HPXML Schematron Validator: EnergyPlus Simulation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: XMLTransactionHeaderInformation
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SoftwareInfo/extension/SimulationControl
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SoftwareInfo/extension/HVACSizingControl
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: Building
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Building/BuildingID
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Building/ProjectStatus/EventType
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Building/BuildingDetails
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: XMLType
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: XMLGeneratedBy
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CreatedDateAndTime
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Transaction
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Timestep
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: BeginMonth | BeginDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: EndMonth | EndDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CalendarYear
Expected CalendarYear to be greater than or equal to 1600
Expected CalendarYear to be less than or equal to 9999
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DaylightSaving
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: AllowIncreasedFixedCapacities
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: UseMaxLoadForHeatPumps
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Enabled
Expected 0 or 4 element(s) for xpath: BeginMonth | BeginDayOfMonth | EndMonth | EndDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingSummary/Site
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingSummary/BuildingOccupancy
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ClimateandRiskZones/ClimateZoneIECC
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ClimateandRiskZones/WeatherStation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/AirInfiltration/AirInfiltrationMeasurement/BuildingAirLeakage/UnitofMeasure[text()="ACH" or text()="CFM" or text()="ACHnatural"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Roofs/Roof
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/RimJoists/RimJoist
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Walls/Wall
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/FoundationWalls/FoundationWall
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/FrameFloors/FrameFloor
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Slabs/Slab
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Windows/Window
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Skylights/Skylight
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Enclosure/Doors/Door
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACPlant/HeatingSystem
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACPlant/CoolingSystem
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACPlant/HeatPump
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACControl
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/HVAC/HVACDistribution
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/MechanicalVentilation/VentilationFans/VentilationFan[UsedForWholeBuildingVentilation="true"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/MechanicalVentilation/VentilationFans/VentilationFan[UsedForLocalVentilation="true"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/MechanicalVentilation/VentilationFans/VentilationFan[UsedForSeasonalCoolingLoadReduction="true"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/WaterHeating/WaterHeatingSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Systems/WaterHeating/HotWaterDistribution
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/WaterHeating/WaterFixture
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Systems/SolarThermal/SolarThermalSystem
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/Photovoltaics/PVSystem
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Systems/extension/Generators/Generator
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/ClothesWasher
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/ClothesDryer
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Dishwasher
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Refrigerator
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Freezer
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Dehumidifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/CookingRange
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Appliances/Oven
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Lighting
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Lighting/CeilingFan
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Pools/Pool
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HotTubs/HotTub
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/PlugLoad[PlugLoadType[text()="other"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/PlugLoad[PlugLoadType[text()="TV other"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/PlugLoad[PlugLoadType[text()="electric vehicle charging"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/PlugLoad[PlugLoadType[text()="well pump"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/FuelLoad[FuelLoadType[text()="grill"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/FuelLoad[FuelLoadType[text()="lighting"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: MiscLoads/FuelLoad[FuelLoadType[text()="fireplace"]]
No windows specified, the model will not include window heat transfer.
No space heating specified, the model will not include space heating energy use.
No space cooling specified, the model will not include space cooling energy use.
No water heating specified, the model will not include water heating energy use.
No clothes washer specified, the model will not include clothes washer energy use.
No clothes dryer specified, the model will not include clothes dryer energy use.
No dishwasher specified, the model will not include dishwasher energy use.
No refrigerator specified, the model will not include refrigerator energy use.
No cooking range specified, the model will not include cooking range/oven energy use.
No lighting specified, the model will not include lighting energy use.
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SiteType
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ShieldingofHome
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/Neighbors
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: NeighborBuilding
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Distance
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Height
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofResidents
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ResidentialFacilityType
Expected ResidentialFacilityType to be 'single-family detached' or 'single-family attached' or 'apartment unit' or 'manufactured home'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofConditionedFloors
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofConditionedFloorsAboveGrade
Expected NumberofConditionedFloors to be greater than or equal to NumberofConditionedFloorsAboveGrade
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofBedrooms
Expected NumberofBedrooms to be less than or equal to (ConditionedFloorArea-120)/70
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofBathrooms
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ConditionedFloorArea
Expected ConditionedFloorArea to be greater than or equal to the sum of conditioned slab/floor areas.
