# frozen_string_literal: true # Rakefile for rake -*- ruby -*- # Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org). # All rights reserved. # Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution, # and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the # above copyright notice is included. require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/testtask' begin require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/package_task' require 'rdoc/task' rescue Exception nil end require './lib/builder/version' # Determine the current version of the software CLOBBER.include('pkg', 'html') CLEAN.include('pkg/builder-*').include('pkg/blankslate-*').exclude('pkg/*.gem') PKG_VERSION = Builder::VERSION SRC_RB = FileList['lib/**/*.rb'] # The default task is run if rake is given no explicit arguments. desc "Default Task" task :default => :test_all # Test Tasks --------------------------------------------------------- desc "Run all tests" task :test_all => [:test_units] task :ta => [:test_all] task :tu => [:test_units] Rake::TestTask.new("test_units") do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/test*.rb'] t.libs << "." << "test" t.verbose = false end # Create a task to build the RDOC documentation tree. if defined?(RDoc) rd = RDoc::Task.new("rdoc") { |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'html' rdoc.title = "Builder for Markup" rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' << '--main' << 'README.rdoc' rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb', '[A-Z]*', 'doc/**/*.rdoc').exclude("TAGS") rdoc.template = 'doc/jamis.rb' } else rd = Struct.new(:rdoc_files).new([]) end # ==================================================================== # Create a task that will package the Rake software into distributable # gem files. PKG_FILES = FileList[ '[A-Z]*', 'doc/**/*', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'test/**/*.rb', 'rakelib/**/*' ] PKG_FILES.exclude('test/test_cssbuilder.rb') PKG_FILES.exclude('lib/builder/css.rb') PKG_FILES.exclude('TAGS') BLANKSLATE_FILES = FileList[ 'lib/blankslate.rb', 'test/test_blankslate.rb' ] if ! defined?(Gem) puts "Package Target requires RubyGEMs" else spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| #### Basic information. s.name = 'builder' s.version = PKG_VERSION s.summary = "Builders for MarkUp." s.description = %{\ Builder provides a number of builder objects that make creating structured data simple to do. Currently the following builder objects are supported: * XML Markup * XML Events } s.files = PKG_FILES.to_a s.require_path = 'lib' s.test_files = PKG_FILES.select { |fn| fn =~ /^test\/test/ } s.extra_rdoc_files = rd.rdoc_files.reject { |fn| fn =~ /\.rb$/ }.to_a s.rdoc_options << '--title' << 'Builder -- Easy XML Building' << '--main' << 'README.rdoc' << '--line-numbers' s.author = "Jim Weirich" s.email = "jim.weirich@gmail.com" s.homepage = "http://onestepback.org" s.license = 'MIT' end blankslate_spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| #### Basic information. s.name = 'blankslate' s.version = PKG_VERSION s.summary = "Blank Slate base class." s.description = %{\ BlankSlate provides a base class where almost all of the methods from Object and Kernel have been removed. This is useful when providing proxy object and other classes that make heavy use of method_missing. } s.files = BLANKSLATE_FILES.to_a s.require_path = 'lib' s.test_files = PKG_FILES.select { |fn| fn =~ /^test\/test/ } s.extra_rdoc_files = rd.rdoc_files.reject { |fn| fn =~ /\.rb$/ }.to_a s.rdoc_options << '--title' << 'BlankSlate -- Base Class for building proxies.' << '--main' << 'README.rdoc' << '--line-numbers' s.author = "Jim Weirich" s.email = "jim.weirich@gmail.com" s.homepage = "http://onestepback.org" s.license = 'MIT' end namespace 'builder' do Gem::PackageTask.new(spec) do |t| t.need_tar = false end end namespace 'blankslate' do Gem::PackageTask.new(blankslate_spec) do |t| t.need_tar = false end end task :package => [:remove_tags, 'builder:package', 'blankslate:package'] end task :remove_tags do rm "TAGS" rescue nil end # RCov --------------------------------------------------------------- begin require 'rcov/rcovtask' Rcov::RcovTask.new do |t| t.libs << "test" t.rcov_opts = [ '-xRakefile', '--text-report' ] t.test_files = FileList[ 'test/test*.rb' ] t.output_dir = 'coverage' t.verbose = true end rescue LoadError # No rcov available end desc "Install the jamis RDoc template" task :install_jamis_template do require 'rbconfig' dest_dir = File.join(Config::CONFIG['rubylibdir'], "rdoc/generators/template/html") fail "Unabled to write to #{dest_dir}" unless File.writable?(dest_dir) install "doc/jamis.rb", dest_dir, :verbose => true end