module Puppet::Pops module Serialization # Class that can process an arbitrary object into a value that is assignable to `Data`. # # @api public class ToDataConverter include Evaluator::Runtime3Support # Convert the given _value_ according to the given _options_ and return the result of the conversion # # @param value [Object] the value to convert # @param options {Symbol => } options hash # @option options [Boolean] :rich_data `true` if rich data is enabled # @option options [Boolean] :local_references use local references instead of duplicating complex entries # @option options [Boolean] :type_by_reference `true` if Object types are converted to references rather than embedded. # @option options [Boolean] :symbol_as_string `true` if Symbols should be converted to strings (with type loss) # @option options [String] :path_prefix String to prepend to path in warnings and errors # @return [Data] the processed result. An object assignable to `Data`. # # @api public def self.convert(value, options = EMPTY_HASH) new(options).convert(value) end # Create a new instance of the processor # # @param options {Symbol => Object} options hash # @option options [Boolean] :rich_data `true` if rich data is enabled # @option options [Boolean] :local_references use local references instead of duplicating complex entries # @option options [Boolean] :type_by_reference `true` if Object types are converted to references rather than embedded. # @option options [Boolean] :symbol_as_string `true` if Symbols should be converted to strings (with type loss) # @option options [String] :message_prefix String to prepend to path in warnings and errors # @option semantic [Object] :semantic object to pass to the issue reporter def initialize(options = EMPTY_HASH) @type_by_reference = options[:type_by_reference] @type_by_reference = true if @type_by_reference.nil? @local_reference = options[:local_reference] @local_reference = true if @local_reference.nil? @symbol_as_string = options[:symbol_as_string] @symbol_as_string = false if @symbol_as_string.nil? @rich_data = options[:rich_data] @rich_data = false if @rich_data.nil? @message_prefix = options[:message_prefix] @semantic = options[:semantic] end # Convert the given _value_ # # @param value [Object] the value to convert # @return [Data] the processed result. An object assignable to `Data`. # # @api public def convert(value) @path = [] @values = {} to_data(value) end private def path_to_s s = @message_prefix || '' s << JsonPath.to_json_path(@path)[1..-1] s end def to_data(value) if value.nil? || Types::PScalarDataType::DEFAULT.instance?(value) value elsif :default == value if @rich_data { PCORE_TYPE_KEY => PCORE_TYPE_DEFAULT } else serialization_issue(Issues::SERIALIZATION_DEFAULT_CONVERTED_TO_STRING, :path => path_to_s) 'default' end elsif value.is_a?(Symbol) if @symbol_as_string value.to_s elsif @rich_data { PCORE_TYPE_KEY => PCORE_TYPE_SYMBOL, PCORE_VALUE_KEY => value.to_s } else unknown_to_string_with_warning(value) end elsif value.instance_of?(Array) process(value) do result = [] value.each_with_index do |elem, index| with(index) { result << to_data(elem) } end result end elsif value.instance_of?(Hash) process(value) do if value.keys.all? { |key| key.is_a?(String) } result = {} value.each_pair { |key, elem| with(key) { result[key] = to_data(elem) } } result else non_string_keyed_hash_to_data(value) end end elsif value.instance_of?(Types::PSensitiveType::Sensitive) process(value) do { PCORE_TYPE_KEY => PCORE_TYPE_SENSITIVE, PCORE_VALUE_KEY => to_data(value.unwrap) } end else unknown_to_data(value) end end # If `:local_references` is enabled, then the `object_id` will be associated with the current _path_ of # the context the first time this method is called. The method then returns the result of yielding to # the given block. Subsequent calls with a value that has the same `object_id` will instead return a # reference based on the given path. # # If `:local_references` is disabled, then this method performs a check for endless recursion before # it yields to the given block. The result of yielding is returned. # # @param value [Object] the value # @yield The block that will produce the data for the value # @return [Data] the result of yielding to the given block, or a hash denoting a reference # # @api private def process(value, &block) if @local_reference id = value.object_id ref = @values[id] if ref.nil? @values[id] = @path.dup yield elsif ref.instance_of?