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: ConditionedBuildingVolume | AverageCeilingHeight
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/HasFlueOrChimney
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Year
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ClimateZone
Expected ClimateZone to be '1A' or '1B' or '1C' or '2A' or '2B' or '2C' or '3A' or '3B' or '3C' or '4A' or '4B' or '4C' or '5A' or '5B' or '5C' or '6A' or '6B' or '6C' or '7' or '8'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Name
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/EPWFilePath
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HousePressure
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingAirLeakage/AirLeakage
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InfiltrationVolume
Expected InfiltrationVolume to be greater than or equal to ../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction/ConditionedBuildingVolume
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: HousePressure
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: BuildingAirLeakage/AirLeakage
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InfiltrationVolume
Expected InfiltrationVolume to be greater than or equal to ../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction/ConditionedBuildingVolume
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo
Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'attic - vented' or 'attic - unvented' or 'living space' or 'garage'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RoofType
Expected RoofType to be 'asphalt or fiberglass shingles' or 'wood shingles or shakes' or 'slate or tile shingles' or 'metal surfacing'
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: SolarAbsorptance | RoofColor
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Emittance
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Pitch
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RadiantBarrier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../Attics/Attic[AtticType/Attic[Vented="true"]]/VentilationRate[UnitofMeasure="SLA" or UnitofMeasure="ACHnatural"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RadiantBarrierGrade
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorAdjacentTo
Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'outside' or 'attic - vented' or 'attic - unvented' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'garage' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo
Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'living space' or 'attic - vented' or 'attic - unvented' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'garage'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Siding
Expected Siding to be 'wood siding' or 'vinyl siding' or 'stucco' or 'fiber cement siding' or 'brick veneer' or 'aluminum siding'
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: SolarAbsorptance | Color
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Emittance
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorAdjacentTo
Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'outside' or 'attic - vented' or 'attic - unvented' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'garage' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo
Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'living space' or 'attic - vented' or 'attic - unvented' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'garage'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: WallType[WoodStud | DoubleWoodStud | ConcreteMasonryUnit | StructurallyInsulatedPanel | InsulatedConcreteForms | SteelFrame | SolidConcrete | StructuralBrick | StrawBale | Stone | LogWall | Adobe]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Siding
Expected Siding to be 'wood siding' or 'vinyl siding' or 'stucco' or 'fiber cement siding' or 'brick veneer' or 'aluminum siding'
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: SolarAbsorptance | Color
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Emittance
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorAdjacentTo
Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'ground' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'garage' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo
Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'garage'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Height
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Thickness
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DepthBelowGrade
Expected DepthBelowGrade to be less than or equal to Height
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/Layer[InstallationType[text()="continuous - interior"]] | Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/Layer[InstallationType[text()="continuous - exterior"]] | Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../Foundations/Foundation[FoundationType/Crawlspace[Vented="true"]]/VentilationRate[UnitofMeasure="SLA"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NominalRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/DistanceToTopOfInsulation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/DistanceToBottomOfInsulation
Expected extension/DistanceToBottomOfInsulation to be greater than or equal to extension/DistanceToTopOfInsulation
Expected extension/DistanceToBottomOfInsulation to be less than or equal to ../../Height
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorAdjacentTo
Expected ExteriorAdjacentTo to be 'outside' or 'attic - vented' or 'attic - unvented' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'garage' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo
Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'living space' or 'attic - vented' or 'attic - unvented' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'garage'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue
Expected Insulation/AssemblyEffectiveRValue to be greater than 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/OtherSpaceAboveOrBelow[text()="above" or text()="below"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorAdjacentTo
Expected InteriorAdjacentTo to be 'living space' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'garage'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Thickness
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ExposedPerimeter
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PerimeterInsulationDepth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UnderSlabInsulationWidth | UnderSlabInsulationSpansEntireSlab[text()="true"]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: DepthBelowGrade | InteriorAdjacentTo[text()!="living space" and text()!="garage"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PerimeterInsulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PerimeterInsulation/Layer/NominalRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UnderSlabInsulation/SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UnderSlabInsulation/Layer/NominalRValue
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/CarpetFraction
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/CarpetRValue
Slab has zero exposed perimeter, this may indicate an input error.
