<div align="center"> # jekyll-theme-H2O-ac [](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-theme-h2o-ac) [](https://github.com/zhonger/jekyll-theme-H2O-ac/actions/workflows/pages/pages-build-deployment) [](https://www.codacy.com/gh/zhonger/jekyll-theme-H2O-ac/dashboard?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=zhonger/jekyll-theme-H2O-ac&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) [](https://github.com/zhonger/jekyll-theme-H2O-ac/blob/master/LICENSE)   [](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fzhonger%2Fjekyll-theme-H2O-ac?ref=badge_shield) 基于 Jekyll 和 [H2O](https://github.com/kaeyleo/jekyll-theme-H2O) 主题、适合学术研究人员和运维开发人员的博客主题模板。 A Jekyll theme for researchers and maintainers based on Jekyll and [H2O](https://github.com/kaeyleo/jekyll-theme-H2O) theme. </div> ### Preview #### [在线预览 Live Demo →](https://h2o-ac.pages.dev/)   如果你喜欢这个博客模板,请在右上角star一下,非常感谢~ If you like this theme or using it, please give a ⭐️ for motivation ;) 如果想体验手机浏览效果,可以扫一下二维码:  Using your smartphone to scan the QR Code ### New Features compared with H2O, 与 H2O 不同的新特性 #### CN - 学术首页 - 归档页 - 系统日志页 - 社交图标扩展 - 查看大图 - 代码高亮优化 - 字数统计及阅读时间估计 - 配置项 - 前端自动构建工作流优化 - 文章页侧边导航 - Waline 评论系统 - 深色模式切换按钮 - 时间本地化 - PWA - 提示框支持 - 文章置顶 - 版权显式声明 #### EN - Academic Home Page - Archive Page - System Logs Page - An extened SNS icon set - Enlarge any pictures in articles - Optimize the code highlighting - Words Counts and evaluate needed time - New Settings - Optimize the automatic workflow for static files - The TOC for posts - Waline comments - Dark mode switch button - Time localization - PWA - Premonition - Top article pin - Copyright statement for articles ### Usage 快速开始 请访问 [H2O-ac theme for Jekyll](https://lisz.me/tech/webmaster/new-theme-h2o-ac.html) 查看详情。 Please refer to [H2O-ac theme for Jekyll](https://lisz.me/tech/webmaster/new-theme-h2o-ac.html) for details. ### Contribution 贡献 Any types of contribution are welcome. Thanks. 接受各种形式的贡献,包括不限于提交问题与需求,修复代码。等待您的 ```Pull Request```。 ### Thanks 感谢参与 H2O 代码贡献的伙伴 - [kaeyleo](https://github.com/kaeyleo/) - [Ray-Eldath](https://github.com/Ray-Eldath) - [sctop](https://github.com/sctop) - [bananaappletw](https://github.com/bananaappletw) - [moycat](https://github.com/moycat) - More ### Contributors 贡献者  ### License 许可证 Jekyll-Theme-H2O-ac is licensed under [MIT](https://github.com/zhonger/jekyll-theme-H2O-ac/blob/master/LICENSE). [](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fzhonger%2Fjekyll-theme-H2O-ac?ref=badge_large)