require 'test/unit' require 'langscan/d' class TestScanD < Test::Unit::TestCase def assert_yield(recv, meth, *args) yielded = false recv.__send__(meth, *args) {|*block_args| yielded = true yield(*block_args) } assert(yielded, "block not yielded") end def assert_not_yield(recv, meth, *args) yielded = false recv.__send__(meth, *args) {|*block_args| assert(false, "block yielded") } end def test_token_position assert_yield(LangScan::D, :scan, "a(1,2,3)") {|f| next if f.type != :funcall assert_equal(0, f.beg_byteno) #assert_equal(1, f.end_byteno) } end def assert_yield_any(recv, meth, *args) success = false recv.__send__(meth, *args) {|*block_args| if yield(*block_args) assert(true) success = true break end } assert(false, "no expected yields") unless success end def assert_yield_all(recv, meth, *args) recv.__send__(meth, *args) {|*block_args| if !yield(*block_args) assert(false, "unexpected yields") return end } assert(true) end def test_funtype assert_yield_all(LangScan::D, :scan, "int fun(type (*)())") {|f| !(f.type == :fundef || f.type == :funcall || f.type == :fundecl) || f.text == 'fun' } end def test_decl assert_yield_any(LangScan::D, :scan, "int f();") {|f| f.type == :fundecl && f.text == 'f' } end def test_preproc_defined assert_yield_all(LangScan::D, :scan, "#if defined(MACRO)\n") {|f| !(f.type == :funcall && f.text == 'defined') } end def test_fragment_and_function regions = {} LangScan::D.scan("a()") {|t| f = t f = f.name_token if f.respond_to? :name_token r = f.beg_byteno assert(!regions.include?(r), "duplicate token: #{regions[r].inspect} and #{t.inspect}") regions[r] = t } end def test_funcdef [ "int fun() {}", "int fun(void) {}", "int fun(int arg) {}", ].each {|src| result = false assert_yield(LangScan::D, :scan, src) {|f| if f.type == :fundef && f.text == 'fun' result = true end } assert(result, src) } end def test_extern_c src = 'extern "C" { void fun(); }' assert_yield_any(LangScan::D, :scan, src) {|f| f.type == :fundecl && f.text == 'fun' } end def test_keyword assert_yield_all(LangScan::D, :scan, "int()") {|f| f.type != :funcall } end def test_toplevel_comma assert_yield(LangScan::D, :scan, ",") {|f| assert_equal(LangScan::Fragment, f.class) assert_equal(:punct, f.type) assert_equal(",", f.text) } end def test_funcall result = [] LangScan::D.scan("f(){g();}") {|f| next unless f.type == :fundef || f.type == :funcall result << [f.type, f.text] } assert_equal([[:fundef, 'f'], [:funcall, 'g']], result) end # C++ def assert_fragment_type(type, text, src) found = false LangScan::D.scan(src) {|f| if f.text == text if found raise "token #{text} occurred twice" else found = true assert_equal(type, f.type, "fragment type of #{text}") end end } unless found raise "token #{text} not found" end end def test_class assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'c', "class c {};") assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'c1', "class c1 : c2 {};") assert_fragment_type(:classref, 'c2', "class c1 : c2 {};") end def test_struct assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'c', "struct c {};") assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'c1', "struct c1 : c2 {};") assert_fragment_type(:classref, 'c2', "struct c1 : c2 {};") end def check_scan(src) LangScan::D.scan(src) {|f| assert_equal(f.text, src[f.beg_byteno...f.end_byteno]) } end def test_sharp_in_non_initial_state check_scan("struct x\n#;") end def test_fundef_returns_user_defined_type assert_fragment_type(:fundef, 'foo', 'VALUE foo() {}') end def test_classdescls assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'Foo', 'class Foo { int a; }') assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'Foo', 'class Foo { int a; } var;') assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'Foo', 'abstract class Foo : A {}') assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'Foo', 'class Foo : A, B {}') assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'Foo', 'class Foo { class Inner {} }') assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'Foo', 'interface Foo {}') assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'Foo', 'struct Foo {}') assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'Foo', 'union Foo {}') assert_fragment_type(:classdef, 'Foo', 'enum Foo {}') end def test_fundefs assert_fragment_type(:fundef, 'foo', 'VALUE foo() {}') assert_fragment_type(:fundef, 'foo', 'unittest { VALUE foo() {} }') assert_fragment_type(:fundef, 'foo', 'version(HOGE) { VALUE foo() {} }') assert_fragment_type(:fundef, 'foo', 'void x() { VALUE foo() {} }') assert_fragment_type(:fundef, 'foo', 'void x(...) { VALUE foo() {} }') end def test_fundecls assert_fragment_type(:fundecl, 'foo', 'VALUE foo();') assert_fragment_type(:fundecl, 'foo', 'void x() { class C { foo(); } }') assert_fragment_type(:fundecl, 'foo', 'version(HOGE) { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:fundecl, 'foo', 'template T { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:fundecl, 'foo', 'template T(T) { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:fundecl, 'foo', 'template T(T,T) { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:fundecl, 'foo', 'template T(T,T,T) { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:fundecl, 'foo', 'template T(T:char[]) { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:fundecl, 'foo', 'void x(int a, int b, int c, int d, ...) { class C { foo(); } }') end def test_funcalls assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'x(foo());') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'void x() { foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'void x() {; }') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'unittest { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'void x() body { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'void x() in { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'out { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'void x() {{{{VALUE foo();}}}}') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { VALUE foo(); }') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'void x() { debug(D) { VALUE foo(); } }') assert_fragment_type(:funcall, 'foo', 'void x() { with(c) { VALUE foo(); } }') end def test_delegates assert_fragment_type(:keyword, 'delegate', 'void delegate() fp;') assert_fragment_type(:keyword, 'delegate', 'return delegate void() {}') assert_fragment_type(:ident, 'type', 'return delegate type() {}') assert_fragment_type(:keyword, 'function', 'void function() fp;') assert_fragment_type(:keyword, 'function', 'return function type() {}') assert_fragment_type(:ident, 'type', 'return function type() {}') end def test_funcables assert_fragment_type(:keyword, 'new', 'c = new C();') assert_fragment_type(:keyword, 'delete', 'delete p;') assert_fragment_type(:keyword, 'this', 'return this;') assert_fragment_type(:keyword, '~this', '~this();') end end