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UFactor
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SHGC
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorShading/SummerShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorShading/WinterShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorShading/SummerShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorShading/WinterShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Overhangs
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionOperable
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToWall
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Depth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistanceToTopOfWindow
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistanceToBottomOfWindow
Expected DistanceToBottomOfWindow to be greater than DistanceToTopOfWindow
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UFactor
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SHGC
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorShading/SummerShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ExteriorShading/WinterShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorShading/SummerShadingCoefficient
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InteriorShading/WinterShadingCoefficient
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToRoof
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToWall
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Area
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Azimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACControl
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemType[ElectricResistance | Furnace | WallFurnace | FloorFurnace | Boiler | Stove | PortableHeater | FixedHeater | Fireplace]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionHeatLoadServed
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel
Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel
Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM
Expected extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/AirflowDefectRatio
Expected extension/AirflowDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel
Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWatts
Expected extension/FanPowerWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel
Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWatts
Expected extension/FanPowerWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel
Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="AFUE"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicDistribution/HydronicDistributionType[text()="radiator" or text()="baseboard" or text()="radiant floor" or text()="radiant ceiling"] | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicDistribution/HydronicDistributionType[text()="radiator" or text()="baseboard" or text()="radiant floor" or text()="radiant ceiling" or text()="water loop"] | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution/AirDistributionType[text()="fan coil"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected NumberofUnitsServed to be greater than 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy | extension/SharedLoopWatts
Expected extension/SharedLoopWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ElectricAuxiliaryEnergy | extension/FanCoilWatts
Expected extension/FanCoilWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HeatPump[HeatPumpType="water-loop-to-air"]/HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HeatPump[HeatPumpType="water-loop-to-air"]/AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="COP"]/Value
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel
Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWatts
Expected extension/FanPowerWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel
Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWatts
Expected extension/FanPowerWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel
Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWatts
Expected extension/FanPowerWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingSystemFuel
Expected HeatingSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value
Expected AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWatts
Expected extension/FanPowerWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACControl
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingSystemType
Expected CoolingSystemType to be 'central air conditioner' or 'room air conditioner' or 'evaporative cooler' or 'mini-split' or 'chiller' or 'cooling tower'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingSystemFuel
Expected CoolingSystemFuel to be 'electricity'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionCoolLoadServed
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CompressorType
Expected CompressorType to be 'single stage' or 'two stage' or 'variable speed'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="SEER"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleHeatFraction
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM
Expected extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/AirflowDefectRatio
Expected extension/AirflowDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ChargeDefectRatio
Expected extension/ChargeDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="EER"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleHeatFraction
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="SEER"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleHeatFraction
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ChargeDefectRatio
Expected extension/ChargeDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM
Expected extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/AirflowDefectRatio
Expected extension/AirflowDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicDistribution/HydronicDistributionType[text()="radiator" or text()="baseboard" or text()="radiant floor" or text()="radiant ceiling" or text()="water loop"] | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution/AirDistributionType[text()="fan coil"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem[text()="true"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected NumberofUnitsServed to be greater than 1
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="kW/ton"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedLoopWatts
Expected extension/SharedLoopWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanCoilWatts
Expected extension/FanCoilWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HeatPump[HeatPumpType="water-loop-to-air"]/CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HeatPump[HeatPumpType="water-loop-to-air"]/AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="EER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicDistribution/HydronicDistributionType[text()="water loop"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem[text()="true"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected NumberofUnitsServed to be greater than 1
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedLoopWatts
Expected extension/SharedLoopWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HeatPump[HeatPumpType="water-loop-to-air"]/CoolingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HeatPump[HeatPumpType="water-loop-to-air"]/AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="EER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACControl
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatPumpType
Expected HeatPumpType to be 'air-to-air' or 'mini-split' or 'ground-to-air' or 'water-loop-to-air'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatPumpFuel
Expected HeatPumpFuel to be 'electricity'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BackupSystemFuel
Expected BackupSystemFuel to be 'electricity' or 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CompressorType
Expected CompressorType to be 'single stage' or 'two stage' or 'variable speed'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity17F
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingSensibleHeatFraction
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionHeatLoadServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionCoolLoadServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="SEER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="HSPF"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM
Expected extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/AirflowDefectRatio
Expected extension/AirflowDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ChargeDefectRatio
Expected extension/ChargeDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity17F
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingSensibleHeatFraction
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionHeatLoadServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionCoolLoadServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="SEER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="HSPF"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ChargeDefectRatio
Expected extension/ChargeDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM
Expected extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/AirflowDefectRatio
Expected extension/AirflowDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystem
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: BackupHeatingSwitchoverTemperature
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CoolingSensibleHeatFraction
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionHeatLoadServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionCoolLoadServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="EER"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="COP"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/PumpPowerWattsPerTon
Expected extension/PumpPowerWattsPerTon to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM
Expected extension/FanPowerWattsPerCFM to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/AirflowDefectRatio
Expected extension/AirflowDefectRatio to be greater than -1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ChargeDefectRatio
Expected extension/ChargeDefectRatio to be 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected NumberofUnitsServed to be greater than 1
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedLoopWatts
Expected extension/SharedLoopWatts to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/AirDistribution | ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/Other[text()="DSE"]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../HeatingSystem[HeatingSystemType/Boiler and IsSharedSystem="true"] | ../CoolingSystem[(CoolingSystemType="chiller" or CoolingSystemType="cooling tower") and IsSharedSystem="true"]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../HVACDistribution/DistributionSystemType/HydronicDistribution[HydronicDistributionType="water loop"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: BackupAnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent" or Units="AFUE"]/Value
Expected BackupAnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="Percent" or Units="AFUE"]/Value to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BackupHeatingCapacity
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity | BackupHeatingCapacity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BackupHeatingSwitchoverTemperature
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SetpointTempHeatingSeason | WeekdaySetpointTempsHeatingSeason
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SetpointTempHeatingSeason | WeekendSetpointTempsHeatingSeason
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SetbackTempHeatingSeason | WeekdaySetpointTempsHeatingSeason
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SetbackTempHeatingSeason | WeekendSetpointTempsHeatingSeason
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SetpointTempCoolingSeason | WeekdaySetpointTempsCoolingSeason
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SetpointTempCoolingSeason | WeekendSetpointTempsCoolingSeason
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SetupTempCoolingSeason | WeekdaySetpointTempsCoolingSeason
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: SetupTempCoolingSeason | WeekendSetpointTempsCoolingSeason
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/CeilingFanSetpointTempCoolingSeasonOffset
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TotalSetbackHoursperWeekHeating
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SetbackStartHourHeating
Expected extension/SetbackStartHourHeating to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected extension/SetbackStartHourHeating to be less than or equal to 23
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TotalSetupHoursperWeekCooling
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SetupStartHourCooling
Expected extension/SetupStartHourCooling to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected extension/SetupStartHourCooling to be less than or equal to 23
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DistributionSystemType[AirDistribution | HydronicDistribution | Other[text()="DSE"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../ConditionedFloorAreaServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DuctLeakageMeasurement[DuctType="supply"]/DuctLeakage[(Units="CFM25" or Units="Percent") and TotalOrToOutside="to outside"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DuctLeakageMeasurement[DuctType="return"]/DuctLeakage[(Units="CFM25" or Units="Percent") and TotalOrToOutside="to outside"]
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: Ducts
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofReturnRegisters
Ducts are entirely within conditioned space but there is moderate leakage to the outside. Leakage to the outside is typically zero or near-zero in these situations, consider revising leakage values. Leakage will be modeled as heat lost to the ambient environment.
Ducts are entirely within conditioned space but there is moderate leakage to the outside. Leakage to the outside is typically zero or near-zero in these situations, consider revising leakage values. Leakage will be modeled as heat lost to the ambient environment.
