// // Tabs. Requires the use of tabs.js // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The tabbed base mixin is / can be used with both tabbed and pill base setups. when including the style can either be set to tab or pill. There are lots of other mixins below for the various features of a tabbed based nav. This way when used in things like _global.scss, we don't end up with a lot of duplication. */ @import 'facades/layout/lists'; @mixin tabbed($style: tab){ .tab{ display:none; } & > .tab.active{ display:block; // padding the tab content keeps the rhythm intact because of margin collapsing padding-top:rhythm(.5); } &.no-js .tab{ display:block; } } // Styles a list to function as a tab based navigation @mixin tab-navigation{ @if $facades-global-import-used == false{ @include inline-list; } margin:0 0 rhythm(.5) 0; padding:0; border-bottom:1px solid $tab-border-color; @include clearfix; li{ @include tab-list-item; } } // really for internal use. makes a li into a tab. @mixin tab-list-item{ margin:0 0 0 .25em; a{ color:$font-color; text-decoration:none; padding:border-rhythm(1px, .5) rhythm(.75) rhythm(.5); @include opacity(50); &:hover{ @include opacity(75); } } &.active a{ @include border-radius(4px 4px 0px 0px); background-color:transparent; border: 1px solid $tab-border-color; border-width:4px 1px 0 1px; border-top-color: $tab-accent-color; padding:border-rhythm(4px, .5) rhythm(.75) rhythm(.5); &, &:hover{ @include opacity(100); } } } @mixin tabs{ .tab-navigation{ @include tab-navigation; } @include tabbed; }