(Hash) ref else json_ref = JsonPath.to_json_path(ref) if json_ref.nil? # Complex key and hence no way to reference the prior value. The value must therefore be # duplicated which in turn introduces a risk for endless recursion in case of self # referencing structures with_recursive_guard(value, &block) else @values[id] = { PCORE_TYPE_KEY => PCORE_LOCAL_REF_SYMBOL, PCORE_VALUE_KEY => json_ref } end end else with_recursive_guard(value, &block) end end # Pushes `key` to the end of the path and yields to the given block. The # `key` is popped when the yield returns. # @param key [Object] the key to push on the current path # @yield The block that will produce the returned value # @return [Object] the result of yielding to the given block # # @api private def with(key) @path.push(key) value = yield @path.pop value end # @param value [Object] the value to use when checking endless recursion # @yield The block that will produce the data # @return [Data] the result of yielding to the given block def with_recursive_guard(value) id = value.object_id if @recursive_lock if @recursive_lock.include?(id) serialization_issue(Issues::SERIALIZATION_ENDLESS_RECURSION, :type_name => end @recursive_lock[id] = true else @recursive_lock = { id => true } end v = yield @recursive_lock.delete(id) v end def unknown_to_data(value) @rich_data ? value_to_data_hash(value) : unknown_to_string_with_warning(value) end def unknown_key_to_string_with_warning(value) str = value.to_s serialization_issue(Issues::SERIALIZATION_UNKNOWN_KEY_CONVERTED_TO_STRING, :path => path_to_s, :klass => value.class, :value => str) str end def unknown_to_string_with_warning(value) str = value.to_s serialization_issue(Issues::SERIALIZATION_UNKNOWN_CONVERTED_TO_STRING, :path => path_to_s, :klass => value.class, :value => str) str end def non_string_keyed_hash_to_data(hash) if @rich_data to_key_extended_hash(hash) else result = {} hash.each_pair do |key, value| if key.is_a?(Symbol) && @symbol_as_string key = key.to_s elsif !key.is_a?(String) key = unknown_key_to_string_with_warning(key) end with(key) { result[key] = to_data(value) } end result end end # A Key extended hash is a hash whose keys are not entirely strings. Such a hash # cannot be safely represented as JSON or YAML # # @param hash {Object => Object} the hash to process # @return [String => Data] the representation of the extended hash def to_key_extended_hash(hash) key_value_pairs = [] hash.each_pair do |key, value| key = to_data(key) key_value_pairs << key key_value_pairs << with(key) { to_data(value) } end { PCORE_TYPE_KEY => PCORE_TYPE_HASH, PCORE_VALUE_KEY => key_value_pairs } end def value_to_data_hash(value) pcore_type = value.is_a?(Types::PuppetObject) ? value._pcore_type : Types::TypeCalculator.singleton.infer(value) if pcore_type.is_a?(Puppet::Pops::Types::PRuntimeType) unknown_to_string_with_warning(value) else pcore_tv = pcore_type_to_data(pcore_type) if pcore_type.roundtrip_with_string? { PCORE_TYPE_KEY => pcore_tv, # Scalar values are stored using their default string representation PCORE_VALUE_KEY => Types::StringConverter.singleton.convert(value) } elsif pcore_type.implementation_class.respond_to?(:_pcore_init_from_hash) process(value) do { PCORE_TYPE_KEY => pcore_tv, }.merge(to_data(value._pcore_init_hash)) end else process(value) do (names, _, required_count) = pcore_type.parameter_info(value.class) args = { |name| value.send(name) } # Pop optional arguments that are default while args.size > required_count break unless pcore_type[names[args.size-1]].default_value?(args.last) args.pop end result = { PCORE_TYPE_KEY => pcore_tv } args.each_with_index do |val, idx| key = names[idx] with(key) { result[key] = to_data(val) } end result end end end end def pcore_type_to_data(pcore_type) type_name = if @type_by_reference || type_name.start_with?('Pcore::') type_name else with(PCORE_TYPE_KEY) { to_data(pcore_type) } end end private :pcore_type_to_data def serialization_issue(issue, options = EMPTY_HASH) semantic = @semantic if semantic.nil? stacktrace = Puppet::Pops::PuppetStack.stacktrace() if stacktrace.size > 0 file, line = stacktrace[0] semantic =, nil, {:file => file, :line => line}) else semantic =, nil, EMPTY_HASH) end end optionally_fail(issue, semantic, options) end end end end