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Value
Expected Value to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Value
Expected Value to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected Value to be less than 1
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: HydronicDistributionType
Expected HydronicDistributionType to be 'radiator' or 'baseboard' or 'radiant floor' or 'radiant ceiling' or 'water loop'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingDistributionSystemEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingDistributionSystemEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DuctType
Expected DuctType to be 'supply' or 'return'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DuctInsulationRValue
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: DuctSurfaceArea | DuctLocation
Expected DuctLocation to be 'living space' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'attic - unvented' or 'garage' or 'exterior wall' or 'under slab' or 'roof deck' or 'outside' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FanType
Expected FanType to be 'energy recovery ventilator' or 'heat recovery ventilator' or 'exhaust only' or 'supply only' or 'balanced' or 'central fan integrated supply'
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: TestedFlowRate | RatedFlowRate
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HoursInOperation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FanPower
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleRecoveryEfficiency | AdjustedSensibleRecoveryEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TotalRecoveryEfficiency | AdjustedTotalRecoveryEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SensibleRecoveryEfficiency | AdjustedSensibleRecoveryEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToHVACDistributionSystem
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem[text()="true"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionRecirculation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InUnitFlowRate
Expected extension/InUnitFlowRate to be less than TestedFlowRate
Expected extension/InUnitFlowRate to be less than RatedFlowRate
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/PreHeating
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/PreCooling
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: ../../FanType[text()="exhaust only"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Fuel
Expected Fuel to be 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'electricity' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualHeatingEfficiency[Units="COP"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionVentilationHeatLoadServed
Expected FractionVentilationHeatLoadServed to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected FractionVentilationHeatLoadServed to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 element(s) for xpath: ../../FanType[text()="exhaust only"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Fuel
Expected Fuel to be 'electricity'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualCoolingEfficiency[Units="COP"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionVentilationCoolLoadServed
Expected FractionVentilationCoolLoadServed to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected FractionVentilationCoolLoadServed to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Quantity
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RatedFlowRate
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HoursInOperation
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FanLocation
Expected FanLocation to be 'kitchen' or 'bath'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: FanPower
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/StartHour
Expected extension/StartHour to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected extension/StartHour to be less than or equal to 23
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RatedFlowRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FanPower
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HotWaterDistribution
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../WaterFixture
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterHeaterType
Expected WaterHeaterType to be 'storage water heater' or 'instantaneous water heater' or 'heat pump water heater' or 'space-heating boiler with storage tank' or 'space-heating boiler with tankless coil'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location
Expected Location to be 'living space' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'garage' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'other exterior' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionDHWLoadServed
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HotWaterTemperature
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: UsesDesuperheater
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected NumberofUnitsServed to be greater than 1
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType
Expected FuelType to be 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'electricity' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: TankVolume
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HeatingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UniformEnergyFactor | EnergyFactor
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: FirstHourRating | EnergyFactor
Expected UniformEnergyFactor to be less than 1
Expected EnergyFactor to be less than 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RecoveryEfficiency
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterHeaterInsulation/Jacket/JacketRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType
Expected FuelType to be 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'electricity' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PerformanceAdjustment
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UniformEnergyFactor | EnergyFactor
Expected UniformEnergyFactor to be less than 1
Expected EnergyFactor to be less than 1
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType[text()="electricity"]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TankVolume
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: UniformEnergyFactor | EnergyFactor
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: FirstHourRating | EnergyFactor
Expected UniformEnergyFactor to be greater than 1
Expected EnergyFactor to be greater than 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterHeaterInsulation/Jacket/JacketRValue
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RelatedHVACSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: TankVolume
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterHeaterInsulation/Jacket/JacketRValue
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: StandbyLoss
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RelatedHVACSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RelatedHVACSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemType/Standard | SystemType/Recirculation
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PipeInsulation/PipeRValue
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: DrainWaterHeatRecovery
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/SharedRecirculation
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PipingLength
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ControlType
Expected ControlType to be 'manual demand control' or 'presence sensor demand control' or 'temperature' or 'timer' or 'no control'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RecirculationPipingLoopLength
