# Rubocop-Bitcrowd Changelog Presented in reverse chronological order. ## master https://github.com/bitcrowd/rubocop-bitcrowd/compare/v2.0.0...HEAD *Put high-level summary here before releasing a new version* ### Deprecations: * *Put deprecations here (in a brief bullet point)* ### Potentially breaking changes: * *Put potentially breaking changes here (in a brief bullet point)* ### New features: * *Put new features here (in a brief bullet point)* ### Fixes: * *Put fixes here (in a brief bullet point)* ## 2.0.0 https://github.com/bitcrowd/rubocop-bitcrowd/compare/v1.3.0...v2.0.0 This release changes our approach on excluding certain file paths and directories from being inspected by the linter. Instead of fully overriding RuboCop's default `AllCops:Exclude` list (which used to be necessary up until `rubocop` v0.57.0), `rubocop-bitcrowd` now only provides some extra patterns as an extension to the default list. We in addition to the default directories, e.g. want to exclude `log`, `tmp` and `storage` in Rails projects. In order to keep excluding both, the bitcrowd patterns and the RuboCop's default ones, add this to your `.rubocop.yml` file: ```yml inherit_mode: merge: - Exclude ``` ### Potentially breaking changes: * require a rubocop version >= 0.57.0 * remove directories rubocop already excludes by default from the `AllCops:Exclude` list * keeping the existing list now requires to add an `inherit_mode` section into their `.rubocop.yml`: ```yml # This will merge the default exclude list with the one from rubocop-bitcrowd inherit_mode: merge: - Exclude ``` ### Fixes: * Also exclude the `tmp`, `log` and `storage` directories from being inspected. Working on a Rails application, especially the `tmp` directory fills up over time and slows down linting the project enormously. Same goes for the `storage` directory: here rubocop also has to dig through deeply nested folder structures. Note: rubocop's "default" configuration also ignores the `tmp` directory. ## `1.3.0` (2018-10-22) This release is a maintenance release. Most notably it let's us be compatile with rubocop versions >= 0.56 again. For a full list of changes, see the link or summary below. https://github.com/bitcrowd/rubocop-bitcrowd/compare/v1.2.1...v1.3.0 ### New features: * added `staging` to the list of known environments * enforce frozen_string_literal comment ### Fixes: * between rubocop version 0.55 and 0.56 we stopped processing most files because we overwrote `AllCops/Include`. This is fixed, but requires a rubocop version of 0.56 or higher. * we have a more detailed changelog which is conform with our changelog-style of other projects ## `1.2.1` (2018-03-22) https://github.com/bitcrowd/rubocop-bitcrowd/compare/v1.2.0...v1.2.1 ### Potentially breaking changes: * exclude spec/features from the `RSpec/ExampleLength` cop ### Fixes * ignore `node_modules` and `vendor/bundle` from being inspected ## `1.2.0` (2018-02-07) https://github.com/bitcrowd/rubocop-bitcrowd/compare/v1.1.2...v1.2.0 ### Fixes: * The cop `Layout/SpaceInsideBrackets` was deprecated and split into two sub-cops: * `Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets` * and `Layout/SpaceInsideReferenceBrackets` ## `1.1.2` (2017-10-23) https://github.com/bitcrowd/rubocop-bitcrowd/compare/v1.1.1...v1.1.2 ### Potentially breaking changes: * Changed to nested module style see: https://github.com/bitcrowd/rubocop-bitcrowd/pull/4 ## `1.1.1` (2017-09-21) https://github.com/bitcrowd/rubocop-bitcrowd/compare/v1.1.0...v1.1.1 ### Fixes: * exclude db/schema.rb from being evaluated * the cop `Style/SpaceInsideBrackets` was renamed to `Layout/SpaceInsideBrackets` ## `1.1.0` (2017-09-21) https://github.com/bitcrowd/rubocop-bitcrowd/compare/695fb551bcd1e17a12f80e34c9bbcb842cee35ea...v1.1.1 * First official release