module Caricature # A collection of expectations with some methods to make it easier to work with them. # It allows you to add and find expectations based on certain criteria. class Expectations #initializes a new empty instance of the +Expectation+ collection def initialize @instance_expectations = [] @class_expectations = [] end # Adds an expectation to this collection. From then on it can be found in the collection. def add_expectation(expectation, mode=:instance) @instance_expectations << expectation unless mode == :class @class_expectations << expectation if mode == :class end # Finds an expectation in the collection. It matches by +method_name+ first. # Then it tries to figure out if you care about the arguments. You can say you don't care by providing # the symbol +:any+ as first argument to this method. When you don't care the first match is being returned # When you specify arguments other than +:any+ it will try to match the specified arguments in addition # to the method name. It will then also return the first result it can find. def find(method_name, mode=:instance, *args) expectations = mode == :class ? @class_expectations : @instance_expectations candidates = { |exp| exp.method_name.to_s.to_sym == method_name.to_s.to_sym } with_arguments_candidates = { |exp| exp.args == args } with_arguments_candidates.first || { |exp| exp.any_args? }.first end end # contains the syntax for building up an expectation # This is shared between the +ExpecationBuilder+ and the +Expectation+ module ExpectationSyntax # tell the expection which arguments it needs to respond to # there is a magic argument here +any+ which configures # the expectation to respond to any arguments def with(*ags, &b) collected[:any_args] = ags.first.is_a?(Symbol) and ags.first == :any collected[:args] = ags collected[:callback] = b unless b.nil? self end # tell the expectation it nees to return this value or the value returned by the block # you provide to this method. def return(value=nil, &b) collected[:return_value] = value collected[:return_callback] = b if b self end # Sets up arguments for the block that is being passed into the isolated method call def pass_block(*ags, &b) collected[:any_block_args] = ags.first.is_a?(Symbol) and args.first == :any collected[:block_args] = ags collected[:block_callback] = b unless b.nil? self end # tell the expectation it needs to raise an error with the specified arguments alias_method :actual_raise, :raise def raise(*args) collected[:error_args] = args self end # tell the expecation it needs to call the super before the expectation exectution def super_before(&b) collected[:super] = :before collected[:block] = b if b self end # tell the expectation it needs to call the super after the expecation execution def super_after(&b) collected[:super] = :after collected[:block] = b if b self end # indicates whether this expectation should match with any arguments # or only for the specified arguments def any_args? collected[:any_args] end private def collected @collected ||= {} end end # A description of an expectation. # An expectation has the power to call the proxy method or completely ignore it class Expectation include ExpectationSyntax # the error_args that this expectation will raise an error with def error_args collected[:error_args] end # the value that this expecation will return when executed def return_value collected[:return_value] end # indicator for the mode to call the super +:before+, +:after+ and +nil+ def super collected[:super] end # contains the callback if one is given def callback collected[:callback] end # contains the callback that is used to return the value when this expectation # is executed def return_callback collected[:return_callback] end # contains the arguments that will be passed on to the block def block_args collected[:block_args] end # The block that will be used as value provider for the block in the method def block_callback collected[:block_callback] end # the block that will be used def block collected[:block] end # sets the block callback def block=(val) collected[:block] = val end # gets the method_name to which this expectation needs to listen to def method_name collected[:method_name] end # the arguments that this expectation needs to be constrained by def args collected[:args] end # Initializes a new instance of an expectation def initialize(options={}) collected[:any_args] = true collected.merge!(options) end # indicates whether this expecation will raise an event. def has_error_args? !collected[:error_args].nil? end # indicates whether this expectation will return a value. def has_return_value? !collected[:return_value].nil? end # call the super before the expectation def super_before? collected[:super] == :before end # indicates whether super needs to be called somewhere def call_super? !collected[:super].nil? end # indicates whether this expecation has a callback it needs to execute def has_callback? !collected[:callback].nil? end # indicates whether this expectation has a block as value provider for the method call block def has_block_callback? !collected[:block_callback].nil? end # a flag to indicate it has a return value callback def has_return_callback? !collected[:return_callback].nil? end # executes this expectation with its configuration def execute(*margs,&b) ags = any_args? ? :any : (margs.empty? ? collected[:args] : margs) do_raise_error do_callback(ags) do_block_callback(&b) do_event_raise if respond_to?(:events) return collected[:return_callback].call(*margs) if has_return_callback? return return_value if has_return_value? nil end def to_s #:nodoc: "<Caricature::Expecation, method_name: #{method_name}, args: #{args}, error args: #{error_args}>" end alias :inspect :to_s private def do_raise_error #:nodoc: actual_raise *collected[:error_args] if has_error_args? end def do_callback(ags) #:nodoc:*ags) if has_callback? end def do_block_callback(&b) #:nodoc: if b ags = has_block_callback? ? collected[:block_callback].call : collected[:block_args]*ags) end end end # Constructs the expecation object. # Used as a boundary between the definition and usage of the expectation class ExpectationBuilder include ExpectationSyntax # initialises a new instance of the expectation builder # this builder is passed into the block to allow only certain # operations in the block. def initialize(method_name) @collected = { :method_name => method_name, :args => [], :any_args => true } end # build up the expectation with the provided arguments def build collected end end end