require 'rubygems' require 'webrick' require 'webrick/https' require 'openssl' require 'thread' require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'logger' require 'json' require 'digest/md5' module Sfp module Agent NetHelper = CachedDir = (Process.euid == 0 ? '/var/sfpagent' : File.expand_path('~/.sfpagent')) Dir.mkdir(CachedDir, 0700) if not File.exist?(CachedDir) DefaultPort = 1314 PIDFile = "#{CachedDir}/" LogFile = "#{CachedDir}/sfpagent.log" ModelFile = "#{CachedDir}/sfpagent.model" AgentsDataFile = "#{CachedDir}/sfpagent.agents" BSigFile = "#{CachedDir}/bsig.model" BSigPIDFile = "#{CachedDir}/" BSigThreadsLockFile = "#{CachedDir}/bsig.threads.lock.#{}" @@logger =, WEBrick::BasicLog::INFO || WEBrick::BasicLog::ERROR || WEBrick::BasicLog::FATAL || WEBrick::BasicLog::WARN) @@current_model_hash = nil @@bsig = nil @@bsig_modified_time = nil @@bsig_engine = # create BSig engine instance @@runtime_lock = def self.logger @@logger end # Start the agent. # # options: # :daemon => true if running as a daemon, false if as a normal application # :port # :ssl # :certfile # :keyfile # def self.start(p={}) Process.daemon begin # check modules directory, and create it if it's not exist p[:modules_dir] = File.expand_path(p[:modules_dir].to_s.strip != '' ? p[:modules_dir].to_s : "#{CachedDir}/modules") Dir.mkdir(p[:modules_dir], 0700) if not File.exist?(p[:modules_dir]) @@config = p # load modules from cached directory load_modules(p) # reload model build_model({:complete => true}) # create web server server_type = (p[:daemon] ? WEBrick::Daemon : WEBrick::SimpleServer) port = (p[:port] ? p[:port] : DefaultPort) config = { :Host => '', :Port => port, :ServerType => server_type, :pid => '/tmp/', :Logger => Sfp::Agent.logger } if p[:ssl] config[:SSLEnable] = true config[:SSLVerifyClient] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE config[:SSLCertificate] =[:certfile]).read) config[:SSLPrivateKey] =[:keyfile]).read) config[:SSLCertName] = [["CN", WEBrick::Utils::getservername]] end server = server.mount("/", Sfp::Agent::Handler, Sfp::Agent.logger) # trap signal ['INT', 'KILL', 'HUP'].each { |signal| trap(signal) { "Shutting down web server" bsig_engine.disable server.shutdown } } # send request to local web server to save its PID fork { sleep 0.5 1.upto(5) do |i| begin NetHelper.get_data('', config[:Port], '/pid') break if File.exist?(PIDFile) rescue sleep (i*i) end end puts "SFP Agent is running with PID #{}" if File.exist?(PIDFile) } # start BSig's main thread in a separate process fork { bsig_engine.enable({:mode => :main}) } # enable BSig's satisfier bsig_engine.enable({:mode => :satisfier}) # start web server server.start rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "Starting the agent [Failed] #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" raise e end end # Stop the agent's daemon. # def self.stop # stopping web server (main thread) pid = (File.exist?(PIDFile) ? : nil) if not pid.nil? and `ps h #{pid}`.strip =~ /.*sfpagent.*/ Process.kill('HUP', pid) puts "Stopping SFP Agent with PID #{pid}" File.delete(PIDFile) if File.exist?(PIDFile) else puts "SFP Agent is not running." end # stopping BSig engine pid_bsig = (File.exist?(BSigPIDFile) ? : nil) if not pid_bsig.nil? and `ps h #{pid_bsig}`.strip =~ /.*sfpagent.*/ Process.kill('HUP', pid_bsig) puts "Stopping BSig engine with PID #{pid_bsig}" File.delete(BSigPIDFile) if File.exist?(BSigPIDFile) else puts "BSig engine is not running." end "SFP Agent daemon has been stopped." end # Print the status of the agent. # def self.status if not File.exist?(PIDFile) puts "SFP Agent is not running." else pid = if `ps hf #{pid}`.strip =~ /.*sfpagent.*/ puts "SFP Agent is running with PID #{pid}" else File.delete(PIDFile) puts "SFP Agent is not running." end end if not File.exist?(BSigPIDFile) puts "BSig engine is not running." else pid = if `ps hf #{pid}`.strip =~ /.*sfpagent.*/ puts "BSig engine is running with PID #{pid}" else File.delete(BSigPIDFile) puts "BSig engine is not running." end end end # Save given model to cached file, and then reload the model. # def self.set_model(model) begin # generate MD5 hash for the new model data = JSON.generate(model) new_model_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) # save the new model if it's not same with the existing one if Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) != @@current_model_hash "Setting new model [Wait]", File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0600) { |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) f.rewind f.write(data) f.flush f.truncate(f.pos) } build_model "Setting the model [OK]" else "The model is not changed." end return true rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "Setting the model [Failed] #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end false end # Reload the model from cached file. # def self.build_model(p={}) if not File.exist?