# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## [0.24.0] - 2019-12-29 ### Added - Support for **Ruby@2.7**; ## [0.23.0] - 2019-12-12 ### Added - Support for `Pathname` file path in `.load_from_json`, `.load_from_yaml`, `.load_from_toml`, `.expose_yaml`, `.expose_json`, `.expose_toml`; ## [0.22.0] - 2019-12-12 ### Added - Support for `Pathname` file path in `.values_file`, `#load_from_file`, `#load_from_yaml`, `#load_from_json` and `#load_from_toml`; ## [0.21.0] - 2019-12-12 ### Added - Brand new type of config objects `Qonfig::Compacted`: - represents the compacted config object with setting readers and setting writers only; - setting keys are represented as direct instace methods (`#settings` invokation does not need); - no any other useful instance-based functionality; - full support of `Qonfig::DataSet` DSL commands (`.setting`, `.validate`, `.add_validator`, `.load_from_x`/`.expose_x` and etc); - can be instantiated by: - by existing config object: `Qonfig::DataSet#compacted` or `Qonfig::Compacted.build_from(config, &configuration)` - by direct instantiation: `Qonfig::Compacted.new(settings_values = {}, &configuration)`; - by implicit instance building without explicit class definition `Qonfig::Compacted.build(&dsl_commands) # => instance of Qonfig::Compacted`; - Added `Qonfig::DataSet.build_compacted` method: works in `Qonfig::DataSet.build` manner but returns compacted config object (`Qonfig::Compacted`); - Added missing `#[]=(key, value)` accessor-method for `Qonfig::DataSet` objects; - Added support for `do |config|` configuration block in `#load_from_self` / `#load_from_yaml` / `#load_from_json` / `#load_from_toml` values-loading methods; - **Plugins** `pretty_print`: - added missing beautification logic for `Qonfig::Settings` objects; - added support for `Qonfig::Compacted` beautification; - `#valid_with?` now supports configuration block (`do |config|`); - `Import API`: support for predicate methods; ### Changed - `.load_from_self`: default format was changed from `:yaml` to `:dynamic`; - `.expose_self`: default format was changed from `:yaml` to `:dynamic`; - Minor `Qonfig::DataSet` and `Qonfig::Settings::Builder` refactorings; ### Fixed - Configs without any setting key can not be imported and exported by generic key patterns (`*` and `#`); ## [0.20.0] - 2019-12-01 ### Added - Extended **Validation API**: you can define your own predefined validators via `.define_validator(name, &validation)` directive; - `re_setting` - a special DSL command method that fully redefines existing settings (redefines existing settings instead of reopening them); ## [0.19.1] - 2019-11-29 ### Changed - Support for Ruby 2.3 has ended. ### Fixed - Invalid default values for `#export_settings` method attributes (invalid `mappings:` value); ## [0.19.0] - 2019-11-26 ### Added - **FINALY**: support for dot-notation in `#key?`, `#option?`, `#setting?`, `#dig`, `#subset`, `#slice`, `#slice_value`, `[]`; - `freeze_state!` DSL directive (all your configs becomes frozen after being instantiated immediately); - Global `Qonfig::FrozenError` error for `frozen`-based exceptions; - explicit validation of potential setting values: - `#valid_with?(configurations = {})` - check that current config instalce will be valid with passed configurations; - `.valid_with?(configurations = {})` - check that potential config instancess will be valid with passed configurations; - `#pretty_print` plugin :) (`Qonfig.plugin(:pretty_print)`); - `Qonfig.loaded_plugins`/`Qonfig.enabled_plugins` - show loaded plugins; ### Changed - `Qonfig::FrozenSettingsError` now inherits `Qonfig::FrozenError` type; ## [0.18.1] - 2019-11-05 ### Added - New `yield_all:` attribute for `#deep_each_setting` method (`#deep_each_setting(yield_all: false, &block)`)) - `yield_all:` means "yield all config objects" (end values and root setting objects those have nested settings) (`false` by default) ### Fixed - `#keys(all_variants: true)` returns incorrect set of keys when some of keys has name in dot-notated format; ## [0.18.0] - 2019-11-04 ### Added - `#keys` - returns a list of all config keys in dot-notation format; - `#root_keys` - returns a list of root config keys; - Inroduce `Import API`: - `.import_settings` - DSL method for importing configuration settings (from a config instance) as instance methods of a class; - `#export_settings` - config's instance method that exports config settings to an arbitrary object as singelton methods; ## [0.17.0] - 2019-10-30 ### Added - Introduce `strict` validations: `strict: false` option ignores `nil` values and used by default; - Setting's key existence check methods: `#key?