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: BranchPipingLoopLength
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PumpPower
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../SystemType/Standard
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofUnitsServed
Expected NumberofUnitsServed to be greater than 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PumpPower
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ControlType
Expected ControlType to be 'manual demand control' or 'presence sensor demand control' or 'timer' or 'no control'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FacilitiesConnected
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: EqualFlow
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Efficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../HotWaterDistribution
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: WaterFixtureType
Expected WaterFixtureType to be 'shower head' or 'faucet'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LowFlow
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ../extension/WaterFixturesUsageMultiplier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemType
Expected SystemType to be 'hot water'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorArea | SolarFraction
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorLoopType
Expected CollectorLoopType to be 'liquid indirect' or 'liquid direct' or 'passive thermosyphon'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorType
Expected CollectorType to be 'single glazing black' or 'double glazing black' or 'evacuated tube' or 'integrated collector storage'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorAzimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorTilt
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorRatedOpticalEfficiency
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: CollectorRatedThermalLosses
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: StorageVolume
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ConnectedTo
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ConnectedTo
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location
Expected Location to be 'ground' or 'roof'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: ModuleType
Expected ModuleType to be 'standard' or 'premium' or 'thin film'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Tracking
Expected Tracking to be 'fixed' or '1-axis' or '1-axis backtracked' or '2-axis'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ArrayAzimuth
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ArrayTilt
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: MaxPowerOutput
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: InverterEfficiency
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: SystemLossesFraction | YearModulesManufactured
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/NumberofBedroomsServed
Expected extension/NumberofBedroomsServed to be greater than ../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction/NumberofBedrooms
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType
Expected FuelType to be 'natural gas' or 'propane'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualConsumptionkBtu
Expected AnnualConsumptionkBtu to be greater than 0
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AnnualOutputkWh
Expected AnnualOutputkWh to be greater than 0
Expected AnnualConsumptionkBtu to be greater than AnnualOutputkWh*3412
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: NumberofBedroomsServed
Expected NumberofBedroomsServed to be greater than ../../../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction/NumberofBedrooms
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../Systems/WaterHeating/HotWaterDistribution
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedAppliance
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location
Expected Location to be 'living space' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'garage' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IntegratedModifiedEnergyFactor | ModifiedEnergyFactor
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: RatedAnnualkWh
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelElectricRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelGasRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelAnnualGasCost
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelUsage
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Capacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../Systems/WaterHeating/WaterHeatingSystem[IsSharedSystem="true" and number(FractionDHWLoadServed)=0]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToWaterHeatingSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../ClothesWasher
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedAppliance
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location
Expected Location to be 'living space' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'garage' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType
Expected FuelType to be 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'electricity' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: CombinedEnergyFactor | EnergyFactor
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/IsVented
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/VentedFlowRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsSharedAppliance
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location
Expected Location to be 'living space' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'garage' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: RatedAnnualkWh | EnergyFactor
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelElectricRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelGasRate
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelAnnualGasCost
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LabelUsage
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: PlaceSettingCapacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../../BuildingSummary/BuildingConstruction[ResidentialFacilityType[text()="single-family attached" or text()="apartment unit"]]
Expected 1 or more element(s) for xpath: ../../Systems/WaterHeating/WaterHeatingSystem[IsSharedSystem="true" and number(FractionDHWLoadServed)=0]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: AttachedToWaterHeatingSystem
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location
Expected Location to be 'living space' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'garage' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: RatedAnnualkWh | extension/AdjustedAnnualkWh
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PrimaryIndicator
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location
Expected Location to be 'living space' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'garage' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 0 or more element(s) for xpath: RatedAnnualkWh | extension/AdjustedAnnualkWh
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Type
Expected Type to be 'portable' or 'whole-home'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Location
Expected Location to be 'living space'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Capacity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: IntegratedEnergyFactor | EnergyFactor
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: DehumidistatSetpoint
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionDehumidificationLoadServed
