require 'colorize' require 'English' module SafePusher class RspecRunner def initialize @specs_to_execute = [] end def call return 1 if list_files_to_execute == 1 run_specs end private attr_reader :specs_to_execute def list_files_to_execute do |f| return 1 if analyze_file(f) == 1 end.compact end def modified_files `git diff --name-only #{branch} $(git merge-base #{branch} master)` .split("\n") .uniq end def analyze_file(file) if file.match(app_base_directory) && !file.match(files_to_skip) search_or_create_spec(file) elsif file.match(/spec/) && !specs_to_execute.include?(file) && !file.match(files_to_skip) index_file(file) end end def search_or_create_spec(file) puts "#{file} has been modified, searching for specs..." spec_path = file.gsub( "#{SafePusher.configuration.app_base_directory}/", 'spec/', ).gsub('.rb', '_spec.rb') return create_new_spec(spec_path, file) unless File.exist?(spec_path) puts "Spec found for #{file}, putting #{spec_path}"\ ' in the list of specs to run' specs_to_execute << spec_path end def index_file(file) puts "#{file} modified, putting it in the list of specs to run" specs_to_execute << file end def files_to_skip SafePusher.configuration.files_to_skip.join('|').gsub('/', '\/'), ) end def run_specs if specs_to_execute.empty? puts 'no spec analyzed, passing to the next step'.green return 0 end system("bin/rspec #{specs_to_execute.join(' ')}") exit_status = $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus if exit_status != 0 puts 'Oops, a spec seems to be red or empty, '\ 'be sure to complete it before you push'.red else puts 'Every spec operational, '\ 'passing to the next step!'.green end exit_status end def create_new_spec(spec_path, file_matched) puts "no spec found for file #{file_matched},"\ " would you like to add #{spec_path}? (Yn)" result = STDIN.gets.chomp if result.casecmp('n') == 0 puts 'Alright, skipping the test for now!' return 0 else, 'w') {} warn 'spec to write!'.red return 1 end end def branch `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.delete("\n") end def app_base_directory %r{#{SafePusher.configuration.app_base_directory}\/.*\.rb$} end end end