define("dojox/mobile/TabBar", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom-geometry", "dojo/dom-style", "dijit/_Contained", "dijit/_Container", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "./TabBarButton" // to load TabBarButton for you (no direct references) ], function(array, declare, win, domClass, domConstruct, domGeometry, domStyle, Contained, Container, WidgetBase, TabBarButton){ // module: // dojox/mobile/TabBar return declare("", [WidgetBase, Container, Contained],{ // summary: // A bar widget that has buttons to control visibility of views. // description: // TabBar is a container widget that has typically multiple // TabBarButtons which controls visibility of views. It can be used // as a tab container. // iconBase: String // The default icon path for child items. iconBase: "", // iconPos: String // The default icon position for child items. iconPos: "", // barType: String // "tabBar", "segmentedControl", "standardTab", "slimTab", "flatTab", // or "tallTab" barType: "tabBar", // closable: Boolean // If true, user can close (destroy) a child tab by clicking the X on the tab. // This property is NOT effective for "tabBar" and "tallBar". closable: false, // center: Boolean // If true, place the tabs in the center of the bar. // This property is NOT effective for "tabBar". center: true, // syncWithViews: Boolean // If true, this widget listens to view transition events to be // synchronized with view's visibility. syncWithViews: false, // tag: String // A name of html tag to create as domNode. tag: "ul", /* internal properties */ // selectOne: [private] Boolean // Specifies that only one item can be selected. selectOne: true, baseClass: "mblTabBar", _fixedButtonWidth: 76, _fixedButtonMargin: 17, _largeScreenWidth: 500, buildRendering: function(){ this.domNode = this.srcNodeRef || domConstruct.create(this.tag); this.reset(); this.inherited(arguments); }, postCreate: function(){ if(this.syncWithViews){ // see also RoundRect#postCreate var f = function(view, moveTo, dir, transition, context, method){ var child = array.filter(this.getChildren(), function(w){ return w.moveTo === "#" + || w.moveTo ===; })[0]; if(child){ child.set("selected", true); } }; this.subscribe("/dojox/mobile/afterTransitionIn", f); this.subscribe("/dojox/mobile/startView", f); } }, startup: function(){ if(this._started){ return; } this.inherited(arguments); this.resize(); }, reset: function(){ // summary: // Resets the widget to its initial state. var prev = this._barType; if(typeof this.barType === "object"){ this._barType = this.barType["*"]; for(var c in this.barType){ if(domClass.contains(win.doc.documentElement, c)){ this._barType = this.barType[c]; break; } } }else{ this._barType = this.barType; } var cap = function(s){ return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1); }; if(prev){ domClass.remove(this.domNode, this.baseClass + cap(prev)); } domClass.add(this.domNode, this.baseClass + cap(this._barType)); }, resize: function(size){ var i, w; if(size && size.w){ domGeometry.setMarginBox(this.domNode, size); w = size.w; }else{ // Calculation of the bar width varies according to its "position" value. // When the widget is used as a fixed bar, its position would be "absolute". w = domStyle.get(this.domNode, "position") === "absolute" ? domGeometry.getContentBox(this.domNode).w : domGeometry.getMarginBox(this.domNode).w; } var bw = this._fixedButtonWidth; var bm = this._fixedButtonMargin; var arr =, function(w){ return w.domNode; }); domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "mblTabBarNoIcons", !array.some(this.getChildren(), function(w){ return w.iconNode1; })); domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "mblTabBarNoText", !array.some(this.getChildren(), function(w){ return w.label; })); var margin = 0; if (this._barType == "tabBar"){ = ""; margin = Math.floor((w - (bw + bm * 2) * arr.length) / 2); if(w < this._largeScreenWidth || margin < 0){ // If # of buttons is 4, for example, assign "25%" to each button. // More precisely, 1%(left margin) + 98%(bar width) + 1%(right margin) for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ arr[i].style.width = Math.round(98/arr.length) + "%"; arr[i].style.margin = "0"; } }else{ // Fixed width buttons. Mainly for larger screen such as iPad. for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ arr[i].style.width = bw + "px"; arr[i].style.margin = "0 " + bm + "px"; } if(arr.length > 0){ arr[0].style.marginLeft = margin + bm + "px"; } = "0px"; } }else{ for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ arr[i].style.width = arr[i].style.margin = ""; } var parent = this.getParent(); if( && (!parent || !domClass.contains(parent.domNode, "mblHeading"))){ margin = w; for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ margin -= domGeometry.getMarginBox(arr[i]).w; } margin = Math.floor(margin/2); } = margin ? margin + "px" : ""; } }, getSelectedTab: function(){ // summary: // Returns the first selected child. return array.filter(this.getChildren(), function(w){ return w.selected; })[0]; }, onCloseButtonClick: function(/*TabBarButton*/tab){ // summary: // Called whenever the close button [X] of a child tab is clicked. return true; } }); });