; i < selectionTree.length; ++i) { if (selectionTree[i].domobj === domobj) { foundObj = true; selectedSiblings = []; } else if (!foundObj && selectionTree[i].children) { // do the recursion selectedSiblings = this.recursionGetSelectedSiblings(domobj, selectionTree[i].children); if (selectedSiblings !== false) { break; } } else if (foundObj && selectionTree[i].domobj && selectionTree[i].selection != 'collapsed' && selectionTree[i].selection != 'none') { selectedSiblings.push(selectionTree[i].domobj); } else if (foundObj && selectionTree[i].selection == 'none') { break; } } return selectedSiblings; }, /** * TODO: move this to range.js * Method updates member var markupEffectiveAtStart and splitObject, which is relevant primarily for button status and enter key behaviour * @return void * @hide */ updateMarkupEffectiveAtStart: function() { // reset the current markup this.markupEffectiveAtStart = []; this.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart = []; var parents = this.getStartContainerParents(), limitFound = false, splitObjectWasSet, i, el; for ( i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { el = parents[i]; if (!limitFound && (el !== this.limitObject)) { this.markupEffectiveAtStart[ i ] = el; if (!splitObjectWasSet && GENTICS.Utils.Dom.isSplitObject(el)) { splitObjectWasSet = true; this.splitObject = el; } } else { limitFound = true; this.unmodifiableMarkupAtStart.push(el); } } if (!splitObjectWasSet) { this.splitObject = false; } return; }, /** * TODO: remove this * Method updates member var markupEffectiveAtStart, which is relevant primarily for button status * @return void * @hide */ updatelimitObject: function() { if (Aloha.editables && Aloha.editables.length > 0) { var parents = this.getStartContainerParents(), editables = Aloha.editables, i, el, j, editable; for ( i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { el = parents[i]; for ( j = 0; j < editables.length; j++) { editable = editables[j].obj[0]; if (el === editable) { this.limitObject = el; return true; } } } } this.limitObject = jQuery('body'); return true; }, /** * string representation of the range object * @param verbose set to true for verbose output * @return string representation of the range object * @hide */ toString: function(verbose) { if (!verbose) { return 'Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange'; } return 'Aloha.Selection.SelectionRange {start [' + this.startContainer.nodeValue + '] offset ' + this.startOffset + ', end [' + this.endContainer.nodeValue + '] offset ' + this.endOffset + '}'; } }) // SelectionRange }); // Selection /** * This method implements an ugly workaround for a selection problem in ie: * when the cursor shall be placed at the end of a text node in a li element, that is followed by a nested list, * the selection would always snap into the first li of the nested list * therefore, we make sure that the text node ends with a space and place the cursor right before it */ function nestedListInIEWorkaround ( range ) { if (jQuery.browser.msie && range.startContainer === range.endContainer && range.startOffset === range.endOffset && range.startContainer.nodeType == 3 && range.startOffset == range.startContainer.data.length && range.startContainer.nextSibling && ["OL", "UL"].indexOf(range.startContainer.nextSibling.nodeName) !== -1) { if (range.startContainer.data[range.startContainer.data.length-1] == ' ') { range.startOffset = range.endOffset = range.startOffset-1; } else { range.startContainer.data = range.startContainer.data + ' '; } } } function correctRange ( range ) { nestedListInIEWorkaround(range); return range; } /** * Implements Selection http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#selection * @namespace Aloha * @class Selection This singleton class always represents the * current user selection * @singleton */ var AlohaSelection = Class.extend({ _constructor : function( nativeSelection ) { this._nativeSelection = nativeSelection; this.ranges = []; // will remember if urged to not change the selection this.preventChange = false; }, /** * Returns the element that contains the start of the selection. Returns null if there's no selection. * @readonly * @type Node */ anchorNode: null, /** * Returns the offset of the start of the selection relative to the element that contains the start * of the selection. Returns 0 if there's no selection. * @readonly * @type int */ anchorOffset: 0, /** * Returns the element that contains the end of the selection. * Returns null if there's no selection. * @readonly * @type Node */ focusNode: null, /** * Returns the offset of the end of the selection relative to the element that contains the end * of the selection. Returns 0 if there's no selection. * @readonly * @type int */ focusOffset: 0, /** * Returns true if there's no selection or if the selection is empty. Otherwise, returns false. * @readonly * @type boolean */ isCollapsed: false, /** * Returns the number of ranges in the selection. * @readonly * @type int */ rangeCount: 0, /** * Replaces the selection with an empty one at the given position. * @throws a WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR exception if the given node is in a different document. * @param parentNode Node of new selection * @param offest offest of new Selection in parentNode * @void */ collapse: function ( parentNode, offset ) { this._nativeSelection.collapse( parentNode, offset ); }, /** * Replaces the selection with an empty one at the position of the start of the current selection. * @throws an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception if there is no selection. * @void */ collapseToStart: function() { throw "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"; }, /** * @void */ extend: function ( parentNode, offset) { }, /** * @param alter DOMString * @param direction DOMString * @param granularity DOMString * @void */ modify: function ( alter, direction, granularity ) { }, /** * Replaces the selection with an empty one at the position of the end of the current selection. * @throws an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception if there is no selection. * @void */ collapseToEnd: function() { throw "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"; }, /** * Replaces the selection with one that contains all the contents of the given element. * @throws a WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR exception if the given node is in a different document. * @param parentNode Node the Node fully select * @void */ selectAllChildren: function( parentNode ) { throw "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"; }, /** * Deletes the contents of the selection */ deleteFromDocument: function() { throw "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"; }, /** * NB! * We have serious problem in IE. * The range that we get in IE is not the same as the range we had set, * so even if we normalize it during getRangeAt, in IE, we will be * correcting the range to the "correct" place, but still not the place * where it was originally set. * * Returns the given range. * The getRangeAt(index) method returns the indexth range in the list. * NOTE: Aloha Editor only support 1 range! index can only be 0 * @throws INDEX_SIZE_ERR DOM exception if index is less than zero or * greater or equal to the value returned by the rangeCount. * @param index int * @return Range return the selected range from index */ getRangeAt: function ( index ) { return correctRange( this._nativeSelection.getRangeAt( index ) ); //if ( index < 0 || this.rangeCount ) { // throw "INDEX_SIZE_ERR DOM"; //} //return this._ranges[index]; }, /** * Adds the given range to the selection. * The addRange(range) method adds the given range Range object to the list of * selections, at the end (so the newly added range is the new last range). * NOTE: Aloha Editor only support 1 range! The added range will replace the * range at index 0 * see http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#selection note about addRange * @throws an INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR exception if the given Range has a boundary point * node that's not a Text or Element node, and an INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR exception * if it has a boundary point node that doesn't descend from a Document. * @param range Range adds the range to the selection * @void */ addRange: function( range ) { // set readonly attributes this._nativeSelection.addRange( range ); // We will correct the range after rangy has processed the native // selection range, so that our correction will be the final fix on // the range according to the guarentee's that Aloha wants to make this._nativeSelection._ranges[ 0 ] = correctRange( range ); // make sure, the old Aloha selection will be updated (until all implementations use the new AlohaSelection) Aloha.Selection.updateSelection(); }, /** * Removes the given range from the selection, if the range was one of the ones in the selection. * NOTE: Aloha Editor only support 1 range! The added range will replace the * range at with index 0 * @param range Range removes the range from the selection * @void */ removeRange: function( range ) { this._nativeSelection.removeRange(); }, /** * Removes all the ranges in the selection. * @viod */ removeAllRanges: function() { this._nativeSelection.removeAllRanges(); }, /** * prevents the next aloha-selection-changed event from * being triggered * @param flag boolean defines weather to update the selection on change or not */ preventedChange: function( flag ) { // this.preventChange = typeof flag === 'undefined' ? false : flag; }, /** * will return wheter selection change event was prevented or not, and reset the * preventSelectionChangedFlag * @return boolean true if aloha-selection-change event * was prevented */ isChangedPrevented: function() { // return this.preventSelectionChangedFlag; }, /** * INFO: Method is used for integration with Gentics * Aloha, has no use otherwise Updates the rangeObject * according to the current user selection Method is * always called on selection change * * @param event * jQuery browser event object * @return true when rangeObject was modified, false * otherwise * @hide */ refresh: function(event) { }, /** * String representation * * @return "Aloha.Selection" * @hide */ toString: function() { return 'Aloha.Selection'; }, getRangeCount: function() { return this._nativeSelection.rangeCount; } }); /** * A wrapper for the function of the same name in the rangy core-depdency. * This function should be preferred as it hides the global rangy object. * For more information look at the following sites: * http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html * @param window optional - specifices the window to get the selection of */ Aloha.getSelection = function( target ) { var target = ( target !== document || target !== window ) ? window : target; // Aloha.Selection.refresh() // implement Aloha Selection // TODO cache return new AlohaSelection( window.rangy.getSelection( target ) ); }; /** * A wrapper for the function of the same name in the rangy core-depdency. * This function should be preferred as it hides the global rangy object. * Please note: when the range object is not needed anymore, * invoke the detach method on it. It is currently unknown to me why * this is required, but that's what it says in the rangy specification. * For more information look at the following sites: * http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html * @param document optional - specifies which document to create the range for */ Aloha.createRange = function(givenWindow) { return window.rangy.createRange(givenWindow); }; var selection = new Selection(); Aloha.Selection = selection; return selection; });