# Hanami::Model A persistence layer for Hanami ## v1.0.4 - 2017-10-14 ### Fixed - [Nikita Shilnikov] Keep the dependency on `dry-sql` at `~> 1.3`, which is compatible with `dry-types` `~> 0.11.0` - [Nikita Shilnikov] Ensure to write Postgres JSON (`PGJSON`) type for nested associated records - [Nikita Shilnikov] Ensure `Repository#select` to work with `Hanami::Model::MappedRelation` ## v1.0.3 - 2017-10-11 ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Keep the dependency on `dry-types` at `~> 0.11.0` ## v1.0.2 - 2017-08-04 ### Fixed - [Maurizio De Magnis] URI escape for Postgres password - [Marion Duprey] Ensure repository to generate timestamps values even when only one between `created_at` and `updated_at` is present - [Paweł Świątkowski] Make Postgres JSON(B) to work with Ruby arrays - [Luca Guidi] Don't remove migrations when running `Hanami::Model::Migrator#apply` fails to dump the database ## v1.0.1 - 2017-06-23 ### Fixed - [Kai Kuchenbecker & Marcello Rocha & Luca Guidi] Ensure `Hanami::Entity#initialize` to not serialize (into `Hash`) other entities passed as an argument - [Luca Guidi] Let `Hanami::Repository.relation=` to accept strings as an argument - [Nikita Shilnikov] Prevent stack-overflow when `Hanami::Repository#update` is called thousand times ## v1.0.0 - 2017-04-06 ## v1.0.0.rc1 - 2017-03-31 ## v1.0.0.beta3 - 2017-03-17 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Hanami::Model.disconnect` to disconnect all the active database connections ## v1.0.0.beta2 - 2017-03-02 ### Added - [Semyon Pupkov] Allow to define Postgres connection URL as `"postgresql:///mydb?host=localhost&port=6433&user=postgres&password=testpasswd"` ### Fixed - [Marcello Rocha] Fixed migrations MySQL detection of username and password - [Luca Guidi] Fixed migrations creation/drop of a MySQL database with a dash in the name - [Semyon Pupkov] Ensure `db console` to work when Postgres connection URL is defined with `"postgresql://"` scheme ## v1.0.0.beta1 - 2017-02-14 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 2.4 - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Repository#read` to fetch from database with raw SQL string - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Repository.schema` to manually configure the schema of a database table. This is useful for legacy databases where Hanami::Model autoinferring doesn't map correctly the schema. - [Luca Guidi & Alfonso Uceda] Added `Hanami::Model::Configuration#gateway` to configure gateway and the raw connection - [Luca Guidi] Added `Hanami::Model::Configuration#logger` to configure a logger - [Luca Guidi] Database operations (including migrations) print informations to standard output ### Fixed - [Thorbjørn Hermansen] Ensure repository to not override given timestamps - [Luca Guidi] Raise `Hanami::Model::MissingPrimaryKeyError` if `Repository#find` is ran against a database w/o a primary key - [Alfonso Uceda] Ensure SQLite databases to be used on JRuby when the database path is in the same directory of the Ruby script (eg. `./test.sqlite`) ### Changed - [Luca Guidi] Automap the main relation in a repository, by removing the need of use `.as(:entity)` - [Luca Guidi] Raise an `Hanami::Model::UnknownDatabaseTypeError` when the application is loaded and there is an unknown column type in the database ## v0.7.0 - 2016-11-15 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] `Hanami::Entity` defines an automatic schema for SQL databases – [Luca Guidi] `Hanami::Entity` attributes schema - [Luca Guidi] Experimental support for One-To-Many association (aka `has_many`) - [Luca Guidi] Native support for PostgreSQL types like UUID, Array, JSON(B) and Money - [Luca Guidi] Repositories instances can access all the relations (eg. `BookRepository` can access `users` relation via `#users`) - [Luca Guidi] Automapping for SQL databases - [Luca Guidi] Added `Hanami::Model::DatabaseError` ### Changed - [Luca Guidi] Entities are immutable - [Luca Guidi] Removed support for Memory and File System adapters - [Luca Guidi] Removed support for _dirty tracking_ - [Luca Guidi] `Hanami::Entity.attributes` method no longer accepts a list of attributes, but a block to optionally define typed attributes - [Luca Guidi] Removed `#fetch`, `#execute` and `#transaction` from repository - [Luca Guidi] Removed `mapping` block from `Hanami::Model.configure` - [Luca Guidi] Changed `adapter` signature in `Hanami::Model.configure` (use `adapter :sql, ENV['DATABASE_URL']`) - [Luca Guidi] Repositories must inherit from `Hanami::Repository` instead of including it - [Luca Guidi] Entities must inherit from `Hanami::Entity` instead of including it - [Pascal Betz] Repositories use instance level interface (eg. `BookRepository.new.find` instead of `BookRepository.find`) - [Luca Guidi] Repositories now accept hashes for CRUD operations - [Luca Guidi] `Hanami::Repository#create` now accepts: hash (or entity) - [Luca Guidi] `Hanami::Repository#update` now accepts two arguments: primary key (`id`) and data (or entity) - [Luca Guidi] `Hanami::Repository#delete` now accepts: primary key (`id`) - [Luca Guidi] Drop `Hanami::Model::NonPersistedEntityError`, `Hanami::Model::InvalidMappingError`, `Hanami::Model::InvalidCommandError`, `Hanami::Model::InvalidQueryError` - [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby 2.3 and JRuby - [Luca Guidi] Drop support for Ruby 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and JRuby - [Luca Guidi] Drop support for `mysql` gem in favor of `mysql2` ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure booleans to be correctly dumped in database - [Luca Guidi] Ensure to respect default database schema values - [Luca Guidi] Ensure SQL UPDATE to not override non-default primary key - [James Hamilton] Print appropriate error message when trying to create a PostgreSQL database that is already existing ## v0.6.2 - 2016-06-01 ### Changed - [Kjell-Magne Øierud] Ensure inherited entities to expose attributes from base class ## v0.6.1 - 2016-02-05 ### Changed - [Hélio Costa e Silva & Pascal Betz] Mapping SQL Adapter's errors as `Hanami::Model` errors ## v0.6.1 - 2016-02-05 ### Changed - [Hélio Costa e Silva & Pascal Betz] Mapping SQL Adapter's errors as `Hanami::Model` errors ## v0.6.0 - 2016-01-22 ### Changed - [Luca Guidi] Renamed the project ## v0.5.2 - 2016-01-19 ### Changed - [Sean Collins] Improved error message for `Lotus::Model::Adapters::NoAdapterError` ### Fixed - [Kyle Chong & Trung Lê] Catch Sequel exceptions and re-raise as `Lotus::Model::Error` ## v0.5.1 - 2016-01-12 ### Added - [Taylor Finnell] Let `Lotus::Model::Configuration#adapter` to accept arbitrary options (eg. `adapter type: :sql, uri: 'jdbc:...', after_connect: Proc.new { |connection| connection.auto_commit(true) }`) ### Changed - [Andrey Deryabin] Improved `Entity#inspect` - [Karim Tarek] Introduced `Lotus::Model::Error` and let all the framework exceptions to inherit from it. ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Improved error message when trying to use a repository without mapping the corresponding collections - [Sean Collins] Improved error message when trying to create database, but it fails (eg. missing `createdb` executable) - [Andrey Deryabin] Improved error message when trying to drop database, but a client is still connected (useful for PostgreSQL) - [Hiếu Nguyễn] Improved error message when trying to "prepare" database, but it fails ## v0.5.0 - 2015-09-30 ### Added - [Brenno Costa] Official support for JRuby 9k+ - [Luca Guidi] Command/Query separation via `Repository.execute` and `Repository.fetch` - [Luca Guidi] Custom attribute coercers for data mapper - [Alfonso Uceda] Added `#join` and `#left_join` and `#group` to SQL adapter ### Changed - [Luca Guidi] `Repository.execute` no longer returns a result from the database. ### Fixed - [Manuel Corrales] Use `dropdb` to drop PostgreSQL database. - [Luca Guidi & Bohdan V.] Ignore dotfiles while running migrations. ## v0.4.1 - 2015-07-10 ### Fixed - [Nick Coyne] Fixed database creation for PostgreSQL (now it uses `createdb`). ## v0.4.0 - 2015-06-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Database migrations ### Changed - [Matthew Bellantoni] Made `Repository.execute` not callable from the outside (private Ruby method, public API). ## v0.3.2 - 2015-05-22 ### Added - [Dmitry Tymchuk & Luca Guidi] Fix for dirty tracking of attributes changed in place (eg. `book.tags << 'non-fiction'`) ## v0.3.1 - 2015-05-15 ### Added - [Dmitry Tymchuk] Dirty tracking for entities (via `Lotus::Entity::DirtyTracking` module to include) - [My Mai] Automatic update of timestamps when an entity is persisted. - [Peter Berkenbosch] Introduced `Lotus::Repository#execute`, to execute raw query/commands against database (eg. `BookRepository.execute "SELECT * FROM users"` or `BookRepository.execute "UPDATE users SET admin = 'f'"`) - [Guilherme Franco] Memory and File System adapters now accept a block for `where`, `or`, `and` conditions (eg `where { age > 33 }`). ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure Array coercion to preserve original data structure ## v0.3.0 - 2015-03-23 ### Added - [Linus Pettersson] Database console ### Fixed - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Don't send unwanted null values to the database, while coercing entities - [Jan Lelis] Do not define top-level `Boolean`, because it is already defined by `hanami-utils` - [Vsevolod Romashov] Fix entity class resolving in `Coercer#from_record` - [Jason Harrelson] Add file and line to `instance_eval` in `Coercer` to make backtrace more usable ## v0.2.4 - 2015-02-20 ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] When duplicate the framework don't copy over the original `Lotus::Model` configuration ## v0.2.3 - 2015-02-13 ### Added - [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Added support for database transactions in repositories ### Fixed - [Luca Guidi] Ensure file system adapter old data is read when a new process is started ## v0.2.2 - 2015-01-18 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Coerce entities when persisted ## v0.2.1 - 2015-01-12 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Compatibility between Lotus::Entity and Lotus::Validations ## v0.2.0 - 2014-12-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Introduced file system adapter – [Benny Klotz & Trung Lê] Introduced `Entity` inheritance of attributes - [Trung Lê] Introduced `Entity#update` for bulk update of attributes - [Luca Guidi] Improved error when try to use a repository which wasn't configured or when the framework wasn't loaded yet - [Trung Lê] Introduced `Entity#to_h` - [Trung Lê] Introduced `Lotus::Model.duplicate` - [Trung Lê] Made `Lotus::Mapper` lazy - [Trung Lê] Introduced thread safe autoloading for adapters - [Felipe Sere] Add support for `Symbol` coercion - [Celso Fernandes] Add support for `BigDecimal` coercion - [Trung Lê] Introduced `Lotus::Model.load!` as entry point for loading - [Trung Lê] Introduced `Mapper#repository` as DSL to associate a repository to a collection - [Trung Lê & Tao Guo] Introduced `Configuration#mapping` as DSL to configure the mapping - [Coen Wessels] Allow `where`, `exclude` and `or` to accept blocks - [Trung Lê & Tao Guo] Introduced `Configuration#adapter` as DSL to configure the adapter - [Trung Lê] Introduced `Lotus::Model::Configuration` ### Changed - [Trung Lê] Changed `Entity.attributes=` to `Entity.attributes` - [Trung Lê] In case of missing entity, let `Repository#find` returns `nil` instead of raise an exception ### Fixed - [Rik Tonnard] Ensure correct behavior of `#offset` in memory adapter - [Benny Klotz] Ensure `Entity` to set the attributes even when the given Hash uses strings as keys - [Ben Askins] Always return the entity from `Repository#persist` - [Jeremy Stephens] Made `Memory::Query#where` and `#or` behave more like the SQL counter-part ## v0.1.2 - 2014-06-26 ### Fixed - [Stanislav Spiridonov] Ensure to require `'hanami/model/mapping/coercions'` - [Krzysztof Zalewski] `Entity` defines `#id` accessor by default ## v0.1.1 - 2014-06-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Model::Mapping::Coercions` in order to decouple from `Lotus::Utils::Kernel` - [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby 2.1 ## v0.1.0 - 2014-04-23 ### Added - [Luca Guidi] Allow to inject coercer into mapper - [Luca Guidi] Introduced database mapping - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Entity` - [Luca Guidi] Introduced SQL adapter - [Luca Guidi] Introduced memory adapter – [Luca Guidi] Introduced adapters for repositories - [Luca Guidi] Introduced `Lotus::Repository`