#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # Script for parsing the IBAN registry (IBAN_Registry.txt) and IBAN structures # (IBANSTRUCTURE.xml) files from SWIFT. require "csv" require "yaml" require "sax-machine" class Country include SAXMachine element "iban_country_code", as: :country_code element "bank_identifier_position", as: :bank_code_position element "bank_identifier_length", as: :bank_code_length element "branch_identifier_position", as: :branch_code_position element "branch_identifier_length", as: :branch_code_length element "account_number_position", as: :account_number_position element "account_number_length", as: :account_number_length element "iban_total_length", as: :total_length element "iban_national_id_length", as: :national_id_length end class Report include SAXMachine elements "ibanstructure", as: :countries, class: Country end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def get_iban_structures(iban_structures_file, iban_registry_file) bban_formats = get_bban_formats(iban_registry_file) report = Report.parse(iban_structures_file) report.countries.each_with_object({}) do |country, hash| hash[country.country_code] = { bank_code_position: country.bank_code_position.to_i, bank_code_length: country.bank_code_length.to_i, branch_code_position: country.branch_code_position.to_i, branch_code_length: country.branch_code_length.to_i, account_number_position: country.account_number_position.to_i, account_number_length: country.account_number_length.to_i, total_length: country.total_length.to_i, national_id_length: country.national_id_length.to_i, }.merge(bban_formats[country.country_code]) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize FILE_ELEMENTS = [ # 0 Data element # 1 Name of country # 2 IBAN prefix country code (ISO 3166) COUNTRY_CODE = 2, # 3 Country code includes other countries/territories # 4 SEPA country # 5 SEPA country also includes # 6 Domestic account number example # 7 BBAN # 8 BBAN structure BBAN_STRUCTURE = 8, # 9 BBAN length # 10 Bank identifier position within the BBAN # 11 Bank identifier pattern BANK_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = 11, # 12 Branch identifier position within the BBAN # 13 Branch identifier pattern BRANCH_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = 13, # 14 Bank identifier example # 15 Branch identifier example # 16 BBAN example # 17 IBAN # 18 IBAN structure # 19 IBAN length # 20 Effective date # 21 IBAN electronic format example ].freeze def get_bban_formats(iban_registry_file) iban_registry_file.each_with_object({}) do |line, hash| bban_structure = line[BBAN_STRUCTURE].strip bank_code_structure = line[BANK_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN].strip branch_code_structure = line[BRANCH_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN]&.strip bank_code_structure = "" if bank_code_structure == "N/A" country_code = line[COUNTRY_CODE].strip hash[country_code] = convert_swift_convention(bban_structure, bank_code_structure, branch_code_structure) end end # IBAN Registry has BBAN format (which seems to be accurate), and Bank # identifier length, which contains something roughly like the format for the # bank code and usually the branch code where applicable. This is a best attempt # to convert those from weird SWIFT-talk into regexes, and then work out the # account number format regex by taking the bank and branch code regexes off # the front of the BBAN format. # # This works about 70% of the time, the rest are overridden in # structure_additions.yml def convert_swift_convention(bban, bank, branch) bban_regex = iban_registry_to_regex(bban) bank_regex = iban_registry_to_regex(bank) branch_regex = branch.nil? ? nil : iban_registry_to_regex(branch) non_account_number_regex = [bank_regex, branch_regex].join account_number_start = (bban_regex.index(non_account_number_regex) || 0) + non_account_number_regex.length account_number_regex = bban_regex[account_number_start..-1] { bban_format: bban_regex, bank_code_format: bank_regex, branch_code_format: branch_regex, account_number_format: account_number_regex, }.compact end def iban_registry_to_regex(swift_string) swift_string.gsub(/(\d+)!([nac])/, '\2{\1}'). gsub("n", '\d'). gsub("a", "[A-Z]"). gsub("c", "[A-Z0-9]") end def merge_structures(structures, additions) additions.each_pair do |key, value| structures[key].merge!(value) if structures.include?(key) end structures end # Only parse the files if this file is run as an executable (not required in, # as it is in the specs) if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME iban_registry_file = CSV.read( File.expand_path("../data/raw/IBAN_Registry.txt", __dir__), col_sep: "\t", headers: true, encoding: Encoding::ISO_8859_1, ).to_a.transpose iban_registry_file.shift iban_structures_file = File.read( File.expand_path("../data/raw/IBANSTRUCTURE.xml", __dir__), ) iban_structures = get_iban_structures( iban_structures_file, iban_registry_file, ) structure_additions = YAML.load_file( File.expand_path("../data/raw/structure_additions.yml", __dir__), ) complete_structures = merge_structures(iban_structures, structure_additions) output_file_path = File.expand_path( "../data/structures.yml", __dir__, ) File.open(output_file_path, "w") { |f| f.write(complete_structures.to_yaml) } end