(*key_path)`, `#setting?(*key_path)`, `#option?(*key_path)`; - `#with(temporary_configurations = {}, &arbitary_code)` - run arbitary code with temporary settings; - `TOML` plugin: support for TOML version 0.5.0; - Introduce instance-level file loading methods that specifies a file with setting values for your defined settings: - `.values_file` - define a file that will be used during instantiation process; - `#load_from_file`, `#load_from_self`, `#load_from_yaml`, `#load_from_json`, `#load_from_toml` (toml plugin) - instance methods for loading setting values on your config instance directly from a file; ### Changed - `Qonfig::DataSet.build` now supports a Qonfig::DataSet-class attribute that should be inherited (`self` is used by default): - new signature: `Qonfig::DataSet.build(base_config_klass = self, &config_class_definitions)`; - Refacored DSL commands: introduce `Qonfig::Commands::Definition` commands and `Qonfig::Commands::Instantiation` commands; - Updated runtime (`toml-rb` `1` -> `2`) and development dependencies; ## [0.16.0] - 2019-09-13 ### Added - `Qonfig::DataSet.build(&config_klass_definitions)` - build config instance immidietly without `Qonfig::DataSet`-class definition; - `#subset` - get a subset of config settings represented as a hash; ## [0.15.0] - 2019-09-02 ### Added - `:format`-option for `load_from_self` and `expose_self` commands that identifies which data format should be chosen for parsing; ## [0.14.0] - 2019-08-28 ### Added - `expose_json` - a command that provides an ability to define config settings by loading them from a json file where the concrete settings depends on the chosen environment; - works in `expose_yaml` manner; - `expose_self` - a command that provides an ability to define config settings by loading them from the current file where `__END__` instruction is defined (concrete settings dependes on the chosen environment); - works with `YAML` format; ### Changed - `Qonfig::Settings::Callbacks` is thread safe now; - Minor refactorings; ## [0.13.0] - 2019-08-13 ### Added - Iteration over setting keys (`#each_setting { |key, value| }`, `#deep_each_setting { |key, value| }`); - Brand new `Validation API`; ### Changed - Actualized development dependencies; ## [0.12.0] - 2019-07-19 ### Added - Support for **TOML** (`.toml`) format - realized as a plugin (`Qonfig.plugin(:toml)`); - provides `#save_to_toml`, `#load_from_toml`, `#expose_toml` methods and works in `#*_yaml`-like manner); - depends on `gem toml-rb (>= 1)` - Custom `bin/rspec` command: - `bin/rspec -n` - run tests without plugin tests; - `bin/rspec -w` - run all tests; - Added more convinient aliases for `Qonfig::DataSet` instances: - `#save_to_yaml` => `#dump_to_yaml`; - `#save_to_json` => `#dump_to_json`; - `#save_to_toml` => `#dump_to_toml`; ### Changed - Actualized development dependencies; ## [0.11.0] - 2019-05-15 ### Added - `#save_to_json` - save configurations to a json file (uses native `::JSON.generate` under the hood); - `#save_to_yaml` - save configurations to a yaml file (uses native `::Psych.dump` under the hood); ### Changed - new `#to_h` signature: `#to_h(key_transformer:, value_transformer:)` - `:key_transformer` - proc object used for key pre-processing (`-> (key) { key }` by default); - `:value_transformer` - proc object used for value pre-processing (`-> (value) { value }` by default); ## [0.10.0] - 2019-02-26 ### Added - `#slice_value` - get a slice of config options as a hash set and fetch the