# encoding: utf-8
module Github
# The Search API is optimized to help you find the specific item
# you're looking for (e.g., a specific user, a specific file
# in a repository, etc.).
class Search < API
include Github::Utils::Url
PREVIEW_MEDIA = 'application/vnd.github.preview'.freeze # :nodoc:
Github::require_all 'github_api/search', 'legacy'
# Access to Search::Legacy API
def legacy(options = {}, &block)
@legacy ||= ApiFactory.new('Search::Legacy',
current_options.merge(options), &block)
# Search issues
# Find issues by state and keyword.
# (This method returns up to 100 results per page.)
# = Parameters
# :q - The search terms. This can be any combination of the
# supported issue search parameters.
# :sort - Optional sort field. One of comments, created, or
# updated. If not provided, results are sorted by
# best match.
# :order - Optional Sort order if sort parameter is provided.
# One of asc or desc; the default is desc.
# = Examples
# github = Github.new
# github.search.legacy.issues 'query'
# github.search.legacy.issues q: 'query'
def issues(*args)
params = arguments(args, required: [:q]).params
params['q'] ||= q
params['accept'] ||= PREVIEW_MEDIA
get_request('/search/issues' , params)
# Search repositories
# Find repositories via various criteria.
# (This method returns up to 100 results per page.)
# = Parameters
# :q - The search terms. This can be any combination of the
# supported issue search parameters.
# :sort - Optional sort field. One of stars, forks, or updated.
# If not provided, results are sorted by best match.
# :order - Optional Sort order if sort parameter is provided.
# One of asc or desc; the default is desc.
# = Examples
# github = Github.new
# github.search.repos 'query'
# github.search.repos q: 'query'
def repos(*args)
params = arguments(args, required: [:q]).params
params['q'] ||= q
params['accept'] ||= PREVIEW_MEDIA
get_request('/search/repositories', arguments.params)
alias :repositories :repos
# Search users
# Find users by keyword.
# = Parameters
# :q - The search terms. This can be any combination of the
# supported issue search parameters.
# :sort - Optional sort field. One of followers, repositories, or
# If not provided, results are sorted by best match.
# :order - Optional Sort order if sort parameter is provided.
# One of asc or desc; the default is desc.
# = Examples
# github = Github.new
# github.search.users keyword: 'wycats'
def users(*args)
params = arguments(args, required: [:q]).params
params['q'] ||= q
params['accept'] ||= PREVIEW_MEDIA
get_request('/search/users', arguments.params)
# Find file contents via various criteria.
# (This method returns up to 100 results per page.)
# = Parameters
# :q - The search terms. This can be any combination of the
# supported issue search parameters.
# :sort - Optional sort field. Can only be indexed, which
# indicates how recently a file has been indexed
# by the GitHub search infrastructure. If not provided,
# results are sorted by best match.
# :order - Optional Sort order if sort parameter is provided.
# One of asc or desc; the default is desc.
# = Examples
# github = Github.new
# github.search.code email: 'wycats'
def code(*args)
params = arguments(args, required: [:q]).params
params['q'] ||= q
params['accept'] ||= PREVIEW_MEDIA
get_request('/search/code', params)
end # Search
end # Github