describe("j$.pp", function () { it("should wrap strings in single quotes", function() { expect(j$.pp("some string")).toEqual("'some string'"); expect(j$.pp("som' string")).toEqual("'som' string'"); }); it("should stringify primitives properly", function() { expect(j$.pp(true)).toEqual("true"); expect(j$.pp(false)).toEqual("false"); expect(j$.pp(null)).toEqual("null"); expect(j$.pp(jasmine.undefined)).toEqual("undefined"); expect(j$.pp(3)).toEqual("3"); expect(j$.pp(-3.14)).toEqual("-3.14"); expect(j$.pp(-0)).toEqual("-0"); }); it("should stringify arrays properly", function() { expect(j$.pp([1, 2])).toEqual("[ 1, 2 ]"); expect(j$.pp([1, 'foo', {}, jasmine.undefined, null])).toEqual("[ 1, 'foo', { }, undefined, null ]"); }); it("should indicate circular array references", function() { var array1 = [1, 2]; var array2 = [array1]; array1.push(array2); expect(j$.pp(array1)).toEqual("[ 1, 2, [ ] ]"); }); it("should stringify objects properly", function() { expect(j$.pp({foo: 'bar'})).toEqual("{ foo: 'bar' }"); expect(j$.pp({foo:'bar', baz:3, nullValue: null, undefinedValue: jasmine.undefined})).toEqual("{ foo: 'bar', baz: 3, nullValue: null, undefinedValue: undefined }"); expect(j$.pp({foo: function () { }, bar: [1, 2, 3]})).toEqual("{ foo: Function, bar: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }"); }); it("should not include inherited properties when stringifying an object", function() { var SomeClass = function() {}; = "inherited foo"; var instance = new SomeClass(); = "my own bar"; expect(j$.pp(instance)).toEqual("{ bar: 'my own bar' }"); }); it("should not recurse objects and arrays more deeply than j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH", function() { var originalMaxDepth = j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH; var nestedObject = { level1: { level2: { level3: { level4: "leaf" } } } }; var nestedArray = [1, [2, [3, [4, "leaf"]]]]; try { j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH = 2; expect(j$.pp(nestedObject)).toEqual("{ level1: { level2: Object } }"); expect(j$.pp(nestedArray)).toEqual("[ 1, [ 2, Array ] ]"); j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH = 3; expect(j$.pp(nestedObject)).toEqual("{ level1: { level2: { level3: Object } } }"); expect(j$.pp(nestedArray)).toEqual("[ 1, [ 2, [ 3, Array ] ] ]"); j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH = 4; expect(j$.pp(nestedObject)).toEqual("{ level1: { level2: { level3: { level4: 'leaf' } } } }"); expect(j$.pp(nestedArray)).toEqual("[ 1, [ 2, [ 3, [ 4, 'leaf' ] ] ] ]"); } finally { j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH = originalMaxDepth; } }); it("should stringify immutable circular objects", function(){ if(Object.freeze){ var frozenObject = {foo: {bar: 'baz'}}; frozenObject.circular = frozenObject; frozenObject = Object.freeze(frozenObject); expect(j$.pp(frozenObject)).toEqual("{ foo: { bar: 'baz' }, circular: }"); } }); it("should truncate arrays that are longer than j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_ARRAY_LENGTH", function() { var originalMaxLength = j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_ARRAY_LENGTH; var array = [1, 2, 3]; try { j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_ARRAY_LENGTH = 2; expect(j$.pp(array)).toEqual("[ 1, 2, ... ]"); } finally { j$.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_ARRAY_LENGTH = originalMaxLength; } }); it("should stringify RegExp objects properly", function() { expect(j$.pp(/x|y|z/)).toEqual("/x|y|z/"); }); it("should indicate circular object references", function() { var sampleValue = {foo: 'hello'}; sampleValue.nested = sampleValue; expect(j$.pp(sampleValue)).toEqual("{ foo: 'hello', nested: }"); }); it("should indicate getters on objects as such", function() { var sampleValue = {id: 1}; if (sampleValue.__defineGetter__) { //not supported in IE! sampleValue.__defineGetter__('calculatedValue', function() { throw new Error("don't call me!"); }); } if (sampleValue.__defineGetter__) { expect(j$.pp(sampleValue)).toEqual("{ id: 1, calculatedValue: }"); } else { expect(j$.pp(sampleValue)).toEqual("{ id: 1 }"); } }); it('should not do HTML escaping of strings', function() { expect(j$.pp('some html string &', false)).toEqual('\'some html string &\''); }); it("should abbreviate the global (usually window) object", function() { expect(j$.pp(jasmine.getGlobal())).toEqual(""); }); it("should stringify Date objects properly", function() { var now = new Date(); expect(j$.pp(now)).toEqual("Date(" + now.toString() + ")"); }); it("should stringify spy objects properly", function() { var TestObject = { someFunction: function() {} }, env = new j$.Env(); env.spyOn(TestObject, 'someFunction'); expect(j$.pp(TestObject.someFunction)).toEqual("spy on someFunction"); expect(j$.pp(j$.createSpy("something"))).toEqual("spy on something"); }); it("should stringify objects that implement jasmineToString", function () { var obj = { jasmineToString: function () { return "strung"; } }; expect(j$.pp(obj)).toEqual("strung"); }); it("should handle objects with null prototype", function() { if (jasmine.getEnv().ieVersion < 9) { return; } var obj = Object.create(null); = 'bar'; expect(j$.pp(obj)).toEqual("{ foo: 'bar' }"); }); });