module Produce class DependencyChecker def self.check_dependencies self.check_phantom_js self.check_xcode_select unless Helper.is_test? end def self.check_phantom_js if `which phantomjs`.length == 0 # Missing brew dependency Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################' Helper.log.fatal "# You have to install phantomjs to use produce" Helper.log.fatal "# phantomjs is used to control the iTunesConnect frontend" Helper.log.fatal "# Install Homebrew using" if `which brew`.length == 0 Helper.log.fatal "# Run 'brew update && brew install phantomjs' and start produce again" Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################' raise "Run 'brew update && brew install phantomjs' and start produce again" end end def self.check_xcode_select unless `xcode-select -v`.include?"xcode-select version " Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################' Helper.log.fatal "# You have to install the Xcode commdand line tools to use produce" Helper.log.fatal "# Install the latest version of Xcode from the AppStore" Helper.log.fatal "# Run xcode-select --install to install the developer tools" Helper.log.fatal '#############################################################' raise "Run 'xcode-select --install' and start produce again" end end end end