/* H -> hue L -> luminosity S -> saturation clr -> color bg -> background hvr -> hover */ //colors :root { //red --code-d14: #d14; --code-aa0000: #aa0000; --code-990000: #990000; //cyan --code-009999: #009999; --code-008080: #008080; --code-3c5d5d: #3c5d5d; //green --code-009926: #009926; //pink --code-990073: #990073; --code-800080: #800080; //purple --code-445588: #445588; //blue --code-000080: #000080; //grey --code-aaaaaa: #aaaaaa; --code-999999: #999999; --code-888888: #888888; --code-555555: #555555; } @mixin colors { // buttons --L-a-text-hover-change: 0.8; --clr-a-text: hsl(200, 100%, var(--L-a-text)); --clr-a-text-hvr: hsl(200, 100%, calc(var(--L-a-text) * var(--L-a-text-hover-change))); --clr-buttons-main-bg: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-buttons-main-bg)); --clr-buttons-main-border: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-buttons-main-border)); --clr-buttons-main-text: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-buttons-main-text)); --clr-buttons-main-text-hover: hsl(0, 6%, var(--L-buttons-main-text-hover)); // headers + text --clr-h1-and-bold: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-h1-and-bold)); --clr-h2: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-h2)); --clr-h-3-6: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-h-3-6)); --clr-text: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-text)); // code blocks --clr-code-text: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-code-text)); --clr-code-bg: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-code-bg)); --clr-code-border: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-code-border)); --clr-code-bold-text: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-code-bold-text)); //kbd these are keyboard shortcuts eg <kbd>CMD+R</kbd> --clr-kbd-bg: hsl(210, 25%, var(--L-kbd-bg)); --clr-kbd-border: hsl(212.7, 10.7%, var(--L-kbd-border)); --clr-kbd-border-bottom-and-shadow: hsl(210, 8.2%, var(--L-kbd-border-bottom-and-shadow)); --clr-kbd-text: hsl(210, 11.7%, var(--L-kbd-text)); // miscellaneous --clr-bg: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-bg));//the bg of the page --clr-splitter-blockquote-and-section: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-splitter-blockquote-and-section)); --clr-small-in-a: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-small-in-a)); --clr-table-header-and-dt: hsl(0, 0%, var(--L-table-header-and-dt)); } @mixin light-colors { color-scheme: light; // buttons --L-a-text: 35%; --L-buttons-main-bg: 96%; --L-buttons-main-border: 88%; --L-buttons-main-text: 40%; --L-buttons-main-text-hover: 38%; // headers + text --L-h1-and-bold: 13%; --L-h2: 22%; --L-h-3-6: 29%; --L-text-bold: 36%; --L-text: 45%; // code blocks --L-code-text: 20%; --L-code-bg: 97%; --L-code-border: 90%; --L-code-bold-text: 0%; //kbd these are keyboard shortcuts eg <kbd>CMD+R</kbd> --L-kbd-bg: 98%; --L-kbd-border: 80%; --L-kbd-border-bottom-and-shadow: 62%; --L-kbd-text: 30%; // miscellaneous --L-bg: 100%; --L-splitter-blockquote-and-section: 90%; --L-small-in-a: 47%; --L-table-header-and-dt: 27%; } @mixin dark-colors { color-scheme: dark; // buttons --L-a-text: 60%; --L-buttons-main-bg: 17%; --L-buttons-main-border: 26%; --L-buttons-main-text: 76%; --L-buttons-main-text-hover: 80%; // headers + text --L-h1-and-bold: 90%; --L-h2: 83%; --L-h-3-6: 76%; --L-text: 70%; // code blocks --L-code-text: 80%; --L-code-bg: 3%; --L-code-border: 5%; --L-code-bold-text: 100%; //kbd these are keyboard shortcuts eg <kbd>CMD+R</kbd> --L-kbd-bg: 30%; --L-kbd-border: 45%; --L-kbd-border-bottom-and-shadow: 55%; --L-kbd-text: 100%; // miscellaneous --L-splitter-blockquote-and-section: 15%; --L-bg: 10%; --L-small-in-a: 60%; --L-table-header-and-dt: 90%; }