class Object # copy from active_support def delegate(*methods) options = methods.pop unless options.is_a?(Hash) && to = options[:to] raise ArgumentError, "Delegation needs a target. Supply an options hash with a :to key as the last argument (e.g. delegate :hello, :to => :greeter)." end methods.each do |method| module_eval(<<-EOS, "(__DELEGATION__)", 1) def #{method}(*args, &block) #{to}.__send__(#{method.inspect}, *args, &block) end EOS end end unless defined? delegate end class Object unless defined? instance_exec # 1.9 module InstanceExecMethods #:nodoc: end include InstanceExecMethods # Evaluate the block with the given arguments within the context of # this object, so self is set to the method receiver. # # From Mauricio's def instance_exec(*args, &block) begin old_critical, Thread.critical = Thread.critical, true n = 0 n += 1 while respond_to?(method_name = "__instance_exec#{n}") InstanceExecMethods.module_eval { define_method(method_name, &block) } ensure Thread.critical = old_critical end begin send(method_name, *args) ensure InstanceExecMethods.module_eval { remove_method(method_name) } rescue nil end end end end class Object def deep_copy Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) end unless defined? deep_copy end class Object # copy from active_support def silence_warnings with_warnings(nil) { yield } end unless defined? silence_warnings # copy from active_support def with_warnings(flag) old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, flag yield ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end unless defined? with_warnings end # module OpenURI def self.without_ssl_verification old = ::OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER silence_warnings{ ::OpenSSL::SSL.const_set :VERIFY_PEER, OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE } yield ensure silence_warnings{ ::OpenSSL::SSL.const_set :VERIFY_PEER, old } end end class Object def memoize(*names) names.each do |name| unmemoized = "__unmemoized_#{name}" class_eval %{ alias :#{unmemoized} :#{name} private :#{unmemoized} def #{name}(*args) cache = (@#{unmemoized} ||= {}) if cache.has_key?(args) cache[args] else cache[args] = send(:#{unmemoized}, *args).freeze end end } end end # Memoize class methods def cmemoize(*method_names) (class << self; self; end).class_eval do memoize(*method_names) end end end