var sys = require('sys'), path = require('path'), http = require('http'), assert = require('assert'), faye = require('../build/faye'); Scenario = Faye.Class({ initialize: function(name, block) { this._name = name; this._block = block; this._clients = {}; this._inbox = {}; this._pool = 0; }, run: function() { sys.puts('\n' + this._name); sys.puts('----------------------------------------------------------------');; }, server: function(port) { sys.puts('Starting server on port ' + port); this._endpoint = '' + port + '/comet'; var comet = this._comet = new faye.NodeAdapter({mount: '/comet', timeout: 30}); this._server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {, response); }); this._server.listen(port); }, httpClient: function(name, channels) { this._setupClient(new faye.Client(this._endpoint), name, channels); }, localClient: function(name, channels) { this._setupClient(this._comet.getClient(), name, channels); }, _setupClient: function(client, name, channels) { Faye.each(channels, function(channel) { sys.puts('Client ' + name + ' subscribing to ' + channel); client.subscribe(channel, function(message) { var box = this._inbox[name]; box[channel] = box[channel] || []; box[channel].push(message); }, this); }, this); this._clients[name] = client; this._inbox[name] = {}; this._pool += 1; }, send: function(from, channel, message) { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { var displayMessage = JSON.stringify(message); sys.puts('Client ' + from + ' publishing ' + displayMessage + ' to ' + channel); self._clients[from].publish(channel, message); }, 500); }, checkInbox: function(expectedInbox) { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { self._checkInbox(expectedInbox); sys.puts('Shutting down server\n'); Faye.each(this._clients, function(name, client) { client.disconnect() }); self._server.close(); Scenario.runNext(); }, 1000); }, _checkInbox: function(expectedInbox) { sys.puts(JSON.stringify(this._inbox)); assert.deepEqual(this._inbox, expectedInbox); } }); Faye.extend(Scenario, { _queue: [], enqueue: function(name, block) { this._queue.push(new this(name, block)); }, runNext: function() { this.running = true; var scenario = this._queue.shift(); if (!scenario) return;; } }); = function(name, block) { Scenario.enqueue(name, block); if (!Scenario.running) Scenario.runNext(); };