# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop module Rails # This cop checks for the use of old-style attribute validation macros. # # @example # # bad # validates_acceptance_of :foo # validates_confirmation_of :foo # validates_exclusion_of :foo # validates_format_of :foo # validates_inclusion_of :foo # validates_length_of :foo # validates_numericality_of :foo # validates_presence_of :foo # validates_size_of :foo # validates_uniqueness_of :foo # # # good # validates :foo, acceptance: true # validates :foo, confirmation: true # validates :foo, exclusion: true # validates :foo, format: true # validates :foo, inclusion: true # validates :foo, length: true # validates :foo, numericality: true # validates :foo, presence: true # validates :foo, size: true # validates :foo, uniqueness: true # class Validation < Cop MSG = 'Prefer the new style validations `%s` over ' \ '`%s`.'.freeze TYPES = %w[ acceptance confirmation exclusion format inclusion length numericality presence size uniqueness ].freeze DENYLIST = TYPES.map { |p| "validates_#{p}_of".to_sym }.freeze ALLOWLIST = TYPES.map { |p| "validates :column, #{p}: value" }.freeze def on_send(node) return unless !node.receiver && DENYLIST.include?(node.method_name) add_offense(node, location: :selector) end def autocorrect(node) last_argument = node.arguments.last return if !last_argument.literal? && !last_argument.splat_type? lambda do |corrector| corrector.replace(node.loc.selector, 'validates') correct_validate_type(corrector, node) end end private def message(node) format(MSG, prefer: preferred_method(node.method_name), current: node.method_name) end def preferred_method(method) ALLOWLIST[DENYLIST.index(method.to_sym)] end def correct_validate_type(corrector, node) last_argument = node.arguments.last validate_type = node.method_name.to_s.split('_')[1] if last_argument.hash_type? corrector.replace( last_argument.loc.expression, "#{validate_type}: #{braced_options(last_argument)}" ) else range = last_argument.source_range corrector.insert_after(range, ", #{validate_type}: true") end end def braced_options(options) if options.braces? options.source else "{ #{options.source} }" end end end end end end