(ModelFile) "There is no model in cache." else begin @@runtime_lock.synchronize { data = @@current_model_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data) if !defined?(@@runtime) or @@runtime.nil? or p[:complete] @@runtime =[data]) else @@runtime.set_model(JSON[data]) end } "Reloading the model in cache [OK]" rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "Reloading the model in cache [Failed] #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end end end # Setting a new BSig model: set @@bsig variable, and save in cached file # def self.set_bsig(bsig) begin, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0600) { |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) "Setting the BSig model [Wait]" f.rewind data = (bsig.nil? ? '' : JSON.generate(bsig)) f.write(data) f.flush f.truncate(f.pos) } "Setting the BSig model [OK]" return true rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "Setting the BSig model [Failed] #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end false end # Return a BSig model from cached file # def self.get_bsig return nil if not File.exist?(BSigFile) return @@bsig if File.mtime(BSigFile) == @@bsig_modified_time begin data = @@bsig = (data.length > 0 ? JSON[data] : nil) @@bsig_modified_time = File.mtime(BSigFile) return @@bsig rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "Get the BSig model [Failed] #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end false end def self.bsig_engine @@bsig_engine end def self.whoami? return nil if !defined?(@@runtime) or @@runtime.nil? @@runtime.whoami? end # Return the current state of the model. # def self.get_state(as_sfp=true) @@runtime_lock.synchronize { return nil if !defined?(@@runtime) or @@runtime.nil? begin return @@runtime.get_state(as_sfp) rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "Get state [Failed] #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end } false end def self.resolve(path, as_sfp=true) return if !defined?(@@runtime) or @@runtime.nil? or @@runtime.root.nil? begin path = path.simplify _, node, _ = path.split('.', 3) if @@runtime.root.has_key?(node) # local resolve parent, attribute = path.pop_ref mod = if mod.is_a?(Hash) mod[:_self].update_state state = mod[:_self].state return state[attribute] if state.has_key?(attribute) end return end agents = get_agents if agents[node].is_a?(Hash) # remote resolve agent = agents[node] path = path[1, path.length-1].gsub /\./, '/' code, data = NetHelper.get_data(agent['sfpAddress'], agent['sfpPort'], "/state#{path}") if code.to_i == 200 state = JSON[data]['state'] return if state == '' return state if !state.is_a?(String) or state[0,15] != ' e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "Resolve #{path} [Failed] #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end end # Execute an action # # @param action contains the action's schema. # def self.execute_action(action) logger = (@@config[:daemon] ? Sfp::Agent.logger : action_string = "#{action['name']} #{JSON.generate(action['parameters'])}" begin result = @@runtime.execute_action(action) "Executing #{action_string} " + (result ? "[OK]" : "[Failed]") return result rescue Exception => e logger.error "Executing #{action_string} [Failed] #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end false end # Load all modules in given directory. # # options: # :dir => directory that holds all modules # def self.load_modules(p={}) dir = p[:modules_dir] @@modules = [] counter = 0 if dir != '' and File.exist?(dir) "Modules directory: #{dir}" Dir.entries(dir).each { |name| next if name == '.' or name == '..' or File.file?("#{dir}/#{name}") module_file = "#{dir}/#{name}/#{name}.rb" next if not File.exist?(module_file) begin load module_file #require module_file "Loading module #{dir}/#{name} [OK]" counter += 1 @@modules << name rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.warn "Loading module #{dir}/#{name} [Failed]\n#{e}" end } end "Successfully loading #{counter} modules." end def self.get_schemata(module_name) dir = @@config[:modules_dir] filepath = "#{dir}/#{module_name}/#{module_name}.sfp" sfp = parse(filepath).root sfp.accept( JSON.generate(sfp) end def self.get_module_hash(name) return nil if @@config[:modules_dir].to_s == '' module_dir = "#{@@config[:modules_dir]}/#{name}" if module_dir if `which md5sum`.strip.length > 0 return `find #{module_dir} -type f -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{print $1}' | sort | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'`.strip elsif `which md5`.strip.length > 0 return `find #{module_dir} -type f -exec md5 {} + | awk '{print $4}' | sort | md5`.strip end end nil end def self.get_modules return [] if not (defined? @@modules and @@modules.is_a? Array) data = {} @@modules.each { |m| data[m] = get_module_hash(m) } data end def self.uninstall_all_modules(p={}) return true if @@config[:modules_dir] == '' if system("rm -rf #{@@config[:modules_dir]}/*") load_modules(@@config) "Deleting all modules [OK]" return true end "Deleting all modules [Failed]" false end def self.uninstall_module(name) return false if @@config[:modules_dir] == '' module_dir = "#{@@config[:modules_dir]}/#{name}" if result = !!system("rm -rf #{module_dir}") else result = true end load_modules(@@config) "Deleting module #{name} " + (result ? "[OK]" : "[Failed]") result end def self.install_module(name, data) return false if @@config[:modules_dir].to_s == '' if ! @@config[:modules_dir] File.delete @@config[:modules_dir] if File.exist? @@config[:modules_dir] Dir.mkdir(@@config[:modules_dir], 0700) end # delete old files module_dir = "#{@@config[:modules_dir]}/#{name}" system("rm -rf #{module_dir}") if File.exist? module_dir # save the archive Dir.mkdir("#{module_dir}", 0700)"#{module_dir}/data.tgz", 'wb', 0600) { |f| f.syswrite data } # extract the archive and the files system("cd #{module_dir}; tar xvf data.tgz") Dir.entries(module_dir).each { |name| next if name == '.' or name == '..' if "#{module_dir}/#{name}" system("cd #{module_dir}/#{name}; mv * ..; mv .* .. 2>/dev/null; cd ..; rm -rf #{name}") end system("cd #{module_dir}; rm data.tgz") } load_modules(@@config) # rebuild the model build_model({:complete => true}) "Installing module #{name} [OK]" true end def self.get_log(n=0) return '' if not File.exist?(LogFile) if n <= 0 else `tail -n #{n} #{LogFile}` end end def self.set_agents(agents), 'w', 0600) do |f| raise Exception, "Invalid agents list." if not agents.is_a?(Hash) buffer = {} agents.each { |name,data| raise Exception, "Invalid agents list." if not data.is_a?(Hash) or not data.has_key?('sfpAddress') or data['sfpAddress'].to_s.strip == '' or not data.has_key?('sfpPort') buffer[name] = {} buffer[name]['sfpAddress'] = data['sfpAddress'].to_s buffer[name]['sfpPort'] = data['sfpPort'].to_s.strip.to_i buffer[name]['sfpPort'] = DefaultPort if buffer[name]['sfpPort'] == 0 } f.write(JSON.generate(buffer)) f.flush end true end @@agents_data = nil @@agents_data_modified_time = nil def self.get_agents return {} if not File.exist?(AgentsDataFile) return @@agents_data if File.mtime(AgentsDataFile) == @@agents_data_modified_time @@agents_data = JSON[] end # A class that handles each request. # class Handler < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet def initialize(server, logger) @logger = logger end # Process HTTP Get request # # uri: # /pid => save daemon's PID to a file # /state => return the current state # /model => return the current model # /schemata => return the schemata of a module # /modules => return a list of available modules # def do_GET(request, response) status = 400 content_type, body = '' if not trusted(request.peeraddr[2]) status = 403 else path = (request.path[-1,1] == '/' ? request.path.chop : request.path) if path == '/pid' and (request.peeraddr[2] == 'localhost' or request.peeraddr[3] == '') status, content_type, body = save_pid elsif path == '/state' status, content_type, body = get_state elsif path == '/sfpstate' status, content_type, body = get_state({:as_sfp => true}) elsif path =~ /^\/state\/.+/ status, content_type, body = get_state({:path => path[7, path.length-7]}) elsif path =~ /^\/sfpstate\/.+/ status, content_type, body = get_state({:path => path[10, path.length-10]}) elsif path == '/model' status, content_type, body = get_model elsif path == '/bsig' status, content_Type, body = get_bsig elsif path =~ /^\/schemata\/.+/ status, content_type, body = get_schemata({:module => path[10, path.length-10]}) elsif path == '/modules' status, content_type, body = [200, 'application/json', JSON.generate(Sfp::Agent.get_modules)] elsif path == '/agents' status, content_type, body = [200, 'application/JSON', JSON.generate(Sfp::Agent.get_agents)] elsif path == '/log' status, content_type, body = [200, 'text/plain', Sfp::Agent.get_log(100)] end end response.status = status response['Content-Type'] = content_type response.body = body end # Handle HTTP Post request # # uri: # /execute => receive an action's schema and execute it # def do_POST(request, response) status = 400 content_type, body = '' if not self.trusted(request.peeraddr[2]) status = 403 else path = (request.path[-1,1] == '/' ? ryyequest.path.chop : request.path) if path == '/execute' status, content_type, body = self.execute({:query => request.query}) end end response.status = status response['Content-Type'] = content_type response.body = body end # uri: # /model => receive a new model and save to cached file # /modules => save the module if parameter "module" is provided # delete the module if parameter "module" is not provided # /agents => save the agents' list if parameter "agents" is provided # delete all agents if parameter "agents" is not provided def do_PUT(request, response) status = 400 content_type, body = '' if not self.trusted(request.peeraddr[2]) status = 403 else path = (request.path[-1,1] == '/' ? ryyequest.path.chop : request.path) if path == '/model' status, content_type, body = self.set_model({:query => request.query}) elsif path =~ /\/modules\/.