//Buttons // //@variables // @import "functions"; //Padding sizes for buttons $button-default: px-to-rems(4) px-to-rems(13) !default; $button-mini: 0 px-to-rems(6) !default; $button-small: px-to-rems(2) px-to-rems(11) !default; $button-large: px-to-rems(12) px-to-rems(21) !default; $button-xlarge: px-to-rems(22) px-to-rems(34) !default; $button-xxlarge: px-to-rems(22.72) px-to-rems(22) px-to-rems(57) !default; //Buttons style $button-display: inline-block !default; $button-border-width: 1px !default; $button-border-style: solid !default; $button-default-background-color: #2E323E !default; //Buttons general styles $button-font-family: $base-font-family !default; $button-font-color: #FFF !default; $button-font-weight: 300 !default; $button-font-default: px-to-rems(14) !default; $button-font-mini: px-to-rems(11) !default; $button-font-small: px-to-rems(12) !default; $button-font-large: px-to-rems(16) !default; $button-font-xlarge: px-to-rems(22) !default; $button-font-xxlarge: px-to-rems(22) !default; $button-vertical-separation: px-to-rems(5) !default; //Buttons variations $button-radius: px-to-rems(3) !default; $button-alpha-border: 1px solid #FFF !default; $button-alpha-color: #FFF !default; $button-3d-border-width: px-to-rems(3) !default; $button-pill-radius: px-to-rems(1000) !default; $button-disabled-opacity: 0.65 !default; //Icons $button-icon-separation: 5px !default; //Background variations $button-primary-background: #3498db !default; $button-success-background: #2ecc71 !default; $button-danger-background: #e74c3c !default; $button-warning-background: #e67e22 !default; //Media queries $button-block-media-query-width: px-to-rems(480) !default; // //@mixin // // We use this mixin to create a default button base style // @mixin button-base { display: $button-display; *display: inline; line-height: normal; font-weight: $button-font-weight; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; margin: 5px 0; outline: none; color: $button-font-color; vertical-align: middle; @include single-transition(all, 0.2s, ease-in-out); position: relative; .fa { margin-right: $button-icon-separation; margin-left: $button-icon-separation; } &:hover { text-decoration: none; } &.alpha { color: $button-alpha-color; border: $button-alpha-border; } } // //@mixin // // We use this mixin to add style to buttons and their states // // $background-color - Is the background color for the button to create @mixin button-style($background-color: $button-default-background-color) { background-color: $background-color; border: $button-border-width $button-border-style darken($background-color, 5%); &:hover, &:focus { background: darken($background-color, 3%); } &.disabled, &[disabled] { cursor: no-drop; @include opacity($button-disabled-opacity); } &.active, &:active { outline: 0; } &.alpha { border: 1px solid $background-color; background: rgba(0,0,0,0); color: $background-color; &:hover { color: #FFF; background: $background-color; } } &.inverse { background: #FFF; color: $background-color; &:hover { background: $background-color; color: #FFF; border: 1px solid #FFF; } } &.three-d { border-bottom: $button-3d-border-width solid darken($background-color, 15%); @include single-transition(all, 0.1s, ease-in-out); &:hover { border-bottom: ($button-3d-border-width - 0.1) solid darken($background-color, 10%); top: 1px; } } } // //@mixin // // We use this mixin to set the button size // $padding - The padding to give to the button. Default: $button-default // $font-size - The font size for the button. Default: $button-font-default // @mixin button-size($padding: $button-default, $font-size: $button-font-default) { padding: $padding; font-size: $font-size; } // //@mixin // // We use this mixin to let the user create custom buttons // $background-color - Is the background color for the button to create. Default: $button-default-background-color // $padding - The padding to give to the button. Default: $button-default // $font-size - The font size for the button. Default: $button-font-default // $include-radius-style - Wheter or not to add the radius style on the custom button // $include-block-style - Wheter or not to add the block size style on the custom button // $include-pill-style - Wheter or not to add the pill style on the custom button // Example .custom-button { @include button($background-color: #1abc9c); } // @mixin button($background-color: $button-default-background-color, $padding: $button-default, $font-size: $button-font-default, $include-radius-style: false, $include-block-style: false, $include-pill-style: false) { @include button-base; @include button-style($background-color); @include button-size($padding, $font-size); @if $include-radius-style { &.radius { @include border-radius($button-radius); } } @if $include-block-style { &.block { display: block; width: 100%; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; } } @if $include-pill-style { &.pill { @include border-radius($button-pill-radius); } } @media (max-width: $button-block-media-query-width) { & { display: block; width: 100%; } } } //Button style definition button, .button { @include button-base; @include button-style; @include button-size; //Button sizes // //Default size padding: $button-default; font-size: $button-font-default; //Custom sizes &.large { @include button-size($padding: $button-large, $font-size: $button-font-large); } &.xlarge { @include button-size($padding: $button-xlarge, $font-size: $button-font-xlarge); } &.xxlarge { @include button-size($padding: $button-xxlarge, $font-size: $button-font-xxlarge); } &.small { @include button-size($padding: $button-small, $font-size: $button-font-small); } &.mini { @include button-size($padding: $button-mini, $font-size: $button-font-mini); } &.block { display: block; width: 100%; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; } //Button styles &.primary { @include button-style($button-primary-background); } &.success { @include button-style($button-success-background); } &.danger { @include button-style($button-danger-background); } &.warning { @include button-style($button-warning-background); } &.radius { @include border-radius($button-radius); } &.pill { @include border-radius($button-pill-radius); } /* Vertical separation */ /*----------------------*/ &.block + &.block { margin-top: $button-vertical-separation; } @media (max-width: $button-block-media-query-width) { & { display: block; width: 100%; } } }