==Class Table Inheritance
Class Table Inheritance for ActiveRecord using updateable views.
More about the pattern on http://www.martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/classTableInheritance.html. This gem messes very little with Rails inheritance mechanism.
Instead it relies on updatable views in the database to represent classes in the inheritance chain. The approach was {first suggested by John
Rails: 3.2.x
Ruby: tested with 1.8.7 and 1.9.3
Database: PostgreSQL 8.1+ only. Patches for other DBMS are welcome. Note that you are not required to use updateable views, children relations can be tables (with some triggers involved) or materialized views.
gem install updateable_views_inheritance
* In Gemfile add gem 'updateable_views_inheritance'
* Run rails generate updateable_views_inheritance:install && rake db:migrate
* In config/environment.rb set config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
* In case you're using fixtures, don't forget to run
rake updateable_views_inheritance:fixture
after every change to the class hierarchy. Otherwise tests may fail.
class CtiExample < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :locomotives do |t|
t.column :name, :string
t.column :max_speed, :integer
t.column :type, :string
create_child(:steam_locomotives, :parent => :locomotives) do |t|
t.decimal :water_consumption, :precision => 6, :scale => 2
t.decimal :coal_consumption, :precision => 6, :scale => 2
create_child(:electric_locomotives, :table => :raw_electric_locomotives, :parent => :locomotives) do |t|
t.decimal :electricity_consumption, :precision => 6, :scale => 2
def self.down
drop_child :steam_locomotives
drop_child :electric_locomotives
drop_table :locomotives
And the models:
class Locomotive
class SteamLocomotive < Locomotive
self.table_name = :steam_locomotives
class ElectricLocomotive < Locomotive
self.table_name = :electric_locomotives
Note that models of children classes must specify table name explicitly.
===Changing Columns in Underlying Tables
class RemoveColumnInParentTable < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
remove_column(:locomotives, :max_speed)
rename_column(:name, :title)
===Renaming Underlying Tables
execute "UPDATE updateable_views_inheritance SET child_aggregate_view = 'new_name' WHERE child_aggregate_view = 'old_name'"
execute "UPDATE updateable_views_inheritance SET parent_relation = 'new_name' WHERE parent_relation = 'old_name'"
===Removing Classes
Note that you should remove only leaf classes (i.e. those that do not have descendants). If you want to erase a whole chain or part of chain you have to remove first the leaves and then their ancestors. Use drop_child(child_view) in migrations.
==Compatibility with Single Table Inheritance
The approach of this gem is completely independent from Rails built-in Single Table Inheritance. STI and CLTI can safely be mixed in one inheritance chain.
==Testing Your App
If you use fixtures, you must run rake updateable_views_inheritance:fixture to generate fixture for the updateable_views_inheritance table after you add/remove
classes from the hierarchy or change underlying table or view names. Without it primary key sequence for inheritors' tables won't be bumped to the max and it might not be possible to save objects! If you don't use fixtures for the classes in the hierarchy you don't need to do that.
This gem re-enables referential integrity on fixture loading. This means that
fixtures :all
may fail when there are foreign key constraints on tables. To fix this, explicitly declare fixture load order in test_helper.rb:
fixtures :roots, :trunks, :leafs, ...
for all fixtures you want to load.
==Gem Development & Testing
The gem has a comprehensive test suite. In order to run it, your user must be a superuser in PostgreSQL.
If this is not the case, run createuser -s pesho (assuming your Unix account is pesho).