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../Oven
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Location
Expected Location to be 'living space' or 'basement - unconditioned' or 'basement - conditioned' or 'attic - unvented' or 'attic - vented' or 'garage' or 'crawlspace - unvented' or 'crawlspace - vented' or 'other housing unit' or 'other heated space' or 'other multifamily buffer space' or 'other non-freezing space'
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType
Expected FuelType to be 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'electricity' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsInduction
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: ../CookingRange
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: IsConvection
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[LightEmittingDiode] and Location[text()="interior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[LightEmittingDiode] and Location[text()="exterior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[LightEmittingDiode] and Location[text()="garage"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[CompactFluorescent] and Location[text()="interior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[CompactFluorescent] and Location[text()="exterior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[CompactFluorescent] and Location[text()="garage"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[FluorescentTube] and Location[text()="interior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[FluorescentTube] and Location[text()="exterior"]]
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: LightingGroup[LightingType[FluorescentTube] and Location[text()="garage"]]
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InteriorUsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/GarageUsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorUsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InteriorWeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InteriorWeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/InteriorMonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/GarageWeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/GarageWeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/GarageMonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorWeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorWeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorMonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/ExteriorHolidayLighting
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FractionofUnitsInLocation
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/day"]/Value
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: PeriodBeginMonth | PeriodBeginDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 2 element(s) for xpath: PeriodEndMonth | PeriodEndDayOfMonth
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Airflow[FanSpeed="medium"]/Efficiency
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Quantity
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Type
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: PoolPumps/PoolPump
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Heater
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Type
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Type
Expected Type to be 'gas fired' or 'electric resistance' or 'heat pump'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year" or Units="therm/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Type
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: HotTubPumps/HotTubPump
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Heater
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Type
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: Type
Expected Type to be 'gas fired' or 'electric resistance' or 'heat pump'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year" or Units="therm/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="kWh/year"]/Value
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FracSensible
Expected extension/FracSensible to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FracLatent
Expected extension/FracLatent to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected sum of extension/FracSensible and extension/FracLatent to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: SystemIdentifier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: Load[Units="therm/year"]/Value
Expected 1 element(s) for xpath: FuelType
Expected FuelType to be 'natural gas' or 'fuel oil' or 'fuel oil 1' or 'fuel oil 2' or 'fuel oil 4' or 'fuel oil 5/6' or 'diesel' or 'propane' or 'kerosene' or 'coal' or 'coke' or 'bituminous coal' or 'anthracite coal' or 'wood' or 'wood pellets'
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FracSensible
Expected extension/FracSensible to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/FracLatent
Expected extension/FracLatent to be greater than or equal to 0
Expected sum of extension/FracSensible and extension/FracLatent to be less than or equal to 1
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/UsageMultiplier
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekdayScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/WeekendScheduleFractions
Expected 0 or 1 element(s) for xpath: extension/MonthlyScheduleMultipliers
There must be at least one ceiling/roof adjacent to conditioned space.
There must be at least one exterior wall adjacent to conditioned space.
There must be at least one floor/slab adjacent to conditioned space.
There must be at least one exterior foundation wall adjacent to "basement - conditioned".
There must be at least one slab adjacent to "basement - conditioned".
There must be at least one ceiling adjacent to "basement - unconditioned".
There must be at least one exterior foundation wall adjacent to "basement - unconditioned".
There must be at least one slab adjacent to "basement - unconditioned".
There must be at least one ceiling adjacent to "crawlspace - vented".
There must be at least one exterior foundation wall adjacent to "crawlspace - vented".
There must be at least one slab adjacent to "crawlspace - vented".
There must be at least one ceiling adjacent to "crawlspace - unvented".
There must be at least one exterior foundation wall adjacent to "crawlspace - unvented".
There must be at least one slab adjacent to "crawlspace - unvented".
There must be at least one roof/ceiling adjacent to "garage".
There must be at least one exterior wall/foundation wall adjacent to "garage".
There must be at least one slab adjacent to "garage".
There must be at least one roof adjacent to "attic - vented".
There must be at least one floor adjacent to "attic - vented".
There must be at least one roof adjacent to "attic - unvented".
There must be at least one floor adjacent to "attic - unvented".
A location is specified as "basement - conditioned" but no surfaces were found adjacent to this space type.
A location is specified as "basement - unconditioned" but no surfaces were found adjacent to this space type.
A location is specified as "crawlspace - vented" but no surfaces were found adjacent to this space type.
A location is specified as "crawlspace - unvented" but no surfaces were found adjacent to this space type.
A location is specified as "garage" but no surfaces were found adjacent to this space type.
A location is specified as "attic - vented" but no surfaces were found adjacent to this space type.
A location is specified as "attic - unvented" but no surfaces were found adjacent to this space type.