module Deface::ActionViewExtensions def self.determine_syntax(handler) return unless Rails.application.config.deface.enabled if handler.to_s == "Haml::Plugin" :haml elsif handler.class.to_s == "Slim::RailsTemplate" :slim elsif handler.to_s.demodulize == "ERB" || handler.class.to_s.demodulize == "ERB" :erb else nil end end module DefacedTemplate def initialize(source, identifier, handler, details) syntax = Deface::ActionViewExtensions.determine_syntax(handler) if syntax processed_source = Deface::Override.apply(source.to_param, details, true, syntax) # force change in handler before continuing to original Rails method # as we've just converted some other template language into ERB! # if [:slim, :haml].include?(syntax) && processed_source != source.to_param handler = ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB end else processed_source = source.to_param end super(processed_source, identifier, handler, **details) end # refresh view to get source again if # view needs to be recompiled # def render(view, locals, buffer=nil, &block) mod = view.is_a?(Deface.template_class) ? Deface.template_class : view.singleton_class if @compiled && !mod.instance_methods.include?(method_name.to_sym) @compiled = false @source = refresh(view).source end super(view, locals, buffer, &block) end # inject deface hash into compiled view method name # used to determine if recompilation is needed # def method_name deface_hash = Deface::Override.digest(:virtual_path => @virtual_path) #we digest the whole method name as if it gets too long there's problems "_#{Deface::Digest.hexdigest("#{deface_hash}_#{super}")}" end ActionView::Template.prepend self end # Rails 6 fix. # # # module ErubiHandlerFix def initialize(input, properties = {}) properties[:preamble] = "@output_buffer = output_buffer ||;" super end # We use include to place the module between the class' call to super and the # actual execution within Erubi::Engine. ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::Erubi.include self unless Deface.before_rails_6? end end