required value using the given key set; ## [0.9.0] - 2018-11-28 ### Added - `#slice` - get a slice of config options as a hash set (works in a `#dig` manner); ## [0.8.0] - 2018-11-21 ### Changed - `expose_yaml`, `load_from_yaml`, `load_from_json` and `load_from_self` treats empty hash (`{}`) as an option with empty hash value (previously treated as a nested setting without options); ## [0.7.0] - 2018-10-20 ### Added - `expose_yaml` - a command that provides an ability to define config settings by loading them from a yaml file where the concrete settings depends on the chosen environment; ## [0.6.0] - 2018-08-22 ### Added - `#shared_config` - instance method that provides an access to the class level config object from `Qonfig::Configurable` instances; ## [0.5.0] - 2018-07-27 ### Added - `load_from_json`- a command that provides an ability to define config settings by loading them from a json file (in `load_from_yaml` manner); ### Changed - Support for Ruby 2.2 has ended; ## [0.4.0] - 2018-06-24 ### Added - Introduce Plugin Ecosystem (`Qonfig::Plugins`): - load plugin: `Qonfig.plugin('plugin_name')` or `Qonfig.plugin(:plugin_name)`; - get registered plugins: `Qonfig.plugins #=> array of strings` ## [0.3.0] - 2018-06-13 ### Added - Improved configuration process: `#configure` can take a hash as a configuration `[option key => option]` map of values; ### Changed - `#clear!` causes `Qonfig::FrozenSettingsError` if config object is frozen; ## [0.2.0] - 2018-06-07 ### Added - Instant configuration via block `config = Config.new { |conf| <> }`; - `.load_from_env` command - an ability to define config settings by loading them from ENV variable; - `.load_from_yaml` command - an ability to define config settings by loading them from a yaml file; - `.load_from_self` command - an ability to load config definitions form the YAML instructions written in the file where the config class is defined (`__END__` section); - `#reload!` - an ability to reload config isntance after any config class changes and updates; - `#clear!` - an ability to set all options to `nil`; - `#dig` - an ability to fetch setting values in `Hash#dig` manner (fails with `Qonfig::UnknownSettingError` when the required key does not exist); - Settings as Predicates - an ability to check the boolean nature of the config setting by appending the question mark symbol (`?`) at the end of setting name: - `nil` and `false` setting values indicates `false`; - other setting values indicates `true`; - setting roots always returns `true`; - examples: - `config.settings.database.user # => nil`; - `config.settings.database.user? # => false`; - `config.settings.database.host # => 'google.com'`; - `config.settings.database.host? # => true`; - `config.settings.database? # => true (setting with nested option (setting root))` - Support for ERB instructions in YAML; - Support for `HashWithIndifferentAccess`-like behaviour; - `Qonfig::Settings` instance method redefinition protection: the setting key can not have a name that matches an any instance method name of `Qonfig::Settings`; - Added `Qonfig::Configurable` mixin - configuration behaviour for any classes and modules and their instances: - all `Qonfig`-related features; - different class-level and instance-level config objects; - working class-level inheritance :); - Full thread-safe implementation; ### Changed - Superclass of `Qonfig::FrozenSettingsError` (it was `Qonfig::Error` before): - `ruby >= 2.5` - inherited from `::FrozenError`; - `ruby < 2.5` - inherited from `::RuntimeError`; - `.setting` will raise exceptions immediately: - `.setting(key, ...) { ... }` - if setting key has incompatible type; - `.compose(config_class)`- if composed config class is not a subtype of `Qonfig::DataSet`; ### Fixed - Recoursive hash representation with deep nested `Qonfig::Settings` values (infinite loop); - Fixed re-assignment of the options with nested options (losing the nested options due to the instance configuration). Now it causes `Qonfig::AmbigousSettingValueError`. ## [0.1.0] - 2018-05-18 - Release :)