module Teaspoon module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("../", __FILE__) desc "Installs the Teaspoon initializer into your application." class_option :framework, type: :string, aliases: "-t", default: "jasmine", desc: "Specify which test framework to use (Available: jasmine, mocha, or qunit)" class_option :coffee, type: :boolean, aliases: "-c", default: false, desc: "Generate a CoffeeScript spec helper instead of Javascript" class_option :no_comments, type: :boolean, aliases: "-q", default: false, desc: "Install the teaspoon_env.rb without comments" class_option :partials, type: :boolean, aliases: "-p", default: false, desc: "Copy the boot and body partials" def validate_framework return if frameworks.include?(options[:framework]) puts "Unknown framework -- available #{frameworks.join(', ')}" exit(1) end def copy_environment if options[:no_comments] copy_file "templates/#{framework}/env.rb", "#{framework_type}/teaspoon_env.rb" else template "templates/#{framework}/", "#{framework_type}/teaspoon_env.rb" end end def create_structure empty_directory "#{framework_type}/javascripts/support" empty_directory "#{framework_type}/javascripts/fixtures" end def copy_spec_helper copy_file "templates/#{framework}/#{framework_type}_helper.#{helper_ext}", "#{framework_type}/javascripts/#{framework_type}_helper.#{helper_ext}" end def copy_partials return unless options[:partials] copy_file "templates/_boot.html.erb", "#{framework_type}/javascripts/fixtures/_boot.html.erb" copy_file "templates/_body.html.erb", "#{framework_type}/javascripts/fixtures/_body.html.erb" end def display_readme readme "POST_INSTALL" if behavior == :invoke end private def framework options[:framework] end def frameworks %w{jasmine mocha qunit} end def helper_ext (options[:coffee]) ? "coffee" : "js" end def framework_type (options[:framework] == "qunit") ? "test" : "spec" end end end end