import "./sequence"; import React, { createRef } from "react"; import _ from "underscore"; /** * Takes sequence accession as props, fetches the sequence from the server, and * displays it in a modal. */ export default class SequenceModal extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { error_msgs: [], sequences: [], requestCompleted: false, }; this.modalRef = createRef(); } // Lifecycle methods. // render() { return (

View sequence

{(this.state.requestCompleted && this.resultsJSX()) || this.loadingJSX()}
); } /* * Returns jQuery reference to the main modal container. */ modal() { return $(this.modalRef.current); } /** * Shows sequence viewer. */ show(url) { this.setState({ requestCompleted: false }, () => { this.modal().modal("show"); this.loadJSON(url); }); } /** * Hide sequence viewer. */ hide() { this.modal().modal("hide"); } /** * Loads sequence using AJAX and updates modal state. */ loadJSON(url) { // Fetch sequence and update state. $.getJSON(url) .done( _.bind(function (response) { this.setState({ sequences: response.sequences, error_msgs: response.error_msgs, requestCompleted: true, }); }, this) ) .fail((jqXHR, status, error) => { this.hide(); this.props.showErrorModal(jqXHR.responseJSON); }); } resultsJSX() { return (
{ this.state.error_msgs, _.bind(function (error_msg) { return (


); }, this) )} { this.state.sequences, _.bind(function (sequence) { return ; }, this) )}
); } loadingJSX() { return (
); } } class SequenceViewer extends React.Component { /** * The CSS class name that will be assigned to the widget container. ID * assigned to the widget container is derived from the same. */ static widgetClass() { return "biojs-vis-sequence"; } render() { this.widgetID = this.widgetClass + "-" + new Date().getUTCMilliseconds(); return (

{}   {this.props.sequence.title}

); } componentDidMount() { // attach BioJS sequence viewer var widget = new Sequence({ sequence: this.props.sequence.value, target: this.widgetID, format: "PRIDE", columns: { size: 40, spacedEach: 0, }, formatOptions: { title: false, footer: false, }, }); widget.hideFormatSelector(); } }