pageflow.Audio.MultiPlayer = function(pool, options) { if (options.crossFade && options.playFromBeginning) { throw 'pageflow.Audio.MultiPlayer: The options crossFade and playFromBeginning can not be used together at the moment.'; } var current = new pageflow.AudioPlayer.Null(); var currentId = null; var that = this; this.resume = function() { return; }; this.resumeAndFadeIn = function() { return current.playAndFadeIn(options.fadeDuration); }; = function(position) { return; }; this.pause = function() { return current.pause(); }; this.paused = function() { return current.paused(); }; this.fadeOutAndPause = function() { return current.fadeOutAndPause(options.fadeDuration); }; this.position = function() { return current.position; }; this.duration = function() { return current.duration; }; this.fadeTo = function(id) { return changeCurrent(id, function(player) { return player.playAndFadeIn(options.fadeDuration); }); }; = function(id) { return changeCurrent(id, function(player) { return; }); }; this.changeVolumeFactor = function(factor) { return current.changeVolumeFactor(factor, options.fadeDuration); }; this.formatTime = function(time) { return current.formatTime(time); }; function changeCurrent(id, callback) { if (!options.playFromBeginning && id === currentId && !current.paused()) { return; } var player = pool.get(id); currentId = id; var fadeOutPromise = current.fadeOutAndPause(options.fadeDuration); fadeOutPromise.then(function() { stopEventPropagation(current); }); handleCrossFade(fadeOutPromise).then(function() { current = player; startEventPropagation(current, id); handlePlayFromBeginning(player).then(function() { callback(player); }); }); } function handleCrossFade(fadePomise) { if (options.crossFade) { return new $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } else { return fadePomise; } } function handlePlayFromBeginning(player) { if (options.playFromBeginning || options.rewindOnChange) { return player.rewind(); } else { return new $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } } function startEventPropagation(player, id) { that.listenTo(player, 'play', function() { that.trigger('play', {audioFileId: id}); }); that.listenTo(player, 'pause', function() { that.trigger('pause', {audioFileId: id}); }); that.listenTo(player, 'timeupdate', function() { that.trigger('timeupdate', {audioFileId: id}); }); that.listenTo(player, 'ended', function() { that.trigger('ended', {audioFileId: id}); }); } function stopEventPropagation(player) { that.stopListening(player); } }; _.extend(pageflow.Audio.MultiPlayer.prototype, Backbone.Events);