+/ status, content_type, body = self.manage_modules({:name => path[9, path.length-9], :query => request.query}) elsif path == '/modules' status, content_type, body = self.manage_modules({:delete => true}) elsif path == '/agents' status, content_type, body = self.manage_agents({:query => request.query}) elsif path == '/bsig' status, content_type, body = self.set_bsig({:query => request.query}) elsif path == '/bsig/satisfier' status, content_type, body = self.satisfy_bsig_request({:query => request.query}) end end response.status = status response['Content-Type'] = content_type response.body = body end def manage_agents(p={}) begin if p[:query].has_key?('agents') return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.set_agents(JSON[p[:query]['agents']]) else return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.set_agents({}) end rescue Exception => e @logger.error "Saving agents list [Failed]\n#{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end [500, '', ''] end def manage_modules(p={}) if p[:delete] return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.uninstall_all_modules else p[:name], _ = p[:name].split('/', 2) if p[:query].has_key?('module') return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.install_module(p[:name], p[:query]['module']) else return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.uninstall_module(p[:name]) end end [500, '', ''] end def get_schemata(p={}) begin module_name, _ = p[:module].split('/', 2) return [200, 'application/json', Sfp::Agent.get_schemata(module_name)] rescue Exception => e @logger.error "Sending schemata [Failed]\n#{e}" end [500, '', ''] end def get_state(p={}) state = Sfp::Agent.get_state(!!p[:as_sfp]) # The model is not exist. return [404, 'text/plain', 'There is no model!'] if state.nil? if !!state state ="$." + p[:path].gsub(/\//, '.')) if !!p[:path] return [200, 'application/json', JSON.generate({'state'=>state})] end # There is an error when retrieving the state of the model! [500, '', ''] end def set_model(p={}) if p[:query] and p[:query].has_key?('model') # If setting the model was success, then return '200' status. return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.set_model(JSON[p[:query]['model']]) else # Removing the existing model by setting an empty model, if it's success then return '200' status. return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.set_model({}) end # There is an error on setting the model! [500, '', ''] end def get_model # The model is not exist. return [404, '', ''] if not File.exist?(Sfp::Agent::ModelFile) begin # The model is exist, and then send it in JSON. return [200, 'application/json',] rescue end # There is an error when retrieving the model! [500, '', ''] end def execute(p={}) return [400, '', ''] if not p[:query].has_key?('action') begin return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.execute_action(JSON[p[:query]['action']]) rescue end [500, '', ''] end def save_pid begin, 'w', 0644) { |f| f.write($$.to_s) } return [200, '', $$.to_s] rescue Exception end [500, '', ''] end def set_bsig(p={}) if p[:query] and p[:query].has_key?('bsig') # If setting the BSig model was success, then return '200' status return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.set_bsig(JSON[p[:query]['bsig']]) else # Deleting the existing BSig model by setting with Nil, if it's success then return '200' status. return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.set_bsig(nil) end # There is an error on setting/deleting the BSig model [500, '', ''] end def get_bsig(p={}) bsig = Sfp::Agent.get_bsig # The BSig model is not exist return [404, '', ''] if bsig.nil? # The BSig model is exist, and then send it in JSON return [200, 'application/json', JSON.generate(bsig)] if !!bsig [500, '', ''] end def satisfy_bsig_request(p={}) return [400, '', ''] if not p[:query] return [500, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.bsig_engine.nil? req = p[:query] return [200, '', ''] if Sfp::Agent.bsig_engine.receive_goal_from_agent(req['id'].to_i, JSON[req['goal']], req['pi'].to_i) [500, '', ''] end def trusted(address) true end end end end