# blockscore-ruby [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/BlockScore/blockscore-ruby/tree/master.svg?style=shield)](https://circleci.com/gh/BlockScore/blockscore-ruby) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/BlockScore/blockscore-ruby/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/BlockScore/blockscore-ruby/coverage) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/BlockScore/blockscore-ruby.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/BlockScore/blockscore-ruby) This is the official library for Ruby clients of the BlockScore API. [Click here to read the full documentation including code examples](http://docs.blockscore.com/ruby/). ## Install Via rubygems.org: ```ruby gem install blockscore ``` If you are using Rails, add the following to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'blockscore', '~> 4.1.2' ``` ## Getting Started To get started, you can initialize the library with one line: ```ruby BlockScore.api_key = 'your-api-key' ``` To verify a person: ```ruby person = BlockScore::Person.create( birth_day: '23', birth_month: '8', birth_year: '1980', document_type: 'ssn', document_value: '0000', name_first: 'John', name_middle: 'Pearce', name_last: 'Doe', address_street1: '1 Infinite Loop', address_street2: 'Apt 6', address_city: 'Cupertino', address_subdivision: 'CA', address_postal_code: '95014', address_country_code: 'US' ) # Check the validation status of the Person person.status # => 'valid' # Or view some of the other attributes person.details.address # => 'mismatch' ``` To see the list of calls you can make, please visit our [full Ruby API reference](http://docs.blockscore.com/ruby/). ## Testing The test suite uses a public BlockScore API key that was created specifically to ease the testing and contribution processes. **Please do not enter personal details for tests.** In order to run the test suite: ```shell $ rake test ```